
Chapter Four *Author's Notes At The End Of Chapter*

Well school was horrible on Monday. All day people would stare at me and give me dirty looks. During seventh period, a guy passed me a note with a picture he drew of HIM sticking his ass up in the air. I glared at him, tore it up, and threw it down on the ground, just fortunate that the teacher hadn't seen me do this. The last bell sounded like music to my ears.

I got down to the bottom of the stairs and walked as fast as I could off into the direction of my neighborhood. Soon enough the crowd behind me had almost vanished, but there was one person that seemed to be following me. Ugh, what did they want? I didn't want to be bothered right now. They were gonna get it….

I turned around and then saw Ace. That terrible Gangreen Gang leader. He looked older. Well he definitely needed to shave, that was for sure. He was wearing a big black coat and tight pants. His hands were in his pockets, and a cigarette was in his mouth. His eyes were once again covered by a dark pair of sunglasses. His greasy black hair looked as though it hadn't been washed in a week or so.

"What do you want?" I spat at him. He looked a bit surprised by my reaction.

"Hey, hey, now," he said after reaching up for his cigarette with a fingerless-gloved hand. He took it out of his mouth and blew a puff of smoke not too far away from my face. I coughed once. "Aren't'cha surprised to see me?"

"Yes I am," I said through gritted teeth. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Ace in one of his 'charming' moods right now. "But that doesn't mean I'm happy to see you, or that I'm glad to see you."

"Hey why not?" he asked, beginning to follow me after I turned away and started off again. "You haven't seen me in a year anyways."

"Yeah. I was lucky. Till now," I said without regretting one word.

"Hey, hey, hey!" he said suddenly grabbing my arm roughly and squeezing it. I turned around to glare at him. "Don't you talk to me like that. Hey, I thought we used to have somethin' together. What happened?"

"I grew up, and opened my eyes," I retorted, yanking my arm out of his grip.

I turned around and started off again.

"See, I knew it would end up like this," I heard him say quietly. Then he raised his voice, and said, "I liked you when you were younger, you know. Susceptible… defenseless… gullible… stupid… desperate… hormonal."

Okay, that did it. Before he could say another word, I'd smacked him as hard as I possibly could. He didn't fall down or anything. He was still standing, but he was wiping the blood off of his face with his gloved hand. "Damn, your hits keep gettin' harder and harder too," he observed.

"I can hit you harder if that wasn't hard enough," I promised him.

He grinned. "That a threat or a promise?"

I remember he'd said that first night I'd met him at Richard's anger management workshop. I scoffed. "Don't give me that."

"Give ya what?" he wanted to know. "You never let me give you anything."

"Yeah, and it's staying that way. So don't get your hopes up," I said bitterly, trying once again to get home.

"Tell me what changed, okay, Meggy?" he said, enraging me. How everyone dared to use that nickname! "Was it that guy? That real bad guy?"

How dare he. He knew how much I hated HIM. I was proven this when I turned around and saw the wicked smirk on his face. He was making fun of me. If he'd thought that I would actually be associated with that - ugh! –

"Hardly," I said without the smallest trace of humor in my voice. "You don't even know the half of what happened on Friday. You don't have the right to be -"

He lifted a hand and nodded his head. "Oh I know. I know."

"I hate your stinking guts," I said angrily.

"I know," he assured me.

"Listen," I said. "The reason I hate you is because I'm different than most girls. I'm not some dumb loser that falls for any random guy, especially not jerks like you. I may have been that way before, but not anymore. I'm not your stereotypical, goggly-eyed -"

"Goggly-eyed?" he repeated with a laugh. "Goggly-eyed?"

"Yes…" I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What the heck is that?" he cackled. "What is that? Goggly-eyed?"

"It means someone that thinks everyone they see is attractive," I explained.

"It ain't a word," he said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean 'it ain't a word'? Ain't isn't a word!" I pointed out.

"At least you can find 'ain't' in the dictionary," Ace retorted.

"So I made up a word. So what? Why does it matter so much to you?" I wanted to know. "And since when was vocabulary important to you?"

"Vocabulary's very important to me," he joked. "I think I might go to be an English Professor at a college somewhere in the future. Do you think my crime-record will make a good résumé?"

I couldn't help but smile. Then I remembered something. "You're not in jail."

"Yeah… took ya long enough to notice," he said, looking down.

"You broke out," I said.

"No…" he said quietly.

"Someone bailed you out," I tried again.

"Yeah," he said, looking up again.

"Who?" I was curious to know.

