A/N: Well, this is finally it, my friends! The concluding chapter. I'm feeling a jumble of emotions. I'm thrilled that it's completed, but I'll miss it terribly. This story has been a fairytale I've been living vicariously through just as much as the rest of you, I'm sure. There are two fabulous people I must thank before I go on. First, DFC, thank you for the inspiration behind this chapter – at least the beginning of it! You are tramp-tastic, and I mean that in the nicest possible way. ;) And second, most importantly, thank you, Mags! You're my coach, my mentor, and my greatest cheerleader. To put it simply: you make me a better writer. None of this would have been possible without you and your constant encouragement and motivation. You're the best thing that ever happened to Team Jewels. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do!

Okay, I think I'm done. Enjoy!


The perfectly pedicured grass tickled their toes as they tiptoed barefoot across the yard.

"Lorelai, this is crazy!" Luke whispered harshly.

"Shhhh!" she hissed.

He rolled his eyes. "I still don't know why we couldn't wear shoes."

"They only get in the way," Lorelai argued. "Besides, it's quieter without them."

She stopped dragging him by the sleeve once their target was in view. "There she is. Good ol' Tabitha."

Luke stared at the trampoline for a good minute, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't make it disappear. "This is crazy," he repeated for the thirtieth time that night.

Lorelai smiled, urging him forward with a soft, suggestive pat to his rear end. "Well, I know how crazy you are about round surfaces. You were totally gung-ho for this idea back at my place."

"That's because you were naked, and I was, uh, disoriented."

She giggled. "C'mon, this is gonna be fun." Lorelai began stripping her t-shirt over her head and gazed at him challengingly, letting it fall to the ground.

"This is your parents' house," Luke implored, watching helplessly as she climbed to the top of his worst nightmare. She was bare from the waist up, and with a teasing glint in her eyes she took a tame jump. Luke's eyes were glued to her breasts as they bobbed up and down.

Sighing in defeat, he climbed up the steps and joined her on the pliable surface, trying his hardest to ignore the dazzling smile she favoured him.

"Shirt. Off," Lorelai instructed. She slowly slid her pajama bottoms and panties down her thighs.

Luke swallowed hard, his gaze locked on her as she lay back on the trampoline. He pulled off his shirt and started unbuckling his belt, all before his brain registered what he was doing.

She rose to her knees and helped him finish the job, keeping her eyes trained on his face the entire time. His belt flew through the air and looped over a nearby tree branch. Luke groaned but Lorelai chuckled. She lowered his jeans and boxers to his ankles, hindering him from movement, and with a playful tug she pulled him downward. He fell ungracefully to the surface, growling in disapproval at her antics.

"Oooh, springy!" she commented, giggling.

Luke sat up and discarded his jeans and boxers, neatly draping them over the edge, earning him another giggle from Lorelai.

She grabbed him by the hips and pulled him to her, eager to get the show on the road. "This is gonna be soooo fun," she murmured, kissing his frowning mouth. "Smile, my little cream puff."

"Rice cake," he shot back, his scowl morphing into a smirk.

Lorelai kissed him again, pouring all of her excitement, elation, and energy into it, moaning against his lips as he gave it all back to her just as enthusiastically. A jolt of pleasure raced through her at her ability to make him fold. Nothing pleased her more than when this man was pleasing her without a care in the world.

His hands molded to her body, caressing every curve, absorbing every thunderous beat of her heart. He kissed every dip and every hollow. He licked his way from her chin to her belly button, teasing her with every stroke of his tongue. He crawled back up to stare into her eyes, his lower half poised at her entrance. She writhed beneath him.

Luke waited for her to meet his eyes. When she did, he shook his head, unable to hide his boyish smile. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"I can," Lorelai whispered. She wrapped her legs around him and sighed in both ecstasy and relief as he slipped into her wet heat.

"Godddd," she hissed.

"Mmhmmm," Luke agreed, burying his head in her neck.

She gripped his back and hung on for dear life. "God, I hope my parents haven't used it for this purpose."

Luke's head shot up. "Lorelai!"

"Welllll, my dad did seem pretty keen to jump on the thing. In his sock suspenders, I might add."

He groaned. "Okay, I'm done."

