Rain pounded at the window violently, while the whispers of the wind soothed Alex. She lay across the window ledge; Staring into the stormy night. Watching as each rain droplet fell at the top of the window to only be dragged back down; damn gravity.

Pain filled her beautiful chocolate brown eyes as memories filled her head.

''Alex; I love you, you know I do, you mean the world to me. You're my everything'' he lied.

''Promise me you're not lying? 'Cause you're my everything too, I love you so much'' Alex replied; UN- known to the fate that wasn't foretold to her.

''Do you honestly think I'd lie to you? Alex I love you is that so hard to believe?''

''No, It's just that... Never mind; I love you Dean''

She quickly snapped back to reality.

''BUT YOU DID LIE TO ME DEAN, YOU BROKE MY HEART, YOU BROKE ME, YOU LEFT ME'' she screamed, filled with hurt and anger.

She rushed to the drawers, falling over her bed in a desperate rush to get the object that lay in her top draw; A razor blade. She picked it up her eyes looking at it, adoring it. She clasped it in her arms; her white bed sheets quickly becoming a bloody red pool. Leaving Alex to fade into a black abyss.

''Alex, do you need anything washing?''

Nobody answered.

''ALEX! I know Dean upset you honey, but that doesn't give you the right to be ignorant!''

She stormed up the stairs, making her presence known to the steps. Opening the door...


''ALEX! My baby, what did you do! Oh Alex, you should of come to me, my baby; it's all my fault''

Her mother said, caressing her in her arms in a tight grasp. Crying into the pools of blood; watering them down. She grabbed the phone out of her pocket and bashed in the numbers; 911.

''Help! Me... Help, my daughters dying! For God's sake; HELP!''

The room was ghostly white, pretty much like the patients contained in its walls. A hospital's a dangerous dark place. Filled with the dead and the not quite dead yet. And the babies who are born not quite knowing what they're getting themselves into. More worried about the traumas of being brought into this world than the heart ache of losing their boyfriends.

My head was heavy, and my eyes drooped. They saved me. They fucking saved me. A bandage lay across my wrist, revealing my secret to every his or her that wandered into my room. My mom went getting coffee; she'd never left my side since I nearly died.

I hate having to say 'nearly died' It makes me feel like I never accomplished my goal, an under achiever.

I was left in a hospital bed, alone, feeling half dead. Oh. The. Joy.


I heard my name from the door, the voice was dark and heavy, the voice was... was... Nates. My Nate. And he was here. Finally; after 7 years.

Right so, this is like my first story on here! I'd love some reviews and to know what you think of it, thanks:-}

I've got a lot in store for this, and don't worry everything that happened between Dean and Alex will be revealed, and all the stuff with Nate will be to.

It's complicated right now, and not really that good. But I'll make it work for you all! I promise, thankyou for reading though. x x x x x