Raikou always heard the same things out of his mouth. "Raikou-san was this." "Raikou-san was that." "Raikou-san knew what true justice is." "Chicken-head was just jealous of Raikou-san." Gau really held his friend in high status, no matter how many times Raikou had tried to get him to stop. The boy just didn't want to end the praises. Today was no different.

"Oh, I really can't do anything at all," he laughed, a hand moving to rub at the black hair. "Raikou-san does a lot of the Shinobi work. All I can do is the paper work and such." Raikou raised an eyebrow at the boy, before looking away. There he went again. Praising Raikou for something that he himself could be excellent at, if he only tried to learn the ways of the Shinobi. Raikou didn't really mind. Really. It was just a bit, well, unnerving.

Here he was, with his best friend, who was practically obsessed with him. It was, after all, Raikou this and Raikou that to Gau. Standing up, Raikou walked out of the room, his mind coming to a conclusion to end all of this. He had to end his time with Gau. Otherwise, the boy would never learn to stand on his own, and he would just continue to grow more and more obsessed with him! He sighed, expecting what came next, as he stood in the hall, his black haired friend coming out after him.

"Raikou-san, is everything okay?" He asked. Raikou looked at him, his messenger bag slung over his shoulder, as if they were leaving.

"No.." He said, pushing himself off the wall. "Gau, we need to talk."

"Oh? About what, Raikou-san? Do we have another assignment as the Wakachi?"

"No. Look, Gau, you're my dearest friend, and I never want to hurt you but..You need to stop this."

"Stop this? Stop what?"

"Stop this obsession." Raikou sighed, looking his friend straight in the eyes. "You're obsessed with me, Gau."

"Obsessed?" Gau was caught by surprise, that much was true. "I'm not obsessed with you." He shook his head. He was about to open his mouth when the door opened, Yukimi sticking his head out.

"Don't just walk out on a meeting like that!" He cried, shaking his head. "Come back already, we're all waiting." He retreated his head, letting the door close.

"Gau, just spend some time away from me." Raikou said. "I'll do the Wakachi job on my own for a while. Don't worry about it." The Pink haired samurai walked past his black haired friend, who stared ahead, his mouth hanging open. The door closed behind him, Gau still standing there.

"I'm not obsessed with you, Raikou-san.." Gau said to himself, in the empty hallway. "I love you…"