

Act 1.6: Kryptonite.

please don't go crazy, if I tell you the truth

["How to be Dead" Snow Patrol]



Miyako dropped a slip of paper in front of Marron as Pakkyaramao Sensei dismissed class.

"What's this?" Marron examined it briefly. "…You're not going to Sukima Switch?"

"Oh, I am going. But I won't need a ticket." Miyako, smug, leaned back onto a desk.

Marron refused to bite. Raising an eyebrow instead, she waited.

Miyako's excitement undamned her reserves, "They are going to be there."


Miyako was instantly put out, "No, they, them! Not Glay. Like Sukima Switch would let that second rate act open for them. " She fixed her with a look that told Marron how very much she would regret diffusing her dramatic flair. "Sinbahd and Jeanne."

Marron fell out of her chair. "Who?!"

"Same here. I'm not sure if they're working together or just after the same target."

"They are not working together!"

Miyako nodded, "I know, I know. Sinbahd strikes me as bit of a lone wolf as well."

"That's not the point!"



He watched, his question soundless, making clear that this meeting would be what she made of it.

She was in no hurry.

"I hated you for so long." Her voice was idle and held no such feeling, the wind sending her green hair clamoring around her throat.

He flinched involuntarily but wasn't without his own bitterness, "Don't stop on my account."

"Access…" She looked at him ruefully, this was not how she had wanted it to be.

But then again, nothing had ever worked out the way she had wanted it to when it came to him.

"There are only so many times I can apologize." There was a reproach in his voice and she knew that he was apologizing all over again.

"You were only sorry that I was hurt," She laughed mirthlessly. "It never changed what you were- are doing."

His patience spent, "Look at the world Natsuki! Is this what you wanted when we left the garden? War and hate and endless suffering!?" He grabbed her elbow and turned her to him, "You had a vision once, of what we could become. Was this it?"

"I had a vision of being able to choose! And we did, we all did. They haven't always been right, but that isn't up to you!"

"But I can fix it. With you and the girl-"

She flared, "No. No How many lives have you stolen Access? And for what, another Eden?" He wouldn't look at her. She continued, softer, "Eden has come and gone."

He stared resolutely toward the water.

"We could stop this Access."

He shook his head in the negative, "It isn't everyday that two kaitou's are born within each other."

…She had expected as much. "You've sent a notice."

"So have you."

She felt like screaming. Laughing. Crying- giving into an emotion she couldn't name. The weight of centuries past suffocated, oppressing the stillness. She turned to leave.

His emotions warred Troy within his eyes and decision made, he turned to her, "Natsuki-"

"Don't call me that… Please."

She did not turn around.

His eyes pleaded for what she could not give.

"…It's too late for last regrets."

She had loved him once too.



"FINN!?" In her anger, Marron burst into the apartment, with an intense need to throttle her guardian. Where was that interfering fairy?!

Her rant cut short on her lips as she caught sight of Finn's figure on the balcony. She seemed so…


"…Finn?" She began again.

Right this time.



The crowds were immense.

Marron yanked on Finn's sleeve, grabbing at the remnants of her attention. "There are cameras in the janitor's closet! And outside the bathrooms and-" she cut herself short, "I won't be able to change without someone seeing. Did you have a plan B?"

Finn hadn't stopped marveling at the foyer, her awe in odds with the hardness dictated by her suit. "Not really."

Marron nodded absently. "Mind if I call the shots?"

Finn grinned down at her, "Not really."



"Who slept with the press!?" Miyako was furious, her anger directed at a helpless staff.

She was not the type most would ever wish to cross.

"Miyako." Toudaiji conveyed his disapproval under his breath. She caught it and rocked back on the balls of her feet, hand gracing the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Eh heh… Well, we should expect that most people will now know what's going on and about half of them will otherwise hamper our abilities. So it'll be easy for them to move in and out of the crowd. We still don't know the degree to which the thieves are working together but if they're not going to stick around to enjoy the music boys, neither should we." Miyako ended her impromptu speech in a gallant pose. Not many officers were left with dried eyes.

Toudaiji suppressed a sigh.



The audience sent up a cheer, the music blaring in response.

"Game Start!"

A figure positioned herself prominently above them all, although the masses and her stark white robes were enough to send cameras and officers leaping to meet her without the added incentive.

"The song of Takuya's guitar will be mine!"

Below, Marron used the diverted attention as an opportunity to manipulate her rosary, the transformation taking to her instantly. She cast a quick look around her and grinned before placing herself in a less obtrusive spot. Miyako had probably hooked surveillance into all the darkest corners (she was predictable that way) but in her infinite genius, she would leave the open only the most cursory security.

Sometimes the best places to hide were in plain sight.



Miyako laughed maniacally. They were closing in on Jeanne. If the two thieves were working together they would be severely crippled.

They were as good as caught.

One of the younger officers interrupted, nervously tapping her on the shoulder. "Ah, Miyako san?"

Miyako glared. She was having a moment.

"There have been double sightings of Jeanne… At ah… opposite sides of the building…" The officer seemed to be cowering.

Miyako looked irate.