Lorelai gripped his arms before he pulled away from her. "No, don't go!" she pleaded. "I'm sorry. I'll be good." She smoothed her palm down his cheek, coaxing his face closer to hers.

"It's cold," Luke grumbled against her lips.

She smiled, knowing that she'd reeled him back in and victory was hers. "Then let's heat things up, baby." With that, she rocked her hips, urging him into action.

His lips clung to hers as he set the pace, completely losing himself in the feeling of her body yielding to his. Luke's hands roamed freely, setting every fiber of her being aflame.

The weight of him pressing into her was exquisite, but the heat of his mouth and the teasing glances of his tongue made her tremble with need. "Luke," she whispered, tearing her mouth from his. "I'm so close."

He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god." When he opened them again, they were trapped in a hold more intimate than their connected bodies.

One last stroke brought her to the edge and pushed her blissfully beyond it. Luke soon followed, and together they rode out the waves of pleasure made more intense by the surface beneath them.

"Wow," Lorelai breathed. "I so need to get me one of these."

"Probably a good idea, 'cause I'm definitely not coming here again." He caught himself before she could respond. "Don't say it."

"So dirty!" She cupped his cheek and said softly, "I think we should only have sex on round things from now on."

Luke rolled his eyes. "You have fun with that."

"No, you have fun with that," she shot back teasingly. "I know you do."

He shook his head, but the crooked smile on his face gave him away long before the gesture.

They fell into another heated kiss. A loud bang quickly stole their attention.

"What the hell was that?" Luke whispered, a look of horror on his face as he rolled away in search of his clothing.

She shrugged, watching the scrambling naked man in amusement. "Dunno. Could be Richard and Emily coming out for a midnight romp."

He turned back to her abruptly causing her loose and limber body to bounce easily. "Is that supposed to be funny?" he said, panic still evident in his expression.

Lorelai smirked, holding up her hands. "Hey, I don't know what these two kids do after dark."

"Well, I'm not waiting around to find out." He tugged his t-shirt over his head and struggled to pull on his boxers at a record pace.

"Need me to help you with that?"

"I'm fine," he grunted, instead tossing her pyjama bottoms and panties at her. "Hurry up and get dressed."

"Yes, sir!" Lorelai said with a salute, not at all disappointed that the show was over. In her wildest dreams, she never would have believed that she'd get this far with him. It made her flush with pleasure just thinking about their future together as a couple. Luke was so full of surprises, and she planned on exposing each and every one of them.


"Ow, ow, ow!" Luke complained. The loose gravel on Lorelai's driveway dug into his bare feet, deepening the scowl on his face.

"Such a baby," she playfully admonished, taking his hand in hers as they reached the steps. They climbed each one together and paused at the door. Lorelai brought her hand to his cheek and rose up on her tiptoes. Lips met in a heated caress marking the end of their midnight escapade. Both were too caught up in the kiss to notice the bright flash of light that lit up the night behind them.

"Let's go to bed," Lorelai whispered to him when they finally broke apart.

Hands still clasped, they crossed the threshold and closed the door behind them.

"Finally!" a familiar voice rejoiced victoriously. Kirk wrestled his bike free from the same bush he hid behind and hopped on, racing off at the highest clip the ten-speed would allow. He passed by that beat-up, signature green truck – the very thing that gave away the newfound lovers.

Kirk had camped out all night upon the discovery. Unfortunately, he'd slept through their initial departure, but he was primed and in place upon their return. He prayed the one and only picture he snapped would turn out because it was going to be the cover of the next morning's paper. Kirk puffed out a breath and released another shout of victory as he headed for the printing press.


The shrill ring of Lorelai's bedside telephone rudely wrenched them from a deep sleep.

"Ugh," Lorelai groaned, burying her head under her pillow to block out the sound and the stream of sunlight pouring into her room.

"Answer it," Luke murmured, still half asleep.

She groaned again. "You're closer."

Two more unanswered rings spurred Luke into action. He leaned over and grabbed the receiver. "Yeah?" he grunted.

Lorelai giggled beneath her pillow.

"Hello?" Luke barked. "You got somethin' to say, then say it!"

"Remind me to work on those phone skills of yours," Lorelai remarked.

