A/N: Hey guys, I've decided not to put in so much OCs in my stories, they only detract focus away from the main character(s). So here's my first multi-chapter story without an OC-centric character.

So, with that being said, here's a new story Naruto: Lone Marksman, while I find more inspiration to continue my other in-complete story Shattered, so I'm sure I'll be stumbling, hope you guys put in some constructive criticism!

The pairings are undecided, Naruto and Yugito are a maybe, since I will have them working as future partners. But again it's a maybe, it could turn out to be a harem at that point, so I'll make the characters as only Naruto U.

A/N: This chapter was officially revised on 05/26/11!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or anything to do with it. Naruto is the sole property of Masashi Kishimoto, and I expect it will stay that way. But a man can dream right?



Jutsu/Demon speech

A blond 6-year-old was busy running away from a mob. They were out for blood. In the dark sky, fireworks lit up the sky, a contrast to the mood in this particular street.

It was October 10th. 6th year after the attack, and subsequent defeat of the mighty Kyuubi no Yoko, and death of the Yondaime Hokage.

Again? I can't believe that the Old Man would allow this on my birthday! Thought a distressed Naruto.

Behind him, shouts for vengeance and the death of the 'demon brat' were making their intentions clear.

It never did occur to them, that if the little blond was in fact the Nine-tailed demon, that they would have been nothing but red smears on the ground. But Naruto never truly hated anyone. Not the shopkeepers who kicked him out or overpriced him. Not the random passerby who spat and glared at him. Not even the various Chuunin, Jounin, and the occasional ANBU operatives who allow the beatings.

Sure, the Sandaime Hokage treated him as best he could, but he explained to him how even he could not completely force his will upon the village of Konohagakure. The council alone was the greatest obstacle he could not overcome, not even The Professor, so he implored Naruto to deal with it until he made ninja rank.

Naruto always had a particular interest in the ANBU black operatives. Now when I say a particular interest with a 6-year-old, I mean borderline worship. Not so much in the ranking systems or even their power, but the fact they only answered to their comrades and the Hokage personally. He always wanted to serve and protect the village, while also not spending too much time in it.

As the mob caught up to him, courtesy of him tripping on a cursed piece of stone, he lost himself to blissful unconsciousness.

He woke up in a dark, ominous sewer. Oh he knew already that he was in his mind scape. He also knew that he was the jailer of the Kyuubi no Yoko. They had already met on not so good terms 2 years ago, during a particularly brutal...beating of sorts. Kyuubi explained how he was trapped, and that if Naruto died, he would as well, and devoted some of his power to healing him. He also, after much contemplation and yelling, told him, that if he were to come again, in a precarious situation, that he would help him gain power...if only out of self-preservation.

He walked down the snaking hallways of his mind scape, trudging through whatever was in the murky but odorless water.

"Ah, pitiful human, again brutalized and tortured by his own kind." boomed the voice of the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon.

"...So, is the power that you said you would grant me ready?" sighed Naruto, as long as he lived, he would protect, and despite the beatings, he would endure, and he couldn't protect while he was unconscious.

"Impatient, aren't we? But what do you take me for you insolent brat? Of course they are." Kyuubi's red youkai seeped through the bars of the large cage took 4 shapes in front of Naruto, and with it, his destiny.

As the 2 of the 4 shapes took form, they were a polished light-weight black steel, a short L-type weapon. The guns as Kyuubi had called it, were a dual-pistol type. Semi-automatic projectile system, the projectiles, called bullets designed to break through armor, yet stop and explode upon penetration of flesh. The bullets were semi-sentient and could detect when to piece a piece of wood, and when to explode right next to a vital organ, such as a lung. The semi-sentient bullets also meant, that with training and precision, he could intercept and destroy kunai, shuriken, and even other bullets if needed.

The pistols were meant for all types of combat, from close combat, right up until shooting down the horizon for a specific target, though in then latter case, the accuracy would be reduced, as the were only iron sights. And even highly-proficient specialists would have trouble hitting a target downrange over 500 yards.

The next and largest form took shape in yet another L-type weapon, but substantially larger. The barrel was much larger, along with a stock, wider clip to hold the bullets, and came with the see-through object on top, replacing the iron sights, called a scope. The sniper weapon, was a deep black steel, much like the two smaller pistols he has already added to specifically-made hostler on his hips, but the parts of the chamber and barrel were colored with a rich crimson, the color of blood. It could fire beyond a range of 2 - 3 miles and brought devastation wherever it went. The bullet was also semi-sentient, which only added to the firepower the the weapon could unleash.

The last form took into the shape of a katana. It was a deep black stainless-steel, only a bit shorter than the sniper before it. The hilt lacked a hand guard, most likely used more for offense and speed rather than defense, it was colored a deep crimson. A curved and explicitly simple design, with combat only in mind. It was unbelievably sharp. He should know, he was on the receiving end of it during training with the Kyuubi when he was 5.

