Disclaimer: I don't own Spider-man or the Spectacular Spider-Man tv series in which this fic takes place. I don't own any Blackberries or the company that produces Blackberries/Blackberry.

Info: Set after the events of Bullying Lust. I recommend reading that story first. After weeks of being used and abused by Flash Thompson, Peter's friends finally start to notice that something is up and are determined to find out what.

Warning: Rape; gaysex/man-on-man action; AU(in a world where Peter is not Spidey)

I have decided to continue this story since a number of people have expressed/implied an interest for me to do so.

The Story Begins!

Peter was kneeling on a dark green carpet that covered the whole floor plan of the Thompson's living room. Peter wore a dark blue shirt who's sleeves went down to his elbows. A pair of dirty white sneakers and black socks peeked out from under his pale and naked butt . Flash's weird fetish about raping half naked guys was enjoyed through and entertained by Peter against his will. Peter sucked and sucked on Flash's above average cock. He gagged as another inch of cock was rammed into his throat, forcing him to deepthroat more than half of Flash's cut cock. Flash's right fist gripped a handful of brown hair and used that to maneuver the brunet on and off his aching dick, drawing cries of alarm as Peter's throat was stretched even farther. The tip of Flash's thick, long dick continuously slammed against the back of Peter's throat, barely missing his uvula. Peter gripped the sides of Flash's inner thighs in a hopeless bid to lessen the amount of meat that he was forced to swallow. Growing harder as he drank in the strangled noises that managed to slip past the monster cock fucking Peter's mouth, Flash couldn't help but groan, a low sound filled with wanton lust..

"Yeah, gulp down my cock!" Flash roared, his rapidly increasing euphoria making him care less about who could hear him and his impossible to misunderstand screams. "Suck me harder, you dirty cocksucker!" Flash commanded and Peter had little choice but to obey. Either way Flash was still using Peter's hair as handholds to skull fuck him. And if Peter refused, he'd still be getting face fucked, but Flash would more than likely have one of his special punishments ready and waiting for the would-be disobedient lad. So Peter strategically sucked in his cheeks every time Flash slammed into his throat and puffed them out again every time Flash pulled out, producing the perfect suction for a mind shattering orgasm. His mind and cock swarming in currents of speechless pleasure, Flash leaned back against a light blue couch that matched his eyes. He wore nothing, except for a dark blue shirt that had sleeves down to his toned elbows. His lower half was completely naked, but devoid of even the tingles of a chill. The intimate attention Peter's tongue and mouth was paying to Flash's avid cock would have made feeling anything except for a fiery ecstasy coursing throughout his entire being nearly improbable, if not downright impossible..

Besides his cock, another part of Flash's body was showing its obvious joy. Under his shirt, Flash's erect nipples were as obvious as his erection. Flash absentmindedly slipped his left hand up into his shirt, leaving the other hand in Peter's hair. The fingers of his left hand started to lightly pinch and play with his own nipples -first the right and then the left. Each squeeze and pinch sent sparks of white light striking from out of his nipples, joining with the overall current of ecstasy that surged throughout Flash's body. His six pack, outlined through the dark blue material of his shirt, and the obvious amount of muscle encouraged Peter to give Flash the best blowjob of his life. The brunet still had the bruises from the last time he didn't completely satisfy Flash -or how Flash himself wanted to be addressed by Peter:
"Master". And Flash did look like Peter's "Master" at this very moment. He ordered the brunet to suck, to lightly nipple, to breathe on his dick, etc. and Peter dutifully followed each and every command to their every sordid letter. It was all Peter could do not to puke as Flash repeatedly violated his throat. "Yeah. That's it! Suck it harder! And faster! God, if I knew you could become this good of a cumslut, I would've raped your ass years ago!" Flash's crass statement didn't affect Peter except that he sent silent prayer up to whoever or whatever had kept him safe from Flash for as long as it did. Peter just hoped that the something or someone would watch over him again and help him be free of Flash's rapey clutches.

Taking his mind off of foolish hopes, Peter focused on the task at hand. He sucked faster and harder, using his tongue to stimulate the sensitive cluster of nerves at the tip of the head of the blond's oversized dick. He didn't completely give up to his fate as Flash's Fucktoy for Life", but he wasn't a genius for nothing either. Peter knew that Flash would take a blowjob by force if Peter wasn't willing. It had happened before. At least if Peter willingly sucked on the blond's knob, the process would be less painful. However, Peter couldn't shake how horrible he felt whenever he submitted to Flash's whims, but he was a nerd. And a nerd learns early on that you sometimes have to squash your own feelings and dignity in order to survive and escape extra torment. So despite how Peter felt on the matter, he knew personally that being raped by Flash was much, much worse than just submitting to that big oaf. After all, when Flash cums, Peter usually was allowed to go home and he'll be able to rest easy for at least a little while.