Luke sat up abruptly. His eyes widened and his face paled. He jerked the phone away from his ear and tossed it onto the bed, like it was scorching his hand.

His sudden silence inspired Lorelai to emerge from her pillow. She sat up next to him and took in his troubled expression. "What's going on?"

He ran a hand over his stubbled cheek. "That was Nicole." Lorelai's eyes widened. "She told me to get a good lawyer, then she hung up."

"How did she … What did she…." Lorelai trailed off and watched in alarm as Luke pulled himself from the bed and began a frantic search for his clothing. "Luke," she implored. "We can fix this. I can … Here, I'll call my dad." She hunted for the phone, feeling between the folds and creases of the billowy comforter.

"I just … I need to figure some things out," Luke told her as he zipped up the fly of his jeans. "I can't think right now. I can't be here when this is all…."

Lorelai blinked hard, trying to will herself not to cry. "Luke," she whispered, "you don't regret what–"

"No! No, of course not," he insisted, crouching down next to her and kissing her soundly on the lips. "I don't regret one second of time I've spent with you."

She swallowed her tears and finally revealed a soft smile. "Me either." She cupped his cheek with a trembling palm. "Call me later?"

"I'll call you," Luke promised, brushing one last kiss against her lips.

His boot-clad feet pounded heavily down the staircase. Long, purposeful strides carried him to the front door. A deep, vigorous breath gave him the strength to open it. Before he took another step, he was met with a folded newspaper. He stooped to pick it up and stumbled backward into the house. The headline read: "Lotto Love" and below it was a picture of Luke and Lorelai locked in an intimate embrace outside her house.

"Oh god," Luke choked out. When he could find his voice, he called desperately for Lorelai.

Mere seconds later she came barrelling barefoot down the staircase in her robe. "Did you change your mind?" she asked him, her hopeful blue eyes latching onto his.

Instead of answering, Luke thrust the paper toward her. Lorelai's hand flew to her heart. "Who took this?"

"The same nutjob who's been taking all the pictures, I'm sure. I'm going to kill him."

"Luke, this can't get out."

He sighed. "I think it's too late for that."

Lorelai brushed past him and closed the door. Grabbing him gently by the shoulders, she coaxed him further into the house and directed him onto the couch. She took a seat next to him and chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna hide out here for a while. I somehow don't think it's safe to go outside." Luke nodded at that. "You're gonna call Caesar and make sure he's good to hold down the fort. And I'm gonna give my dad a call, and I know he'll set you up with his best lawyer. Okay?"

"Okay," Luke agreed.


They both sunk further into the cushions and found peace in the silence that enveloped them. After a beat, Lorelai asked him, "What are your thoughts on hiding under the covers with me?"

A tiny smile creased the corners of his mouth. "I think that's the best idea yet."


A week later, with Richard's pricey lawyer at his side, Luke entered a penthouse office overlooking the busy streets of New York City. Floor-to-ceiling windows wrapped around the entire exterior wall. A long mahogany table polished to gleaming perfection spanned nearly the full length of the room, and rich, buttery leather chairs encircled it.

Luke cautiously pulled out a chair and took a seat, drumming his fingers nervously on the glossy, almost see-through surface of the table.

Walter Herschfeld sat next to him, placing a strong hand atop Luke's to still his busy fingers. "Don't appear nervous. You might give them a reason to feel they actually have a leg to stand on," he bellowed in a deep register, revealing a hint of a smile.

When Richard Gilmore had called in a favour, Walter had been in the midst of a pile of paperwork, preparing for a huge case. Once Morgan Brigley, the opposing counsel's name was mentioned, Walter dropped everything and jumped at the chance. The two had been rivals for years.

Double mahogany doors opened wide and in stepped Brigley himself. "Walter," he acknowledged pleasantly.

"Morgan," Mr. Herschfeld returned cordially.

Luke felt sick to his stomach. "Could I get some water?"

"Certainly," Morgan said. He poured a tall glass of ice water from the pitcher resting in the centre of the table. Not even a drop was spilled in the process. He slid the glass to Luke and gestured for his hand in the process, shaking it firmly. "Morgan Brigley."