"Uh…" He scratched himself on the back of his neck nervously and avoided my gaze. He chuckled embarrassedly.

"Oh come on, Ace," I said in annoyance. "Just spit it out already. Who bailed you out? Tell me."

"Um," Ace laughed again. He looked up at me. "A girl…"

I frowned. "Of course."

"Hey Megan, listen, I didn't even know the girl, okay?" he said. "She came over to the jail and said that she'd gotten my phone call. I didn't make no phone call. I didn't even know who the heck the chick thought she was. She told the cop she knew me and I went along with her story. I wanted to get out of jail, didn't I?"

"What was her name?" I was curious to know.

"She didn't tell me her name," Ace responded.

"How old did you think she was?" I continued to bug him.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe your age," he said.

I thought about that for a moment or two. "When did she get you out?"

"Yesterday afternoon," he replied.

"What kind of girl would want to bail you out of jail?" I said aloud, to no one in particular.

"You used to be that girl…" Ace reminded me, staring hard.

"Why did you even steal from the candy store?" I demanded to know, frowning seriously at him. "I thought you were done with crime."

"Well…" he began, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I kinda figured that the only reason why I'd stopped getting involved in crime-activity in the first place was because I had someone to be a good person for. Then we sorta stopped seeing each other, and I realized I had nothing holding me back anymore."

"I moved on. We grew apart," I told him. "I was too young to have liked you back when I thought I liked you, and a few months later I knew I didn't."

Ace looked kind of sad to hear this. "Well I wasn't too young. You really led me on, Megan."

"You're too immature to understand," I scoffed. "I don't want you. I'm - I mean - I was Townsville's Sweetheart, representing for all the good girls in Townsville and you were hurting my image."

"Megan, was it your image or was it me?" Ace demanded to know.

"It was both," I explained, pulling my hair back and crossing my arms. "I mean, I was stupid to have made you thought I cared about you in the first place. You did a lot of bad things to me. You harassed me and played with my mind….. Look. You're not my type. I don't even have a type really. I know that there's a part of me that wants a boyfriend, but there's also a part of me that wants nothing. That part of me just wants to be five-years-old again, and… and… I just wish that the only guys I had to worry about liking were fairytale kings and… princes again. I don't want any kind of responsibility. I don't want to have to make any choices. That's why I've been screwing up so much lately. You would just make things worse. I just know that if I were to choose a guy for myself right now, it wouldn't be you. You're not good for me. You're the worst possible guy I could pick."

"Think of all we've gone through together!" he insisted.

"Ace, if there's some random teenage girl my age who you don't even know that cared enough about you to bail you out of jail, then that's just the beginning of all the girls you're gonna meet that are somehow attracted to you," I assured him. "You're a bad guy. And let's face it: good girls want bad guys. But I'm not gonna be so willing. Not anymore. I'm not like those girls."

"So you're saying you're not a good girl?" Ace asked after I'd turned around to walk away again. I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned around to look at him again. He was giving me a confused look like he was trying to figure me out.

I shook my head. "I'm saying I'm not a stupid girl."

And with that, I was off. I didn't stop again after that. He called my name a couple times, probably thinking that I would come back to listen to whatever he had to say, but I ignored him. I listened as he cursed to himself and kicked the fence. Now he knew I wasn't kidding when I said I wasn't a stupid girl.

As I walked away I thought about the last thing he'd said to me. He wanted to clarify whether or not I was a good girl or a bad girl. Now I could see from what everyone had been saying about me lately that he could think of me as being a bad girl, but I was not a bad girl. I was a very good girl. Just not a stupid one, like I said.

I was sick of people thinking they had the right to judge me, and decide whether or not I was a good girl or a bad girl. They weren't me. I was me. Only I knew who I was. Why didn't anybody ever cut me some slack? I wasn't some goddess. I was a human-being. Just because I'd been considered a role-model for a period of time did not mean that every move I made had to be analyzed or put under a microscope or radar to examine. People had no right to try to figure me out. I was still having a difficult time trying to figure out who I was myself!

After an hour or two, I sat down on my couch. Since I was home alone all by myself, I held my pillow tight to my chest so that anyone who was watching me didn't have to stare at it. I was wearing a cropped black tank-top and a pair of dark skinny jeans. I figured that when I wasn't out in public I didn't have to wear something that hid my figure completely. But with this… new theory about HIM and all, I was always sure not to flaunt it. My Bible was sitting on the coffee table.

