Summary: Jacob Black has been forced out of his home and sent to live at Cullen House for wayward kids. Things get interesting once he sets his sights on the Cullen's youngest son Edward. Edward/Jacob and possible Mpreg later on. M for later content and language.

A/N: A big thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed this story! From now on this story is going to be from Jacob's P.O.V

Cullen House For Wayward Teens

I hate geometry.

It's boring, it's difficult as can be, and the teacher is a complete ass.

Don't get me wrong, Forks High has turned out to be pretty cool, but Mr. Rosendale was the biggest jerk that I've ever laid eyes on. His theory is that, geometry was as easy as listening, taking notes, and studying. If you weren't smart enough to "get it" then you were an idiot who didn't pay attention and wasn't capable of handling the "real world". Now I may be a lot of things, but I was NOT an idiot. Much to Mr. Rosendale's surprise, I was an A student in every class but his. In fact, I was polite enough to point this out to him, and bold enough, to tell him that maybe it was his style of teaching that need adjusting, as well as more "listening" to his students. Needless to say my words were not very well received, earning me two days of detention. Esme was thrilled when she got that call. She was so thrilled, that I was grounded for a week. However, I had the satisfaction of listening to mother Esme tell Mr. Rosendale, just what she thought of him and how he spoke to his students.

Thank God Bella was a genius when it came to this crap, other wise I would be doomed to repeat this utterly useless course next year. She has spent three long months trying to help me and it's paid off. With the help of my new best friend (besides Edward of course), I was able to pull up my grade from a D to a B.

Take that Rosendale!

Now spring break was quickly approaching and I was looking forward to a week without the math teacher from hell. However it was going to be very lonely since Bella was heading off to see her parents, taking Alice and Jasper with her. They were my friends and things were going to be hard without them to entertain me. However, I would love to be a fly on the wall on the day that Bella tells her parents just what kind of relationship she had with the two vampires.

Oh to see the look on their faces. Ha!

"So Jacob, what are you doing for spring break?"

The question forces me to look at Jessica who's staring at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm not sure. It's not like I'm going to visit the reservation or anything so I'll probably just hang out at home."

Her smile grows even wider as a thought passes through her mind.

Shocking, I know.

"You and Edward should totally come with us to L.A. My dad rented me and Angela a villa for the week. We're going to drive down there and hang out at all of the hottest clubs, courteously of our fake ID's of course. It going to be freaking awesome and we would love for you guys to tag along. You'd even have your own bedroom, you know, for the fun stuff." She finishes with a wink.

Bella must have noticed the look on my face because she instantly started laughing.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Jake. I'm sure you and Edward would love to have a little privacy so Emmett won't be able to re enact your private moments. How does it go again Em?"

My eyes widened.

"Emmett, don't you even think about it!" I said giving him the evil eye.

Of course, being the big douche bag that he is, the vampire only laughs at me, his dimples making an appearance.

Next thing I knew a very good imitation of my voice is assaulting the ears of those anywhere near the cafeteria.

"Ah…Oh…fuck….Edward. That's it, don't stop."

I cringe as everyone around me burst into laughter, some shaking their heads in disgust as I try to hide my embracement. I really hated living with vampires.

Damn them and their super hearing.

By this time Edward has stopped pushing his food around to look at me, a devious, sexy grin on his face.

I knew what he was thinking and I didn't like it one bit.

Edward and I had grown close over the past two months, and not just sexually (well as far as you can go without actual penetration). We talk a lot, he's helped to me deal with my broken relationship with my father, the hurt that I've experienced at the hands of my so called friends and pack brothers as well as being kicked out of my home for being gay. Although Edward wanted more from me, I just wasn't ready to sleep with him. Sure I've been a little sluttish in the past but I feel that things with Edward should be handled different. Unlike the other guys I've been with, I actually care about Edward. I wouldn't go as far as to call it love just yet but we were getting close. However, fighting him off was getting harder and harder with every passing day.

Edward was obviously used to getting what he wanted and the fact that I had yet to give in to his advances, was driving him insane. What he didn't know was that it was just as hard for me. I just wanted our first time be special. I know that I sound like a chick right now but I can't help it. No one has ever made me feel the way that he does and I don't want sex to ruin that.

His hand finds it's way to my thigh and gives it a squeeze. I look up to see him wink at me.