He continued, sincerely dismayed that he had to, "And Sinbahd has just announced his arrival." He chanced a glance at her before relaxing slightly.

Miyako shrieked.



Sinbahd let his eyes unfocus, and through the blur saw the distinctive green of Jeanne's guardian wearing Jeanne's guise. Recognizing it as a simple glamour, Sinbahd was willing to let the cops racket around her and the concert attendees cheer her on. He after all, was concerned with the real Jeanne.

He didn't have to wait for her long.



The catwalks were becoming more intricate and Finn had probably given up on decoying by now. She was near enough to the stage that neither of these held much consequence.

Jeanne vaulted easily to the next walkway pausing, momentarily, to regain her balance.

The catwalk shifted under her feet uncomfortably. Her heart murmured it's objections, but she dared not move. She let out a breath as the heaving stilled.

Then, as if fainting, it gave way.

Jeanne yelped, fearful and indignant, but caught onto the rail. Damn Miyako!

She glanced down. A net filled with balloons. Conceivably, she could swing to the side, cut the net, and use it to drop into the crowd. The resulting confusion would buy her enough time to get near the stage.

The walkway lurched, she barely held on.

She stifled her frustration.

But she would be caught in the time she needed to bring forth another pin. No, she needed to get back onto the catwalk.

Not trusting her grip, she couldn't risk reaching for her ribbon. She could drop… no, if she dropped, there wouldn't be enough time to use the ribbon to get her up either. She was fast, but not that quick.

Instead, Jeanne drew herself up slowly. Almost.. shit!

Her gloves repelled against smooth metal. Casting another look downward and silently cursing her costume, she barely registered the approaching footsteps.

She did hear the chuckle.



"And here I was looking for you to make sure you didn't get in my way." Sinbahd made no move to suppress his amusement. "So much for the competition."

"Back off!"

"Tsk tsk. I'm sorry you feel that way." He turned to leave.

To checkmate…

She growled, "Help me!"

He stopped. "That would be rather detrimental to my interest, don't you think?" He turned on his heel, facing her again, voice suggestive, "Unless you make it worth my while."

She scowled and kicked up at him in disgust. He fixed her with a hurt look that didn't reach his eyes.

Her grip was sliding and she dreaded the fall more than the landing. "Name it!" The walkway fell a foot lower. "Hurry up!"

His eyes cold, he silently considered her.

Then, in a swift movement, he had her in his arms, his eyes foreign, unreadable. She swallowed her scream, knowing he was mocking her under the mask.

"Be careful. I may hold you to that."

Then he was gone.



"Toudaiji san! We've secured all exits."

Overhearing the report, Miyako turned away from the monitors. "Aren't we going to get them before they steal anything?!"

Toudaiji never lied to his daughter. He would not start now.

"Some things you can't stop."



Jeanne was breathing hard.

Sinbahd had reached the stage before her, the band directly below them. His ashen hair whipped silently as he called forth his own pin.

It shined dark, a siren's call.

The detectives couldn't detain him. And there was no time left for her to make the checkmate.

Like hell.

He would not win.

She would not let Finn down.

She screamed, rage building. Without understanding why, her emotions focused on him.

He threw the pin.

She… pushed.

At first it continued in its trajectory. Dauntless. Then, as if struck by inspiration, it moved to the right, missing the target entirely. She let out a wordless sound of joy at Sinbahd's string of cursing.

Taking the opportunity, she summoned her own pin. His eyes widened as he caught sight of her.

He seemed to be taking her very seriously now.

She winked at him.


Sinbahd narrowed his eyes as Jeanne playfully blew a kiss in departure.

Never underestimate Kaitou Jeanne.



On stage, Takuya plucked at his guitar more fiercely. Still, no sound came forth. He motioned a stagehand to fetch him another one, the current one being reduced to little more than a glorified piece of driftwood.

Taro instead had his eyes on the departing thieves, suppressed laughter seeping into his singing. If they hadn't already been famous, this would have made them.



"Finn!" Jeanne hissed as the angel flew toward her. They were back on the ground in the foyer, several officers not far behind.

One called uselessly, "Jeanne halt!"

He received a trashcan in his path.

"Collection complete," Finn remarked jovially upon reaching her side.

"They've locked down every exit! How do we get out of here?!" The officers were slowing down, sensing her panic. The foyer basically encircled the auditorium. Sooner or later, she would have to circle back, into whatever trap awaited her.

"Call in unit three to the western exit. All other units maintain their positions."

Finn laughed, hefting the pawn. "Jeanne, we're all right now. Here," she handed the chess piece to Jeanne then pointed at the glass façade.

Jeanne followed her gaze, "All the doors have big metal gates on them! Maybe there's a trapdoor or-"

"No time to try and find it Jeanne! Just break through the glass above it!"

"I'm no vandal!" The rest of her retort bit back as an officer lunged at her knees. She used his back as a springboard and flipped over him, a grim look set on her face. She was too tired to keep this up much longer.

"We're paying for this after!" She shot back. Finn grinned obligingly.

She flipped her discus through the window then launched her ribbon to a light over head, using it to swing herself out. She felt the glass tear at her as she flew through but landed neatly on the other side, with not a cop in sight.