There was nothing on television. The girls were out fighting crime in the city. I thought of all the things I could do. I could go to the Smith's house and baby-sit Julie if Maryanne wanted me to. That way I could try to find out about the completely average family's villainous tendencies, by searching for clues around their house. But would Maryanne even want me in her house anymore with all of this bad publicity that I was getting? I could go find the Talking Dog and have a conversation with him. He may not have been cool with my bad reputation either.

I was bored and had nothing to do, so I decided to give Brian a call.

I wanted to see the interviews, didn't I? I dialed his number and waited.

"Hello?" his voice said on the other end of the phone. "This is Brian Larsen."

"Hey Brian, this is Megan," I told him.

"Megan hi, what's up?" he was curious to know.

"I was sort of just wondering if you would mind bringing the interviews over right now," I said. "I'd like to watch them. I'm bored and have nothing else to do."

"Yeah," he said. "Sure, I'll be over as soon as I can be."

"Thanks. Bye," I said and I hung up. Okay, I couldn't believe I was doing this. Brian had said I needed a thick skin to handle this. Did I want to see these…..?

He was able to get to the house in twenty minutes. He had all his tapes and everything. "Okay," he said, standing in front of the TV holding three of them. "Who do you want to start with? Friends… family… or foes?"

I was extremely nervous about the foes. "Um… family?" I decided. I guess.

"Family it is," he said, putting one of the tapes in the VCR. The first interview started with a close-up of Anna, wearing a brown leather jacket and khaki pants. She had a smile on her face; Anna all her life had been a cold person, so her smile must have been for self-benefit (to make herself look likable on camera). Brian zoomed out a bit, revealing that Daniel was sitting next to Anna. Her hand was in his lap. He looked handsome with his auburn hair curled and his jacket unbuttoned.

"So if I'm right, you two actually the mother and the step-father of Megan," Brian's voice said on the recording.

"That is correct."

"You are right."

"And you two were actually the ones that brought her here to Townsville."

Very unwillingly, on Anna's part.

"Yes, well -" Anna stopped. I could tell that she was trying to think of a way she could tell the story without accidentally insulting Richard on a video that many people were going to see. "Megan used to visit her father every summer and just summer only. And he'd moved to Townsville just a few months before she came that year. I told Megan before we brought her there that… since he lived in a new city that that would be a lot to adjust to so soon, and that she didn't have to go through that if the thought of it made her too nervous."

Did I even have to bother to point out that the reason Anna hadn't wanted me to go visit Richard was because she thought that he was completely incapable of raising a child properly, let alone a teenage girl?

"Not me, I thought it was great," Daniel disagreed with his wife. At least he was being honest. "I thought it was a great idea for Megan to go and get to know her father better, and maybe meet a bunch of new people. She met more people than I would have ever dreamed of, and that makes me really happy."

"While Megan was away, did you hear from her at all? Did she ever communicate with you? Did you ever have any idea what was going on with her?"

Anna turned and exchanged a look with Daniel real quick. Then she turned back to Brian and said, "For a time she called me every night. She seemed very unhappy with the place. She was always complaining about things but she insisted that she wanted to stay, so I let her stay." At least she was beginning to be more honest now. "Then out of nowhere she stopped calling, and I became very worried."

Daniel leaned forward and said, "A coworker of mine began showing me news articles from The Townsville Times, telling about how Megan was a super heroine and about how she was fighting crime alongside the Power Puff Girls. I couldn't believe it. Anna had an even harder time trying to believe it."

Anna sighed and gave a chuckle. "After all, this was a very well-behaved, non-action girl who'd only taken karate for one week in her whole life and that was back when she was six-years-old at a summer camp."

"I don't know how awkward this is with both of you in the room and all, but, Anna, when did you and Richard get divorced?"

Anna sighed again. "When Megan was nine."

"And do you think that the divorce had anything to do with her being so well-behaved? Do you honestly think that it may have diminished her innocence, taking her childhood away from her? Do you think that her sudden crime-fighting was a way of hers to get back at those with problems to avenge her own problems?"

"Well, no…" Anna looked very uncomfortable now. Daniel didn't look too pleased either. "No… Megan was - Megan was always mature. She took after my side, and my side of the family has always been mature. After the divorce she lost touch with many of her friends. She just… stopped seeing people, I guess. She was fine around the people I worked with and the people Daniel worked with though. She basically seemed more comfortable in a room full of adults than in a room full of children. I'm guessing she could just relate to them more. They were easier to talk to for her. Definitely not your average girl."

I couldn't believe her, telling so much information about me.