"Uh, Luke. Danes. Luke Danes," he stammered. "Where's Nicole?"

"Ms. Leahy just stepped out."

As if on cue, Nicole entered the room wearing a tight-fitting blazer emphasizing certain assets that had been noticeably absent a mere week ago.

"Whoa." Luke openly stared in complete astonishment. "I'm glad to see you've been spending our money on important things," he muttered, awkwardly motioning toward her chest.

Nicole rolled her eyes and slid into the chair next to Morgan. Luke could actually hear the leather grunting under the added weight of silicone.

Mr. Brigley folded his hands atop the table and glanced at both men. "Well, no sense prolonging this. Gentleman, it is our contention that there be an equal division of the lottery monies."

Walter's jaw dropped. "That is completely unacceptable!"

Luke raised his hand to prevent any further argument. "It's all right," he said. "She can have half."

This time Walter gawked at Luke. He was obviously ready to do battle, and Luke's easy surrender was tearing away the foundation of his case. "Let me do the talking here," he whispered harshly to Luke.

"She can have half," Luke said again, loud enough for all parties present to hear. "Period. I don't want to discuss it."

Walter shook his head and sighed in defeat. "We concede the point."

"That's a very mature attitude," Brigley commented. "It'll certainly help speed things right along."

"Now, there's the matter of their pre-lottery holdings." Walter flipped through the papers carefully labelled in his stark black portfolio. We have a bank account here totalling just over sixty-three thousand dollars, as well as some investments. I insist that we split this 50/50."

Nicole smirked, as if the measly amount meant nothing to her.

"If we're all in agreement, the only thing left to discuss is the shared townhouse, and the furnishings, of course–"

"That's not quite accurate, Walter. We are also attaching the monies donated by Mr. Danes to Ms. Gilmore."

"What!" Luke gasped. "No!"

"That is way out of line, Morgan!" Walter added, infuriated by the low blow.

"No!" Luke said again, pounding his fist against the table, feeling like the air was being sucked from his lungs.

"Mr. Danes volunteered this joint money without Ms. Leahy's consent or previous knowledge."

Luke's eyes, filled with desperation, shot to Nicole's. "Don't do this, Nicole. Please." he implored. "Think about what you're doing."

"We have every reason to believe that he and Ms. Gilmore have had a long-standing relationship that he has deliberately deceived his wife about," Morgan continued.

Luke emphatically shook his head. "That's not true!"

Morgan revealed a large manila envelope and placed it on the table in front of him. "And toward that end, we have drafted this letter to Ms. Gilmore–"

"C'mon!" Luke sprang from his chair.

"–Demanding that she return the money immediately and in full or face substantial penalties and punitive damages."

"I don't believe this!"

Luke wished he was wearing his heavy work boots. The newly purchased dress shoes that whispered against the floor as he barrelled around the table were nowhere near as intimidating. Still, the action put Nicole on high alert.

"Luke," Walter said in a warning tone. "Stay on this side of the table. The only side with a conscience," he added under his breath.

Luke paused mid-stride, his chest heaving. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was ruin any hope he had of reversing this. He closed his eyes, blocking out the sights, sounds, and smells of the stuffy office and the walls that were quickly closing in on him. But all he could see was Lorelai's face, all he could hear was the sound of her airy laugh, and all he could smell was the rich, creamy scent of her skin. Nothing else mattered but her.

Blowing out a breath, he lurched forward and grabbed Nicole by the arm. "Why are you doing this? Why! Just to get even with Lorelai? She didn't do anything to you!"

"Luke!" Walter called from the opposite side of the table.

Morgan began to rise from his chair, but Nicole waved him off. "I'm so sick of all this screaming! Our whole marriage was like this."

"It was not like this!" Luke argued, gripping her arm tighter, unable to control his emotions and in too deep to back down.

"I'm getting tired of this physical abuse from you!" She tugged her arm from Luke and rubbed at it dramatically. Nicole turned to her lawyer. "Did you see that?"

Morgan nodded and stood. "Well, I think we're about finished here, gentleman," he said curtly, pulling out Nicole's chair and assisting her to her feet as well. "Good luck, Walter. You're gonna need it," were his parting words as he escorted Nicole out of the office.

