I realize I just started my first Spyro story but I gotta write this idea down.



The light was distant in the dark temple. Spyro's gave was blocked as a large bird flew past before him and landed on the edge of the castle, amongst the gargoyles. The bird licked at the dried blood on the tip of the nearest gargoyles spear. It had been a long time since blood had been spilled in this castle but death still hung in the air. Spyro could still smell the blood of enemies on his claws and could still taste the crimson liquid on his tongue. The fire that burned in the moat around his castle exploded up into the air at the approach of some creature.

Spyro quickly tapped his convexity powers and looked at the nearing creature, scanning for how much power it held. Quite a lot. A smile crept across his face. A challenge.

Cynder was nervous as she looked at the dark castle. Orcs stood around it and creatures of horrible creation flew about. As she neared the magical barrier, two orcs crossed their deadly spears in front of her. Only a stall. She knew what they were waiting on, and she was waiting for it too. It. Yes that was the right word for what lived here. He wouldn't ambush or use any tactic. Approach and destroy. He landed in front of her and she viewed his new shape. He was larger. Not the small dragon that had saved her from evil but a large bulk and power. His eyes were the same as they had been long ago, but his purple scales had turned to black.

He eyed her as she looked at him, with a mix of fear and anxiety. She knew he could feel her feelings, they were a perfume to his nostrils and he smiled.

"You never were afraid of me before, Cynder." He said. "What has brought this new fear?"

"Why Spyro?" She asked as they began to walk in a circle, watching each others movements but she watched with caution while he watched with careless interest.

"Why what?" He mocked.

"Spyro, I'm serious!" She cried, a few tears burning her eyes.

"And?" He rolled his eyes.

"Don't you care anymore?"

"For who?"

"The elders! Sparx! M-…. me…."

Spyro's black glance faltered and then he laughed. "Oh this is rich! You're serious aren't you?"

Cynder covered her face softly crying and stopped walking.

"Oh cut the shit." He said rolling his eyes and taking a step forward. "How should I get rid of you?"

"Why did you turn on us?" She shouted and looking into his black eyes.

"Earth? No to messy…" he pushed the question aside. "Ice… maybe…"

"Why?" She screamed.

"Fire? No that would just chip all over my floors… Convexity? No I'd rather have a souvenir…"

She tackled him to the ground and pushed her claws against his chest. She stared into his flickering eyes. They showed no trace of emotion… he truly seemed gone. Was he really? Her thought was interrupted when he sighed loudly.

"Fine, fine." He lifted a claw and touched it to her forehead and a bright light passed from his finger to her mind. The memory burst into her thoughts and she saw it… she saw everything…

She was lost in the sight when he lifted her up by the throat. "Ice it is." Was all he said and she hadn't even awaken as the ice was cast over her scales and her body was suspended.