I already knew what he was going to say.

"Sure Jess. I think that's a great idea. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning at 5 p.m. sharp. I want to get there by dinner time. I hear the night life in L.A is freaking awesome."

"I don't know about this Edward. We haven't asked Esme and Carlisle yet and it's going to take a while for us to pack and…"

"Nonsense love. I'm sure Esme and Carlisle will be fine with it and it won't take us that long to pack for a week, besides we can always buy clothes when we get down there."

"Yeah, come on Jake. We'll have so much fun."

I groan and lean back in my seat. I knew what was going to happen if I was alone with Edward with no Alice, Bella or Esme to run an interference and save me from myself.

"Yes, we'll have lots of fun Jacob. So please say yes. You know you want to." Edward says leaning in dangerously close "Imagine all of the different ways we could have fun without all of those pesky interruptions." He finishes as he drapes an arm around my shoulders right before nibbling on my ear and squeezing my thigh once more.

I'm sure that I'm glowing bright red as everyone around us stares. It's not like the entire school didn't know that we were "together" I just wasn't one for a whole lot of PDA.

I pull myself away from him and straighten up, praying that my hard on would disappear before the bell rang.

"Ok, fine. But if Edward rapes me, you'll have only yourselves to blame."

"Yay, road trip! We're going on a road trip, we're going on a road trip…" Angela claps her hands and giggles while she dances in her seat.

I suddenly find myself wondering just what kind of friends I had.

"This is going to be like the best trip ever! We'll be taking my father's Escalade so there'll be plenty of room for all of our things. Umm, we'll pack a bunch of snacks for the drive…"

As Jessica rambled on, I tried to think of a way out of this. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the idea of having Edward to myself but I was scared that I wouldn't be able to control myself and stop us from going all the way. Yes he was sexy and I cared for him deeply but I wasn't ready to have sex with him. Maybe one day, possibly one day soon but not now.

I take a deep breath as the bell rings and push back my chair back. Beside me Edward does the same, following me out of the cafeteria after saying good bye to our friends. We walk side by side for a while and we stop right in front of my locker so that I can grab my history book.

Out the corner of my eye I can see him watching me, his face a mixture of disappointment and another emotion that I couldn't quite read.

"You know that I would never force you to do anything that you truly don't want to do, right?"

I curse myself for not thinking about how my thoughts could possibly affect the telepath.

"Edward, listen. I…"

He holds up a hand to silence me.

"I understand if you don't want to go. Really, it's fine. We can find something to do at home with Rose and Emmett if that will make you feel more comfortable."

I can hear the pain in his voice. He thought that I didn't trust him.

"No, it's fine Edward. We can go, it's no big deal."

He looks down at the ground for a moment then back to me. His eyes narrowed and his fist were clenched.

Was he angry with me?

"I don't want you to make this decision out of guilt or in an attempt to spare my feelings Jacob. I want you to go only if that's what you desire. So stop lying to me and just tell me the truth."

I tense up and step back. I've never seen Edward this upset before and most certainly not at me.

"I didn't mean to make you angry Edward and it's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust myself. I want our first time together to be special and we both know that it's hard for me to resist you as it is." I say taking his hand in mine as I close my locker and we continue down the hall. "I don't want us to just give into temptation and ruin what we have. At the same time, I don't want to pass up the opportunity to get away for a week and have some fun for once, just the two of us. So, I say let's go. But please try to understand when I say no that it's not because I don't want to, it's just because I want us to wait."

I breathe a sigh of relief when his smile reappears.

"I understand. Whatever makes you happy love."

"Good." I say stopping in front of my history class.

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for understanding. See you after class."

"Can't wait." He says with a smile before walking away.

As I watch him continue down the hall I smile and think that maybe, just maybe this trip isn't such a bad idea after all.

It's just me, Edward, a few friends and lots of fun.

What could possibly go wrong?

A/N: Thanks so much for the awesome reviews guys and I'm sorry this chapter was so short. I'm in the process of moving right now so I just wanted to get an update out there so you guys will have something to read. When I come back I swear the chapter will be longer. Also, this trip will have our boys facing some not so friendly and some overly flirty foes. So yeah, it's going to be very interesting. Lol. Hope you like the new chapter and I'll try to writ more again soon.