Luke crumbled under the weight of his anger and disappointment and collapsed onto the table, burying his head in his hands. "How am I gonna explain this to Lorelai?" he rasped. "I mean, how am I gonna tell her?"

Walter rounded the table and patted the broken man's shoulders. "Luke, look, you're not going to like this, but you're going have to stop seeing her for a while."


An hour later Luke stood on the porch outside Lorelai's house - the last place on earth he should be, but the only place he wanted to be. If he had to stop seeing her for a while, he needed to be the one to tell her why.

His clenched fist rapped firmly against the door. He held his breath when he heard her footsteps echoing down the staircase.

The moment she opened the door, Luke pulled her into his arms, wrapping her in his protective embrace. She wore a pair of faded baby blue cotton pyjama shorts and a matching t-shirt. She shivered in his arms, lifting her bare feet on top of his worn work boots and melting into the heat of his body.

"Come inside," Lorelai whispered. "Tell me what happened."

Luke squeezed his eyes shut, dreading to utter the words he'd been rehearsing the entire drive back from New York City.

She took his hand in hers and led him into the house. He remained stoically silent as she closed the door and gently removed his jacket from his shoulders. He watched her smooth the lapels of his blazer and ached to kiss the lips she pursed in concentration of her task.

Taking a step back, she looked fearfully into his eyes. "It's not good news, is it?"

He shook his head, attempting to swallow the lump that had permanently lodged in his throat. "Lorelai, I just want you to know that I won't less this happen. I'll fight her. I will fight her with everything I have."

"Let what happen?" she asked quietly, dreading his answer.

"She wants the money I invested in the Dragonfly. The money I invested in you."

Lorelai's face fell.

"It's not gonna happen," Luke insisted, gripping her shoulders tightly until she met his eyes again. "I won't let it."

"I can't believe she would … What about your money?" Lorelai quickly changed tracks, focusing her concern on Luke.

"She gets half."

Her eyes widened. "What? Luke, no! I gave that to you! She's the last person on earth I'd ever–"

"Lorelai, we were married when you gave that money to me … We still are, technically." He blew out a shaky breath, trying to find the courage to continue. "She's accusing me of adultery."

"Adultery…." Lorelai's heart sank to the floor. "Oh, Luke."

He took both of her hands in his. "I may not be able to see you for a while. At least until this all gets fixed."

Her eyes filled with panic. "When will that be?"

They both jumped when a series of knocks sounded from the door. Eyes darted around the room as suspicion and paranoia took flight. Lorelai started cautiously for the door with Luke right on her heels. "Don't you think you should…." she trailed off, gesturing for him to take cover.

"I'll take my chances," he said gruffly. "As long as I'm here, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

Lorelai found some relief in his words, but still her stomach roiled with uncertainty. Peering through the frosted glass she could make out the silhouette of a tall, thin man. She slowly opened the door and sighed as Kirk stood before them in a polished pin-striped suit that was three inches too short.

"Lorelai," Kirk said in greeting. "Luke," he added once he noticed the fuming man who hovered closely behind her. "I didn't know you'd be here."

"The hell you didn't," Luke snapped. "You've been tracking our every move from day one!"

Kirk shrugged unapologetically. "Hot news stories sell, Luke. This is the most profitable month in the Stars Hollow Gazette's history."

"I can tell you something else that's gonna be history..." he threatened, trying to manoeuvre around Lorelai in effort to strangle Kirk.

Lorelai held strong in her role as buffer. "Kirk," she said pointedly, signalling for him to get a move on.

"Oh, right." Kirk reached into his satchel and removed a manila envelope eerily similar to the one Luke had seen earlier that day. He passed it to Lorelai and waited for her to open it.

"A subpoena?" she whispered, turning to Luke in shock.

His jaw clenched; his blood pounded in his veins and his eyes flew to Kirk's. "Why are you delivering this?"

Kirk held his head high. "I've been deputized," he stated proudly.

Luke groaned. "God help us all."

"I'm going to need your signature, Lorelai," Kirk spoke authoritatively. He pulled out an electronic keypad and beamed at them, oblivious. "We've gone high-tech now."