Jeanne barely repressed her grin. Seeing the anger and surprise on the police force she stopped trying.

They had never expected her to get out.

"Adeiu!" with a deft salute, she ran into the night.



Tokyo would never be short of rooftops.

"I think I'll just stay out a bit longer. The concert hasn't even ended yet."

Finn nodded. "Don't drain yourself, Jeanne." She flew into the night.

"Too late for that," a sardonic smile graced her.

Suddenly, she spun, catching a hand before it made contact. She spat out his name.


He raised a brow. "Jeanne."

He was teasing her.

She rolled her eyes at him, dropping his hand. "I already beat you. Let someone else have a go."

He tilted his head in a considering gesture. "Actually, I think I'll keep you to myself." He moved closer.

"I am not a thing!" Riled, she had also taken a step forward.

He softened, "No, most definitely not."

Her emotions cleared. Uneasy, she backed away. "Who are you anyway?"

"A kaitou."

Irritated, "That's not-"

He placed a finger to her lips. She did not move it and, instead, eyed him distrustfully.

"A kaitou looking for a partner."

She drew away. "And why don't we see if hell has frozen over?!"

He fixed her with a saucy look, circling around her. She felt her stomach flutter involuntarily. "You still owe me that debt Jeanne."

She crossed her arms, "I could shine all your shiny chess pieces for you. All two of them. Just give me an address and I'll-"

He laughed. "So transparent. You shouldn't wear your heart on your sleeve." He shifted some hair away from her face before she realized he had moved. She swore under her breath.

Amused, he continued, "I could ask you your name…" He paused, gauging her reaction. "But I think I'll settle for a promise."

She sighed. Grudgingly, she acknowledged, "And I am honor bound to keep it."

"I want you to stop being a Kaitou."

Her mouth dropped slightly. Anger soon replaced her shock. "I am not a thief." She moved toward him, a glint to her eye.

Most males have either a high tolerance for pain or are just inherently stupid. It isn't that they mean to be insensitive, it's just that they don't notice anything short of a brick to the face.

Sinbahd was currently receiving a brick to the face.

He stepped back.

She followed.

He had reached the end of the rooftop. For a moment, he felt himself lurching in the air, the ground stemming into view-

And just as suddenly, a small hand smartly pulled him back until his face was next to hers. She leaned in lightly, a promise of contact between them.

A hot breathe whispered by his ear, "Saved your life," before she drew back with a smirk and slipped into the night.

He blinked and touched his brow lightly.

"You're just being moody, Sinbahd. Moody…"

He half believed himself.



I listen to my heart beating
{I should have chased after you}





[author note]: -some sukima switch lyrics above. It was a little unclear, but basically you need to save a person back to clear a life debt. Since Sinbahd isn't the sort that needs saving, Jeanne just created an opportunity for herself^^ and yes, neither kaitou knows the other's identity. I'm not sure their guardians know either. It also means that they are pretty similar in both forms kaitou and not. In other words sinbahd keeps chiaki's seductive qualities^^ the above scene is a bit of a twist on ep 17. I honestly didn't like how that played out. she made a pest of herself about not being in his debt but as soon as he asked her for something she denied him. On another note, Finn and Access. I honestly wish they could save themselves. ADDENDUM: the editing i've done on this story has been relatively minor. I hate when authors go in and revamp a story that people love and inadvertently take out everything they liked about it. so really the only major changes i've made is the bedroom scene between finn and maron where she explains what the deal is, a scene that ive revamped at least twice before. and hell, it wont be the last.


And since at present i am unlikely to finish this story, heres a couple of clues that have been peppered into the story that there is more going on. The "dreams" that Maron is having aren't visions from her kaitouness per say. They consist mostly of flashbacks to Jeanne and Noin , with one flashback into her own childhood and one flashforward which was to be the penultimate chapter in the last act. They are triggered by Chiaki because he is the counter point to Marron -like Jeanne was to Claude and Finn is to Access- both failed romances (that is an important point to remember if you preface the prologue and Finn's rant in marron's bedroom). anyway, very little of this fic is left up to chance. Marron's mum is around because she is a scientist working on some hush hush experiment with some dude named Noin (Arashi also freaks out about Marron dreaming for a damn good reason), and the flashback that Marron remembers seems to point out that this is why her Father left for France. And why yes, the very same France where the rosary comes from and where the mummy is on loan from. Cause that Mummy has a story. It was going to get a glossed over version here and then a full on in the fifth colomn (much like the scorpion king). Zen, my favorite secondary character, was going to be brought in on the second act to explain Arashi's story arc which is very science. The third act was going to come back to the kaitou thing and explain the whole eden reference and to pull in some hindu gods (most of which have counterpoints) and how it fell apart with the greek gods (zeus and aphrodite- come on!) and why jesus was the last. of course peppered with ridiculous heists that somehow end up with them crashing the stock market (cause they stole the belief off of something HUGE) and them in france running away from i dunno, the gods of the internet and tv (a little bit american gods/anaszi boys). anyway. hopefully that gives you a clue of where this story was headed, since it is pretty vague right now and so many people have expressed a delight in it.