Flash cumming was the only way out of Peter's current situation and Flash was showing the obvious signs of nearing one's limit. The blond's balls tightened and the pace with which he slammed into Peter's mouth increased, along with the force of his grip on Peter's hair. Flash pulled Peter all the way down onto his cock in one fell swoop, burying his throbbing to the hilt. He groaned loudly as he came, sending cum out into a torrent. Spurts of hot semen pooled into Peter's mouth, coating everything that was covered with saliva with sperm. Peter immediately started gulping down as much as he could with each mouthful, careful to make sure that not even a speck of cum escape his notice. Peter ignored the disgusting, nauseating taste of Flash's sperm as he swallowed almost half a bucketload of the whitish fluid down. If he even let one spot of cum slip out from his lips, Flash would undoubtedly punish him like he previously warned.

"You're...goo...whor..." Flash trailed off, so physically and mentally drained from his release that he was too out of breath to form more than one word. The blond rested heavily against the blue couch as he regained his breath. Taking one last gulp, Peter slowly pulled off of Flash's cock, making sure that he cleaned any all cum on his way out. When his lips finally released the now soft, but still formidable cock, a sloppy popping noise not unlike an especially wet kiss resounded through the living room. Flash was still recovering from his mind blowing orgasm while Peter untied his shoes, took said shoes off, pulled on his gray briefs and the dark brown khaki shorts that came several inches below his pale knees. He was about to put back on his shoes when he felt a strong grip press down on his right shoulder. Mentally preparing himself for whatever disgusting thing he'd need to do for Flash, Peter craned his neck backward to look up into Flash's cruel aqua orbs. "You thought to scamper on home while I was incapacitated, were you?" Flash asked, his tone deadly. While Peter was busying himself with his own clothes, the blond must've been busy with his own. He was wearing his same dark blue shirt as before, but now he had a pair of blue jeans and a pair of lime green boxers that were peeking up out of the blond's pants.

"No! I-I just thought I could go home now since you-since you're...satisfied," Peter rushed out in two nervous breaths, scared that he would still be punished despite his earlier obedience. Flash's grip moved from the brunet's shoulder to his neck. When Flash's left hand lanked upward, Peter had to do the same lest he wanted to asphyxiate(1). Peter's face was level with Flash's shoulder when he was solidly on his feet. On the way up, he noticed a ominous bulge in Flash's blue jeans that alerted him to the fact that his troubles weren't over for the day. Flash's grip on Peter's neck only tightened and the brown haired victim began to feel slightly lightheaded.

"Well that's your problem, isn't? You think too damn much-" Flash pulled something cylindrical out of his pants pocket and waved it in front of the brunet's eyes. Peter's eyes widened in panic once he realized what Flash was showing him. The object was exactly fourteen inches long and it was made out of some golden metal that sheened radiantly in the bright light. It had a wide shaft, more than four inches wide. It was the ultimate tool in ass fucking. Both of its golden ends were tapered to bulbous points so that it could go in either way. Flash used it regularly on Peter whenever the brunet disobeyed him and/or whenever he just wanted to see Peter squirm in agony. "-but don't worry, Golden Boy knows how to wipe all of those stupid, pointless thoughts right out of your mind." Flash took his hand away from Peter's throat, but his glare that practically screamed "Run away if you think you can take me!" stopped the brunet from having any ideas about escape. "Once I jam this up your ass, you won't be able to think about anything except how cozy and familiar Golden Boy feels deep, deep inside of you." First, Flash undid Peter's shorts and slid them down with his briefs. Next, he forced his left hand between Peter's legs to spread them. After that, he used his other to lightly press against the boy's opening with the golden dildo. It hasn't even been a day since the last time Flash either fucked him or dildoed him. So Golden Boy would have plenty of room to make itself comfortable. The pain would be less than it would've been before Peter was raped by the jock. Peter shuddered slightly and shook his head wildly once he realized that he was actually -kind of- thankful for his daily penetrative sessions involving Flash Thompson and a phallic member or two.

"What's wrong? You don't want Golden Boy inside of you?" Flash asked mockingly, misinterpreting Peter's shaking and shuddering. "But he misses your warm insides so much and since I'm still a bit out of it-" He thrust his clothed dick forward against Peter's naked cock to emphasize his point. "- there's no reason why he can't have all the fun!" Flash laughed evilly right before he made one big upward thrusting movement with his right hand. Golden Boy -the fourteen or so inches of cold, metallic dildo- was embedded deep inside of the brunet's asshole. Peter couldn't help screaming out in pain and crumpling to the floor the moment the metal monster was all the way inside of him, ripping open the scars that had barely just healed during the journey. Flash stepped back in order to better watch his handywork. "Puny Parker, you really have loosened up! Golden Boy went all the way in on just the first thrust. In fact-" The evil blond crouched down, sitting on his haunches. "-your hungry ass swallowed up both ends of Golden Boy! It's going to be fun trying to get that out," Flash chuckled. " I may even have to use a pair of salad prongs!" The blond chuckled again.