Lorelai shook her head and reached for the stylus. After three failed attempts for her signature to register, Kirk sighed. "How about I sign your hand?"

"That won't be necessary," Kirk insisted. "Just don't go leaving town."

"Yeah, Kirk'll chase you down on his ten-speed," Luke warned her mockingly.

The frail man glared at Luke. "I have something for you too, but I'm going to hang onto it for a few minutes."

He raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"I'll be back," Kirk assured them, turning to leave. "Ten minutes, tops."

Luke and Lorelai poked their heads through the doorway and watched in amazement as he hopped onto his bike and sped away.

"This is the man they trust with important legal documents," Luke muttered, shaking his head.

Lorelai giggled. "I wonder where he tore off to."

"Hopefully a tailor."

"Or Taylor, to warn him."

"Warn him?"

She giggled again. "To be ready for the flood of biblical proportions."

They heard Kirk before they saw him, a mere eight minutes later, the sound of his bell dinging loudly as the gravel crunched beneath rubber tires.

"What did he do, circle the block?" Luke asked, perplexed.

Kirk stashed his bike at the bottom of the steps then climbed them, huffing and puffing all the way. "Here." He wheezed, reaching a thick manila envelope to Luke.

Luke frowned. "What the hell is this?"

"Your divorce papers," Kirk supplied, hunching over.

Luke's knees nearly buckled under the weight. A failed marriage was a burden he thought he'd never carry. Now it weighed heavily in his hands.

Lorelai noticed Luke's grim expression and pressed a gentle hand to his back. "Why didn't you drop these off before, Kirk?" she asked, trying to fill the heavy silence.

"I make two stops, I collect two process fees. It's smart business."

"It's nuts in the head," Luke growled. "Get him out of here," he told Lorelai as he trudged toward the couch.

Lorelai smiled weakly at Kirk. "So, what other top secret documents you got in there?" she asked, attempting to peek into his satchel.

Kirk yanked it away and eyed her suspiciously. "I can't say, but it's possible that one of them has East Side Tilly's name on it."

Her mouth dropped open dramatically, but Kirk was out the door before she could say another word. She closed it behind him. The shocked look on her face soon turned to one of sympathy when she took in Luke's slumped form.

Lorelai crossed her arms and pressed them to her stomach, feeling the cold all over again. Once she was near enough to Luke, she gathered the papers from his outstretched hands and set them on the coffee table. She sat next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Please don't leave," she whispered.

"I can't stay."

Lorelai blinked hard, resigning herself to this new, painful reality. "I'm so sorry this is happening."

Luke wrapped a strong, protective arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "This isn't gonna change anything between you and I, Lorelai. I want you to know that."

She nodded half-heartedly. "I guess I'll see you when I see you."

"It won't be long," he promised, kissing her temple. He traced a thumb down her cheek and stood.

His boots were like anchors as he dragged himself away from the one woman and the one place that felt like home. She didn't look back, and he knew she wouldn't. Somehow that made things easier for both of them. He slipped through the door and into the crushing darkness of a world without Lorelai.


The trial began several days later. They were the longest days of Luke's life. When he first met Lorelai, he somehow knew that she'd become a frequent patron of his business – it was just his luck. But as the years went on, and they became closer as friends and confidants, he remembered more the days she didn't cross his threshold and brighten up his monotonous existence. He could count on his hand the number of times in the year such an event occurred. Those were the hardest days to get through, but he survived on the certainty that she'd appear at his doorstep, as bubbly and beautiful as ever, the next morning.

On the second and final day of the trial, Lorelai was summoned to the stand. It was the first they'd seen each other since he'd left her house.

Morgan Brigley stopped at nothing, driving her to tears again with his bitter words and harsh accusations. She didn't bat an eyelash when he claimed that the money donated to her by Luke was done so unjustly, but she bristled considerably when he charged her with using her relationship with Luke to manipulate him into doing so. Her fists clenched as he spat out the words 'adulterous', 'illicit', and 'immoral', and her eyes shot to Luke when Morgan added 'criminal' to the list.

Lorelai finally found her voice after the man alleged that her only purpose behind this entire grandiose show of generosity was to destroy a marriage and sink her claws into the one man she couldn't have.

