The forest of Mirkwood was unnaturally silent as two striking Elves made their way through a densely covered path, one that led them deep beyond the safe halls of their father, almost to the edge of the Kingdom. The sunlight was trickling through small patches in the forest canopy, in enough amount to light their way but not enough to warm the air at ground level.

Eliathas and his youngest sibling Legolas held their armed bows downward, in a ready stance. Their father had ordered them to patrol the forest, to look out for any signs of Orcs or other foul creatures. So far the pair had come across two spiders and a rutting buck that would have charged had they not taken to the trees, but no Orcs. There was hardly any noise either, something that was rather unsettling. The birds kept their songs in check, instead opting for curious warblings.

Legolas squinted. "Something approaches."

Beside him, Eliathas hummed his agreement. "Go ahead and drive it towards me. Be silent but stealthy."

Legolas nodded and shouldered his bow. He mounted a tall tree and was about to scurry across the branches when his brother's soft voice interrupted him. "And be careful."

Legolas smiled and went quickly along his way.

The creature was wriggling with the rope around his neck, clawing at it and trying to bite it off. Realizing that the rope would ultimately defeat him, the creature threw himself to the ground, writhing as though in agony. 'Or like a child with a temper' Aragorn thought smugly to himself. As he waited impatiently for Gollum to pick himself up from the ground, Aragorn silently cursed Gandalf for giving the charge to him.

'Oh, come Aragorn. A man with the grace of the Elves and prowess of the Rangers shouldn't find one so small to be too much of a burden.' Gandalf had said.

Gollum was howling like a wounded animal and punching the soil. Aragorn knew he should have made more of the wink that Gandalf had given Lord Elrond at the time. He should have also taken the uncharacteristic grin of Elrond for what it truly was. Humour. Humour at his expense. Gollum stopped wailing for a moment and took several gasping breaths.

"And may we continue?" Aragorn asked.

Gollum glared at the human and lunged for him, but Aragorn was quite used to this trick. He swung the rope quickly, just as he ducked away from Gollum. The momentum, plus Aragorn swinging the rope lead to Gollum taking a spectacular dive into the dirt, which under any other circumstance would have been down right hilarity. Right now it was just plainly tiresome.

As Aragorn picked himself up slowly, he heard a soft chuckle. Turning quickly on his heel, and unsheathing his sword at the same time, he found a young looking Elf trying to stifle a laugh. He rolled his eyes and placed his sword back in its scabbard, while Legolas covered his mouth with one hand.

"It seems that you have too much to handle my friend." Legolas stated.

Aragorn glared at him. "And it seems that this is no longer my problem. He belongs to you now."

Legolas was instantly confused and thought perhaps this was the 'other foul creatures' his father warned them about. He peered around Aragorn's legs, where a gruesome little creature was clinging to the back of Aragorn's cloak.

Legolas' nose wrinkled. "What is it?"

Aragorn looked from Gollum to Legolas. "Gollum meet Legolas. Legolas meet Gollum. He will now be Mirkwood's charge."

The greyish creature was cowering behind Aragorn as Legolas stooped to get a better look. Gollum's eyes grew wide and his chin trembled, striking a sympathetic chord with Legolas. "What has one so small done that Mirkwood would need to house him?"

"It's not what he's done. It's what he could do."

Aragorn was in the process of handing the rope to Legolas when Gollum chanced upon his opportunity. Quickly grasping Aragorn's calf with both his hands, he opened his mouth wide revealing a horrible set of mangled fangs and bit down with all his might.

Legolas jumped when he heard Aragorn's raging howl. He stood stock still in shock when he saw the human grasp his calf and go down on his back, where Gollum was still locked on his leg.
"A most disagreeable little thing, isn't he?" Legolas breathlessly remarked.

"Help me get him off you useless Elf!" Aragorn yelled.

