AN: Something I wrote because it's two thirty in the morning, I'm an insomniac, and I have the slightest obsession with Draco/Luna.

Luna sighed.

"You shouldn't get so worked up about these types of things,Draco." She said as she patted the soil.

To an outsider it would've looked as if she were simply gardening but Draco knew that she was putting some strange item that was supposed to something to an imaginary something else and Draco really didn't see the need to ask about specifics.

The last time he did that it resulted him in not being able to have sex for three weeks. He vowed to never question her again after that.

Draco didn't respond,just kept on walking back and forth the length of the flowerbed,grumbling to himself.

She flicked her wand at the 'Narnians' or whatever is she called 'them'.

"It's okay to feel jealous, Draco. A little possessiveness is good for the soul. But you really shouldn't get too angry. This will happen again in the future. As you see I am very attractive."

She looked at him with a most serious face and it was almost enough to make him smile. But not quite.

"He said you had a nice ass!"

"But Draco, you see, I do have a nice ass? Don't you think so?" If the words would've come out of anyone else's mouth they

would've been taunting, teasing, playful, flirty. But they didn't come out of anyone else's mouth, the words came out of Luna's so they were actually genuine.

"Yes, Lun, I do enjoy that ass of yours." Draco said rolling his eyes, even though his statement was quite truthful.

"Well, that is a relief. Otherwise last night you would've been faking and that just makes it seem far less enjoyable."

Draco smirked a bit at that but it was soon wiped off when he thought of the situation again.

"Fine, but touching it was crossing the line!"

"Oh, yes. It was a bit unfortunate but not entirely uncomfortable. His hands were rather soft."


The said girl sighed. "Draco, Draco, Draco."

Draco knelt down and wrapped his arms around her waist and breathed into her ear. "Yes, Luna?" He whispered, reminding him

of the previous night which had most definitely not been faked. By either of them.

"I actually find your attitude about this quite charming. A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy, it's always

nice to know someone's afraid to lose you."

He pulled back from her slightly. "Did you get that off the calendar that Potter sent you for Christmas?"

"Oh, no." She smiled and her face lit up, automatically causing Draco's to do the same.

"I got it from FaceBook."

"What the bloody hell is a facebook?"

"It's a..."

He cut her off with a kiss.

"On second thought, I don't want to know."


AN: Ugh. I've been wanting to write Draco/Luna FOREVER and then it turns out complete...rubbish like this. /:

Ugh. Why, oh why, do I pick the two hardest characters to write IC? (to me anyway) Oh, right. Because I'm a crazy. Gotcha.

I have to go shopping tomorrow...

I hate shopping. /:

Review and cheer me up? :D :D :D