"That's not true!" Lorelai cried. "I made a promise and I followed through on that promise. That's what good people do!"

"Oh, I see. And what else do 'good people' do, Ms. Gilmore?" Morgan shot back. "Indulge in adulterous affairs?"

"I've never had an affair!"

Morgan smiled. "Mr. Danes is a married man. Do you deny you have an intimate relationship with him?"

Lorelai swallowed hard as she felt every ounce of colour drain from her face. "Luke is a kind and decent man, and he deserves every cent of the money I gave to him. I've only ever wanted him to be happy."

Morgan nodded, encouraging her to continue. "And why is that, Ms. Gilmore?"

Her heart was racing. She couldn't stop now, not when every emotion inside of her was screaming for her to continue. Not when every pair of eyes in the courtroom were on her, except for the only pair that truly mattered. "I love him."

Luke's head shot up and his eyes immediately sought hers – a silent connection, but one so powerful it gave her the strength to continue. "I'm in love with him."

Those potent words stirred the courtroom into an uproar. Luke's pulse pounded in his ears, drowning out the commotion that surrounded him. Lorelai's freshly uttered confession was on loop inside her head, serving to override her fleeting confidence with worry, doubt, and uncertainty. There were so many questions, but one question led them all: What if he doesn't feel the same way?

Nicole's smug smirk cut through the buzzing air like a knife. "I knew it," she hissed. "I knew it all along." She turned to Morgan and he all but assured her a victory by the slight nod and subtle wink he favoured her with.

Once order was restored, the judge disappeared for a brief recess in effort to formulate his final verdict. Lorelai returned to her seat in the gallery, her eyes glued to Luke's broad shoulders.

Luke blinked hard, resisting the temptation to turn around. There was no doubt in his mind that he was in love with her too, but he couldn't admit that until he knew for sure that he could protect her from all this.

Fifteen minutes felt like a lifetime. Silence fell over the courtroom as the judge at last reclaimed his seat. "After hearing all sides, I have reached a verdict," he declared.

Lorelai closed her eyes. Luke's hands gripped the edge of the table. They both held their breath.

"I rule in favour of the plaintiff, Ms. Nicole Leahy, on all counts."

A series of shocked gasps circled the room, but none were louder than Lorelai's. Her jaw dropped. Her eyes widened, filling with tears that she beat back with a rapid flutter of her eyelashes. The hands that Luke had wrapped around the table curled into tight fists.

"The funds in question will be granted to her, as will an award for punitive damages in the resulting emotional distress. My ruling is final. Case dismissed!" He banged his gavel, drawing the session to an official close.

The tears spilled over. Lorelai wiped frantically at her cheeks and rose on unsteady legs, bolting out of the courtroom as fast as she could, needing to get as far away from everything and everyone as possible.

"Lorelai! Wait!" Luke shouted, fighting through the throngs of people to get to her. He couldn't stop her. He couldn't get to her quickly enough. She hailed a cab and was out of sight before he'd made it halfway down the courthouse steps. "Goddamn it!" he cried, leaning his hands on his knees. He collapsed onto the concrete steps and waited for the world to swallow him whole.


She wouldn't return his calls. He left countless unanswered messages. A dozen knocks on her door went unheeded. Luke stayed with Liz and TJ until he could make sense of his apartment. After all was said and done, he was down to a fraction of the money he started with – the majority of it buried in lawyer fees and reparations. But he didn't care. It wasn't about the money for him. It never had been.

Luke had already endured a significant length of time without Lorelai before the trial. He wasn't about to do it again. If she wouldn't open the door for him, he'd barge through the damn thing. Armed with a peace offering and his wounded pride, he headed for her house.

It was after dusk. He'd put in a twelve hour shift at the diner, minus the time and trip it took to put together the item he now held in a paper package tucked safely under his arm. He walked with purpose up the porch steps and paused in front of her door. Taking a deep breath, he knocked. One, twice, three times.

He released a grunt of frustration. "Lorelai! I'll stay out here all night if I have to! I'm not gonna let you avoid me anymore!"

Another minute passed. With his hand pressed to the frosted glass, his voice cracked. "Please let me in. If you really meant what you said in the courtroom, you have to let me in."

