Okay, got the idea from a couple of one-shots from Penultimate, who gave me permission to use the idea. Of course, it's been so long, they've probably forgotten. However, no plagiarism is intended. Takes place directly after Everybody Loves A Clown. Belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. This is in Sam's POV.

I sat on the bed, jiggling my leg, trying to quell my nerves. I hated clowns; that was no secret. But the secret was why. And I couldn't tell. I could never tell. He had made me promise. I closed my eyes, and almost immediately, I could hear the carnival music. With a strangled moan, I dipped my head, and tried to will away the memories, but to no avail. My seven-year old self looked around in amazed wonder. I had never been to a carnival and it had taken Dean some sweet-talking to get Dad to agree to it. Hearing an upbeat tune, I sprinted away from Dean and hurried towards it. Following the music, I came across a bunch tents. Eagerly, I went inside one.

"Well, hi, there!" At the cheery voice, I turned around.

"Hi!" I greeted, seeing the man in the clown costume.

"What a handsome little boy you are," the man said. I beamed. He walked towards me, and something in his eyes made my grin falter. I started to back away, but he was too fast and had me by the arm in no time.

"Not so fast, boy," he said, still in that cheery tone. He pinned me to the ground. As the images came back, I made a hacking sound and made a mad dash for the hotel bathroom, where I immediately upchucked into the sink. I shuddered, as I felt the ghost of the man's hands all over my body. Presently, I heard the sound of hotel room door opening.

"Hey, Sammy! You in here?" I heard Dean call. My only answer was to gag. I felt, rather than heard, Dean come in.

"Hey, you okay, Kiddo?" he asked in concern. When I was finally done dumping my lunch into the sink, I looked up.

"Yeah, uh-I'm okay. Guess the burger didn't really agree with me," I stated.

"Dude, you're just way too delicate," Dean teased. I threw him a weak grin. "Come on, let's go," he continued. I rinsed out my mouth and then followed him out to the Impala. Thank goodness he had bought it. He could never know the truth. So I'll keep feeding him the lie. It's the lie I gotta tell.