"You can go now. I'll see you tomorrow afterschool. So wait for me afterchool in the science lab like usual and we'll take it from there." Flash was already resting back on the couch, a remote control in his hand. He turned on the television with the press of a button and immediately started flipping through the various channels. Peter tearfully forced himself up in a standing position, biting back his cries in case they stimulated Flash's flaccid cock. In the throes of agony, Peter was able to pull up his briefs and khaki shorts, grinding his teeth together all the while. With tears liberally falling down his face and bitten back sobs, Peter was able to limp his way over to the front door. He leaned heavily on the white wooden door, trying to gain the mental and physical strength for the walk home. Peter just opened the door when Flash stopped him again.

"Oh yeah! Don't forget to make sure that Golden Boy is still resting within you when we meet tomorrow. You can take it out, but it better be firmly planted in your hole when I check tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll just have to add White Knight to the mix, even though I'm sure a whore like you would love it." Flash chuckled again, finally settling on watching a sports show. Peter repressed a shudder, remembering the seventeen inch vibrator that Flash sometimes wanred him with, but never, as of yet, actually used on him. Peter hoped it would stay that way.

Mary Jane was on her way back from some afterschool shopping trip. Her long scarlet hair gleamed gorgeously in the bright sunlight that poured down from the sky. Her arms were laden down by various bags: five on the right and four on the left. She had just gotten off a bus and was planning to visit her friend, Gwen Stacy, at her home in the surburbs. She couldn't wait to show off her new outfits and accessories. She's going to be so jealous! Mary Jane squealed inwardly as she imagined Gwen's reaction for when she revealed a golden necklace with rubies and emeralds as the inlaid gems.

The redhead pratically skipped as she crossed a street in a surburban neighborhood. Out of the corner of her enerald green eyes, Mary Jane saw something that was so impossible that she had to walk back, stop, and do a double-take. Petey leaving Flash's home! WTF! Mary Jane's brain was in an uproar at such nonsensical data. If she was a computer, she would definitely have been shouting: "Does not compute! Error! Does not compute!" She knew there were no parties this day. Otherwise, she -as one of the most popular girls in her school- would have been one of the first to find out about it. In fact, she would have been, at the most, the third girl invited to go. So Petey wasn't at Flash's for a party and he definitely would never in a billion million years tutor that obnoxious oaf. So what's he doing ther- Mary Jane's tangle of thoughts were disrupted by a catchy song and she reflexively reached inside the purse on her right arm, pulling out a dark blue Blackberry. Still watching Peter limp away -Limping? She thought absently- Mary Jane quickly scanned the caller ID, moved the Blackberry next to her left ear, and spoke.

"Harry, what's up?..." She answered, waiting for a reply. "Yeah, I noticed that Petey's been acting weird lately. But you won't believe what I just saw! Our Petey was exiting Flash's house!..." She waited for another response. "No, he couldn't have been pulling a prank. He left through the front door and I can see Flash's red Camarro in the driveway so I know he's in there. He would have seen if someone tried to sneak in his house through the front door!..." Another pause. "Mm-hmm. Okay. I'll be at Gwen's place. Meet us there ASAP. I'll tell Gwen what I just told you. Bye," Mary Jane quickly ended the conversation, stuffing the Blackberry back in her purse. Peter was nowhere in sight. Mulling over what she saw just happen over and over in her head, Mary Jane nealy ran the rest of the way to Gwen's house. Added with Peter's limping -which she realized most likely involved the bully extraodinaire, Flash Thompson- Mary Jane didn't like the conclusions she was getting from her speculations at all.

(1)Asphyxiate: to suffocate.

Sorry for the shortness, but this chapter's main purpose was just for Mary Jane to see some strange behavior and to produce certain conclusions from that. Plus, the sex scene. So once I was done with that, I finished the chapter. But don't worry. I plan to type longer chapters in the future.

Also, what do you think of Mary Jane? Is she too OOC or too b!tchy or what? I actually do like her(half the time, anyway). So I want to do her justice(for now).

You know the deal: all reviewers are welcome(that includes you, my devilish flamerz! XD). And the higher the number of reviews, the sooner I'll write more chapters(although I may write more just b/c I feel like it, but reviews increases those odds).