A clatter sounded from inside followed by an expletive. Seconds later the door creaked open, just a sliver. "Why are you doing this?" she breathed through the narrow space. "I ruined everything for you."

"You're wrong. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," he told her, forcing his way into the house.

Lorelai backed up, briefly forgetting the strength and fierce determination of this man. "You lost your marriage, you lost your money … None of that would have happened if it wasn't for me," she told him, still backing away.

"I don't care about the money!" Luke shouted, throwing his arms to the side. He stopped moving and took a bracing breath, locking eyes with her. "It means nothing to me."

Her eyes lowered to the package in his outstretched hand. "What's that?" she whispered.

Luke followed her field of vision, having completely forgotten what he carried. "Oh. It's just … something I wanted you to have." He walked further into the house and sat on the couch, waiting for her to join him.

A cushion of space separated them as he extended the package to her. "I never cared about Nicole the way I've always cared about you," he admitted softly, his eyes trained on her profile.

Her breath hitched; her trembling fingers unfolded the wrinkled paper bag.

"And I didn't lose a marriage. I finally found a chance at being … happy."

"Luke," she whispered, turning to face him.

He smiled and nodded to the package, acutely aware of the curious creature sitting before him. Somehow he knew he wouldn't need to say anything more once the contents were revealed.

She felt the smooth edge of a wooden frame and carefully removed it. Her eyes widened in recognition. It was a picture of Luke and Lorelai on the pitcher's mound at Yankee Stadium surrounded by the kids from the shelter. They all looked so happy, so oblivious to the world that surrounded them, blissfully ensconced in their own little fairytale. It took her a moment to realize there was an inscription below. The words read: 'Fairytales can come true'.

Luke waited anxiously for her to say something. When a single tear fell down her cheek, he frowned, worried he'd somehow upset her. "Lorelai, I…."

"Shhhh," she told him softly, covering his parted lips with her hand. He kissed her fingers on instinct, and she smiled. "Being there with you, with the kids … It was one of the best days of my life."

Her hand moved from his mouth to his stubbled cheek, and he leaned into her caress. "Mine too," he whispered. "We can do it again. We can do it every day, if you want to."

Lorelai raised her eyebrows suggestively. "How about we do it right now?"

He groaned and shook his head.

She smiled, a rush of warmth flooding her body. "I don't care what we do, as long as I'm with you." Another stubborn tear slipped from her eye as she kissed him, pouring everything she had into it. "You're my fairytale," she breathed against his lips.


Stars Hollow isn't just a town; it's a feeling. It's a state of being. It brings out the very best in the people that live there.

Lady luck paid Lorelai a visit, just as the walls were beginning to close in on the hopeful inn owner. A woman of her word, she gave Luke exactly half her winnings and together they watched as a world of possibilities opened up to them. Through every act of kindness, they grew closer as friends, partners, and firm, faithful believers in one another. Neither could deny the spark that always existed between them, but that spark quickly became a flame when their time spent together far outweighed their time spent apart.

They fell in love, coaxed by the carefree caress of the almighty dollar, affixed in the knowledge that this kind of love was a love that money couldn't buy.

There were barriers, of course. There are always obstacles in the path of true love.

Jason smartly cut his losses, set his sights on a woman in the apartment complex next to his, and got himself a genuine, bonafide round mattress, determined to finally make room for someone else – in his bed and in his life.

And Nicole … Well, she moved on too, reconnecting with Preston from the Millionaires Cruise. They were last seen in New York City, just about to board a horse-drawn buggy when the sharp blast of a taxi cab's horn (presumably Martin, Mr. 'Cash Cab' himself) startled the horses. The resulting kerfuffle found Nicole brutally trampled by the quadrupeds. While she recuperated from multiple broken bones, including a cracked coccyx, Preston made off with her money and booked the next flight to Tahiti.

For our favourite couple, things finally fell into place. There was buzz about an engagement, and Kirk had already composed the perfect future headline for the Gazette: "Diner Proprietor Weds Inn Owner".

Even in their darkest hours, they never lost hope. That, truly, is the greatest lesson of all. Because one day….

…It could happen to you!

The End :)

Thank you all so much for reading and joining me in this adventure!