Before Dawn .

A Twilight and The Outsiders Crossover.

Summary: When Darry, Sodapop and Pony travel to Forks Washington to visit their only living relative - their great aunt Pearline - at her request, wanting to see her nephew as her last Earthly days near their end. When the boys return home to Tulsa, it is Ponyboy who realizes they brought back more then forgotten memories and faded photographs.

Warnings and Info: This fic will contain light slash and rated for the use of language.

I'll be honest, I know next to nothing about Twilight – I skimmed over the books, watched the first movie and skimmed Twilight's' wikia.

Before Dawn:

The Prologue – The Letter.


We weren't sure what to think the day the Postman brought a letter from a place far away.

It was Wednesday a bit before noon but we were barely having breakfast; bacon and chocolate cake. It was a holiday, a holiday where you only find out about it when you're informed school is out; Gotta love the low funds for the school districts. It could be National Donuts Day for all I knew.

My lucky day too, I had forgot to do my homework and with Darry checking it every morning before he went to work, it wouldn't've been pretty when he found out.

Sodapop, my older brother, it was his day off at the DX or he wouldn't have been enjoying sleeping in like I did.

But my oldest brother Darry still had to go to work today, later though so he was actually relaxing and kiddin' around us. It's nice to see him smile, ever since mom and dad died it's something we don't get to see and his laughter is even rarer.

My attention went to the sound metallic squeaking sound from outside, the mailman opening the rusted door of the mailbox. Darry got up from the only chair at the dining table and out the front door. I turned my attention back to the bacon before me and stuffed a few pieces into a crusted piece of bread.

"Thanks Mike!"

"No problem Da-"

The rest of the postman response was cut off by Darrys' steps on the front porch followed by more squeaking clattering this time from the screen.

My brother walked in flipping through the letters in his hand a larger manilla envelope tucked under his arm.

"Whatcha' got there Dar?" Sodapop pipped up before going back to scraping the chocolate frost from his plate.

"Not sure." He mumbled, "and don't be so greedy with that – you have plenty more in the fridge." Darry tossed the other envelopes on the table, bills and what looked to be another sweepstakes card, and pulled the manilla envelope from under his arm.


"Want not, waste it." Soda grinned, getting up to get another piece of cake.

"Waste not, want not." I corrected, and stood up to fallow Darry into the living room my bacon sandwich in my hand.

Darry was sitting in his arm chair, his eyes skimming over a small piece of paper. His face completely changed, his face was stoic but his eyes were widened in...shock?

"What's that Dar?" Sodapop asked again, standing in the thresh between the dining room and living room.

Silently, he held out the paper – eyes distant.

Soda reached out and grabbed it before I could move. What they heck could it be to make Darry react like that? The feeling of fear came over me as a moved to Soda to read it with him...Not the state,

please not the state...


We sat there, I'm not sure how long, but we sat there in the living room our faces stunned, the only noise was the sound of music coming from the radio sitting on top of the TV...

Don't play him cheap 'cause you know he ain't shy

Sitting on the coffee table was the letter, the paper was a light crème pink, with flowers on the corners - written in a elegant yet shaking handwriting were words that had shocked us all.

It was send from someone, who over the last few months seemed to have been forgotten or the memories of them far to deep to be remembered.

We have a aunt...a great aunt to be exact. Our dads aunt. The sister of our grandfather we never met.

Pearline M. Curtis.

At first, when I saw the name, I wondered why did this random person have our last name. Even as I read the letter, it still didn't seem to connect. The name sounded slightly familiar, but not really, maybe it just seemed familiar because that simple note I read over and over.

I looked up to across the room, where Darrys' eyes were glued. Sitting on the shelf, gather dust along with the other pictures there was one of my dad as a boy, was a beautiful aged woman her hair dark and eyes light and full of laughter – I always wondered what color they were but with the photo being in black and white it was near impossible to tell. But, knowing now she was a relative I'd say icy blue-green, just like Darrys.

Just like Darrys'.

We have family, other than us. An aunt, great aunt but still...we have family alive...for now.

She wrote about wanting to see her favorite (and only) nephew and the family she hadn't seen in so long.

'I fear I don't have much time left Darryl...' She ended the letter and I started reading it again. Trying to catch her voice somewhere hidden in my brain.

"Damn." It was Darry who finally broke the silence, his large hands covering his face, "She doesn't even know they are dead."

I had thought that, Damn was right. "So we have a aunt...?"

"Yeah," Soda picked up the manilla envelope, "I barely remember her. But this stuff smells like her." He chucked tossing that too on the coffee table. "Weird huh."

"Not really," I started with a one shoulder shrug. "Sent is the strongest scent tied to memory." I picked up the envelope and sniffed the inside still hoping to trigger some memory of her.


Soda smirked as he watched me, "Yea I guess that's true." He smirk turned into a grin, "Keep sniffin' that thing your nose might fall off there."

I shot a glare at him and place the envelope back on the table. "Hush!"

Soda laughed a me for a bit but then we both turned our attention to our older brother, "Are you gonna go Dar? I mean, she sent the tickets and all..."

Darry nodded, "I just have to talk to my boss, you too Soda – and come tomorrow I have to go to Ponys school to let them know and then-"

I knew, so much to do in so little time and then would we even make it in time? I looked at the tickets and money sitting on the armchair. 5 tickets, a confirmation she didn't even know my parents were dead.

How do you tell a old dying woman, that the only child of her only brother was dead too...

Come Saturday we'll be making the two day trip to Forks, Washington.