Legolas reached down to yank Gollum off of Aragorn's leg when the creature lunged for Legolas. Legolas barely had time to register what the foolish thing was thinking of, when he found his left hand was now completely enveloped in Gollum's mouth, and the thing was starting to chomp on it.

Legolas let out a bellowing cry, which Aragorn was sure could be heard throughout Middle Earth. Legolas was trying to shake his hand free, which only made Gollum bite down even harder, which brought forth even more frustrated cries from the Elf.

Legolas was positive he was going to lose all his fingers in Gollum's mouth when Gollum abruptly let go, and kicked Legolas in the shin, making the Elf lose his balance and topple onto Aragorn, who was still nursing his calf.

"He's getting away!" Aragorn cried as Gollum galloped into the dense underbrush. Both man and Elf were struggling to get up when they heard the sounds of a scuffle coming from the bushes, and eventually a thud and some of Gollum's patented yelps.

A severely antagonized Eliathas came out from the bushes, hair disshelved and containing several wayward leaves, and also carrying Gollum. Eliathas held Gollum in front of him, being mindful of his snapping jaws and his flailing arms, while Gollum grunted his disgust with a vigor only an Orc could rival.

Eliathas' eyes blazed in Aragorn and Legolas' direction, both of whom were rubbing their attacked body parts. "I believe this belongs to you."

"So the One Ring still exists." Legolas stated as they slowly walked back towards the Kingdom. His left hand was bandaged so heavily that only the tips of his fingers could still be seen. He held it close to his chest for it throbbed terribly, but he would rather not disclose that to either Eliathas or Aragorn. It was embarrassing enough to have been bitten by a … thing.

"That it does. And its whereabouts are questionable. But if any of Sauron's minions or allies should find it, we would all be in danger." Aragorn walked with a pronounced limp. Gollum had even managed to break the skin nicely, despite having to go through a layer of clothing. Aragorn was sure it would become infected. Eru knew what that creature had eaten for the past month.

Eliathas had Gollum on his leash, although Gollum was now leading. He had no desire to be anywhere near the two Elves. "So this little monster not only takes out the two of you, but he also held the One Ring that could destroy all of Middle Earth? Gollum is far more dangerous an enemy than anyone took him for, isn't that right Gollum?"

Gollum turned around to face the trio and spit his disgust at them. "Nassty elfses. Dirty ssslimy efses!"

Both Legolas and Eliathas stopped and eyed their captive severely. If there was one thing that the Elves were distinctly not, it was dirty. Aragorn laughed.

Thranduil scowled at the spectacle taking place before him. The creature Gollum was causing a ruckus in his halls, the likes of which had never taken place before. Gollum was crouched in the centre of several guards who were trying to wrestle him down to the dungeons. Gollum would have none of it, and every time a guard came away clutching his hand, or his forearm, or even his cheek, Thranduil would shake his head in disgust.

Finally, with the help of Aragorn, Eliathas and Legolas, Gollum was shackled and thrown over the shoulder of one guard, while the others kept their spears firmly focussed on him.

As Legolas was leading Aragorn to a guestroom, Thranduil grasped Legolas by his arm. "What happened to your hand?"

Legolas tried his best to keep the red from his face while he stammered for a believable lie. "We came across spiders, father."

Thranduil turned to Eliathas for confirmation, and found a noncommittal shrug in return. He looked down at Aragorn's leg. "And you Aragorn?"

Aragorn's eyes grew wide. "Spiders, my lord."

Thranduil grunted but released the two nonetheless. Legolas was exhaling slowly with relief when his father stopped him again. "Legolas?"

Legolas stopped and slowly turned around. "Yes, father?"

"Isn't that your wrist guard in that horrible creature's mouth?" Thranduil pointed to Gollum, who smiled brightly as he was carried down to the dungeons, containing in his mouth Legolas' very own wrist guard.



To everyone who read and reviewed. Sorry for the lame ending, but couldn't think of a better way. Besides, I'm quite partial to Gollum's antics.