"Can we watch another interview?" I asked, turning around to look at Brian.

"Sure," he said, forwarding the rest of Anna's and Daniel's interview.

I still couldn't believe her. Like anything she was saying was anyone's business. I knew it was an interview and all, but still. Anyway, now that I was approaching adulthood I wished I could go back to all those years I'd missed of being a child. The tables had turned since I'd come to live in Townsville.

"Here's your dad Richard," Brian said, playing the tape again.

Richard was sitting there wearing a plaid t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"I've been told that Megan had always been a certain way before she came to live with you in Townsville. I mean, you've been different places since you and Anna got divorced. Anna remained in New York, but you lived in Hawaii, you lived in North Carolina, you lived in Florida, you lived in San Fran Cisco; what do you think the connection was between Megan and Townsville?"

"With Megan and Townsville there were two connections and two connections only: those were the Utoniums and Ace. I had Megan baby-sit for the Power Puff Girls, and the first few times she did it, she hated it," Richard explained. Oh, that wasn't really anyone's business either. "She felt threatened by the Power Puff Girls because they were better with people than she was. Megan always thought she had a connection with adults, but she met these girls and they blew her away. I think she worried about them like they were competition or something. Like they were her six-year-old rivals. But anyway, Ace was a different story. I worked at an anger management workshop currently, and Megan begged me to bring her along one night. Unfortunately, it was the Gangreen Gangs' night. Ace has a way of talking, you know. Especially a way of talking to women, and I think Megan got that right away. She began doing all this crazy stuff; trying to go see him behind my back, seeking him out and even getting mixed up in bad situations with him…"

"Brian, may I see my friends' interviews?" I talked over the rest of Richard's explanation. I was sick of listening to everybody being so honest. To tell the truth, I didn't really know whether or not I wanted people to hear these interviews anymore. I didn't really want Brian to make the documentary. It was too personal.

Richard had made me sound like some easily-decepted bimbo, and even though I may have been like that at the time, I didn't like to think of myself as being that anymore. Brian changed tapes, and I was now looking at Professor Utonium and Miss Keane. The two of them looked very bashful to be there; I think it was because of each other and not that they were being interviewed.

"So you two are close friends of Richard Brody, aren't you?"


"When Richard told you for the first time that his daughter was going to be staying with him for the summer, living in Townsville, what went through your minds? What were you thinking? What did you expect?"

"I thought that was perfect because my girls needed a baby-sitter, and I wouldn't trust a person other than a daughter of Richard's," the Professor explained. "I knew she would be just as nice as he was, and she was. She was a very nice girl. She was a little high-strung at first though, I must admit."

Oh wow. Gee thanks, Professor. Really.

"I didn't even meet her till the night of Richard's and Ima's wedding rehearsal," Miss Keane said. "She seemed, as the Professor said, very nervous, but I can understand. It's hard for a girl to have to go through her father marrying another woman, especially when it's an evil villainess Sedusa in disguise."

Thank you Miss Keane, for having a brain and a heart.

"Do you think Megan's become more confident? Do you think she's showing improvement in her self belief?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"She's getting older, and more famous."

"I would like to see her really blossom though."

They talked for a little while longer (they were the only two so far who hadn't angered me completely), and then next was an interview with the Mayor and Sara. This interview must have been recorded before Sara had married my father, otherwise she would have been with him in it.

Next was the interview with the Power Puff Girls. I was especially interested to see this one. They were sitting there with bright smiles on their faces. Blossom and Buttercup looked open and ready. Bubbles was holding Octi in her arms.

"You three have the honor of being the best friends of Megan Brody."


"Yeah, that's right."


Really the honor was mine, not theirs.

"Can you please tell me about when you first met Megan?"

Oh no.

Blossom spoke up first, of course, "Well, she seemed a little nervous but my sisters and I looked up to her anyway. She was a perfect example of beautiful, intelligent young women in the City of Townsville."

Beautiful, honestly? Ha.

"I could tell it was just a temporary thing, and it was," Buttercup added.

"She was my bestest friend in the world, already!" Bubbles exclaimed.

"Wow, sounds to me like your thoughts on Megan were pretty positive from the start, weren't they?"

"Of course they were."

"Now can you tell me what you thought when Megan started fighting crime with you guys?"

Blossom started as usual, "She seemed pretty good at it, but we were still very worried about her, not having powers and all. I honestly didn't know how long this series of victories was going to last, and it didn't last very long."

Whoa. Ouch.