Placing the katana on his back, next to the sniper, he change his clothes in the mind scape, a black soldier-style combat vest with numerous pockets, modified ANBU pants in order to adjust to his hostlers, and black steel-toed combat boots.

He was already proficient in all these weapons, due to some of his training, he constantly hid his talents, preferring to go all out when he used replicas of the weapons he had. Kyuubi was a very good, brutal, if not a sadistic teacher. He had also taught he the many usages of chakra, stating it was a waste to completely forgo such useful advantages. Kyuubi had rated him on paper as 'Kage' Level. However Kyuubi had stopped the beginnings of his ever-loud cheering by saying realistically, he was only 'Mid Jounin' to 'Low ANBU' level at best. There was no real substitute for combat experience.

Still, Naruto had been ecstatic, and reported all of this to one Hiruzen Sarutobi, or the Sandaime Hokage. The military leader of the powerhouse that was Konohagakure.

He, at first was skeptical, of just about everything, but after Naruto brought him into his mind scape, not an easy feat mind you, he had agreed with Kyuubi's judgement to properly rank him into the ninja program once he received his true weapons. Secret from the council of course, but if there was any one thing Sarutobi wanted to do against the council's judgement, it was this and another secret.

When Naruto had been told about his parents, he received an even bigger idol, seeing his parents fight for the village so passionately. However, he was not able to live in the Namikaze estate until he was introduced into the ninja program and after telling the council. Naturally, Sarutobi already felt the beginnings of a massive migraine when he should speak to the council, both civilian and ninja, since, ultimately, both of them do deal with this situation, Naruto wasn't a ninja yet, and as such, fell under the horrors that was the civilian council.

Another side effect of training with the Kyuubi, allowed him to rapidly grow, in muscle, maturity, and biologically. He was 16, in every sense of the age, except chronologically. 10 years might be a bit much, but Kyuubi had commented that with such early exposure to his violent youkai, that he body would physically slow aging at 21, his prime, to the point where he would seem even ageless when he was already 31 chronologically.

Amazingly, the Namikaze blood running in his veins already allowed him a sort of exponential growth. While most people could not go past a certain point in various skills, he could. For example, it was considered impossible to run past 55 km/h, even with the most potent and trained shinobi, even other Jinchuuriki would stagger past 40 km/h. However, when Naruto trained with Kage Bushin. He found out, he could potentially go in excess of over 60 km/h, and it was even rising! His potentially was only limited by his will to train, and with the helpful feedback of his Shadow Clones, Kyuubi, and even Sarutobi, he was already in a stage of power where most people could not even come close to claiming. However there was always a drawback, in that particular skill of sprinting speed, no one's mind would be fast enough to perceptibly take in his or her's surroundings, a speed that fast could end up dangerous, since his mind could probably not pick the fact that he was running into a tree.

Again, the Namikaze bloodline proved superior in that aspect as well, mental growth was also exponential, and as such, he would be able to see and process thoughts, situations, battle tactics all as one huge supercomputer...on speed. The even more astounding fact was that again, there was no limit! He could surpass even that with a smile on his face.

Of course, he wasn't at that level, but the Namikaze bloodline took that in account apparently. It also for faster growth and adaptation of environments. These, combined with his near instant healing factor, gave him a great advantage against unassuming hostile shinobi. Add all this with his never-before-seen-in-this-world weapons and the Sandaime's huge reservoir of jutsus, knowledge, and seals? You probably were asking for a death wish if you were up against him...even if he wasn't aiming to kill, he could take down most ANBU with a number disadvantage, and the element of surprise didn't hurt in the slightest.

As he woke up at the crack of dawn in his bed, he realized that it was probably one of the more compassionate ANBU who had taken him home. Muttering a silent thanks, he got up and preformed his daily rituals. There was a slight change, and instead of the usual bright orange jumpsuit, which did in fact kill any chance of stealth, he dressed up into the clothes when he was in the mindscape. Summoning his weapons took little time, as those were already in the mindscape, ready to be used. Just a little chakra, some concentration, and viola! Some kick-ass weaponry and a bad-ass image, Naruto style. He idly wondered what the reactions of the Old Man Hokage would be.

He knew however, that he was no match for higher ranking shinobi with a numerical disadvantage, he began thinking.

He would need a partner, another Jinchuuriki who could also summon weapons, they would need to compliment each other, and form a dual-team...what was he specialist in again? As he keep walking towards the Hokage tower, he remember that it could be a Multi-role team. But it also most specialized in assassination mission.

He shrugged and made him way past curious, yet heated stares. He subconsciously fingered his pistols as he passed by rather unsavory drunks, luckily enough, they left him alone, for the most part.

He knew that dwelling on partners and such further was pointless until he came across another Jinchuuriki. But then again, where were that chances on that?