Alternate ending

Today was the day I'd been waiting for. After all the work, depression and longing for him, he was coming home. Lucius continued to ignore my letters throughout the whole year, but I knew he loved me. I knew we would be together again when he came home. Harry tired to help me move on and even tried to convince me that Lucius didn't love me the way I loved him. His tries were in vain though, because I refused to listen. I've been alone for so long now and any second Lucius would walk out those doors and all it would take was one look at him and I would know.

A commotion at the front of the room tore my eyes from the door and stole my breath away. There he was in his beautiful blond hair that was almost a foot longer than when I last saw him. He couldn't see me with all the news people from the daily prophet but I could see him clearly. The contours of his face were harsher than I remembered, but I could recognize him. He was exactly the same as beforeā€¦.except for his left cheek. A jagged red scar stood out against his pale skin and my eyes watered a bit. He obviously didn't have the greatest time in Azkaban.

I grew tired of waiting and pushed to the front of the crowd and under the restricting fence. Harry escorted me towards him without a single word or look at me. I felt bad for causing him to worry, but I loved Lucius and I wasn't going to let Harry ruin my happiness. I'd done enough for Harry in my life. It was my turn to be happy.

Lucius finally looked up and when he saw me I felt without a doubt that he still loved me. I raced to his arms and he caught me. I pulled in a shocked breath when he spun me around in a circle. I couldn't lie and say I never doubted him for a second, but the amount of relief made me realized how much I'd been worrying. I pulled back from his embrace and looked at his face for moment before his lips crashed against mine. His warm tongue slide against my lip and opened my mouth to kiss him more deeply.

I was distantly aware of dozens of camera's going off but all I could focus on was the feel of Lucius. We finally broke away and I just stared at him gorgeous face.

"I missed you so much." I whispered fiercely. His face softened into the one I remembered and he smiled breathtakingly. It was too much. Tears started to flow down my face and he wiped them away with his thumbs.

The room was deadly silent and I looked up too see everyone looking completely stunned.

"Can we go home?" I asked softly, wanting him more than I had in all the time he'd been gone.

"Yes." he answered and we apparated away from inside the ministry.

"Hermione?" I waited for him to finished speaking but he didn't. We'd just reached my place and he was looking unsure.

"Lucius what is?" I asked my voice filling with concern.

"I don't know how to ask, but have you been waiting for me?"

I knew instantly what he meant. He wanted to know if I'd seen anyone else while he was away.

"Its only been you. Never anyone else, I swear."

He looked deeply into my face and pressed a hard kiss to my mouth, but this kiss was different from the earlier one. This one was filled with lust and want.

I pushed off his robes and they fell to the floor effortlessly. He pulled my muggle shirt over my head and stripped him of his white button up shirt by ripping it off. I always hated buttons. He chuckled against my shoulder as he unsnapped my bra, freeing my breast. His mouth latched onto a nipple and tugged until I was moaning. He lifted me up and carried to me the sofa bed just a few feet away. I pulled his pants away and he took mine off as well. He placed kisses up and down my whole body, tasting every part of it until I was having trouble breathing.

I was tired of waiting and so was Lucius, He joined out bodies as easily as over a year ago and any pain I could have felt was impossible to dwell on while he was inside me. Our tongues tangled together and soon we were climaxing as one. My hands moved down his back and to his waist to hold onto him forever.

"I love you, Hermione." He whispered breathlessly in my ear as we fell asleep in each others arms.

A/N: I felt this story deserved a happy ending along with the sad one. Thanks for following this story and I hope you like it.