"I wasn't worried after she beat up Fuzzy Lumpkins," Buttercup said, and I cooled down after that. "That was the most awesome thing I'd ever seen in my whole life! I wished someone had gotten it on camera so I could watch it over and over again! Haha!"

"Megan was my idol," Bubbles said. "I wanted to be just like her!"

"Megan's stopped fighting crime since, but I wish all the best for her in the future," Blossom finished off the interview. "And when I speak, I speak for all of my sisters." Buttercup and Bubbles nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Megan," Brian said taking a deep breath, while ejecting the friends tape and putting in the foes tape. "Get ready. Here's the enemies' tape."

I took a deep breath myself. I had to prepare myself. My heart pounded.

The video started with an image of Mojo JoJo sitting on a swivel chair in his living room. Ugh, I hated seeing his living room. Such bad memories of being there. He didn't look very happy, but he didn't look angry either. He just looked neutral, and professional, like he wouldn't mess up the interview.

"So you are one of Megan's arch nemesis'?" Brian wanted to clarify.

"Yes," said Mojo nonchalantly.

"How did it begin? Where did the vendetta take place?" Brian was curious.

"Everything had been going according to the plan at first -"

"Wait, what do you mean by that? What plan?"

"Uh… oops. Well, when I heard about Megan being a Power Puff Girl and about how all of the other villains wanted to take advantage of her because she had no powers, I decided that that would be the perfect opportunity to do what I wanted. I promised the girl protection (she really needed it), and super powers if she got me a bottle of Chemical X. Sneakily and ever-so cleverly, I used the Chemical X for myself, and used it so that I would have powers to take over Townsville with! Normal girls can never do anything really, or at least, that's what I always used to think. I've been proven wrong of that a couple times, and many of them were Megan. She came for me after I got my super powers, pursued me with the Antidote X, and got rid of them. Then after she left Townsville, she came back for her father and her friends, who I kidnapped. Of course she didn't beat me that time, but she had the nerve to come back and try! I would like to see her get hers one day."

"Uh….. Wow….. I honestly don't think I have anything else to say to you, Mojo. I think you pretty much said it all."

"Good. So we're done?"

That had me just as speechless as it had Brian. Next was Sedusa.

"You were actually one of the villains that, like Mojo and Ace, got very close to destroying Megan's soul," Brian said, and Sedusa looked smug. I hated looking at her. I hadn't seen her in the longest time. It just made me angry seeing her face.

"Guilty," she said in that detestable sugary-sweet, false feminine tone.

"And how were you able to do that? That's actually very impressive. Not many of the villains were able to get to Megan that much. Not even HIM, who's the manipulative evilest of the evil."

Oh, so impressive. I didn't see what was so impressive about getting close to destroying my soul. He was just flirting with Sedusa like every other guy did.

"Well, I used the easiest way I could possibly think of," Sedusa explained in a high-pitched, breathless tone. "It's the easiest way a woman can destroy a young girl's soul: I married her father. Poor Megan had dealt with a lot in the past, especially her mother getting remarried to that handsome Daniel fellow. When Megan heard that her father and I were getting married, she felt like she was losing someone again. And I know that nothing tortures a young girl more than losing someone important to her, especially a family member. I was able to torture her some more by getting the boy she cared about the most to come between her and her father, and then have him pull everything out from under her to make her feel even worse about herself. Unfortunately, Ace cared more than I would have liked."

What a monster. She seemed so remorseless admitting everything.

"Was that your downfall? Is Ace what brought you down?"

"Definitely. I would say it was Ace completely. Oh - calm down, babies. My apologies. My hair is very sensitive on the subject."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Oh, she was an enchanting person, wasn't she?

The interview ended pretty much there after that. Wow. That was riveting.

Next Brian made me suffer through the Amoeba Boys, who only declared that they would get me one day. I would probably be dead before they could figure out how they were gonna do that. Also, Princess just talked about how I didn't make her a Power Puff Girl and Fuzzy just whined about me beating him up in public.

"I know you're sensitive on the subject of HIM right now," Brian told me. "So I'm not sure if you really want to watch his…"

"Just let me see it," I said, wanting to get this over with. "I can handle it."

"HIM," Brian's voice said shakily to a very lanky HIM sitting down and wearing nothing but a bit of lingerie. No one knew how to dress appropriately the way HIM did. Not. The demon-creature was taking a drag on his cigarette, causing for Brian to cough every so often. "So… you never like to lose. But it seems that you didn't get as close to destroying Megan as some of the other villains did."

"Brian Larsen. Poor, poor, poor, simple-minded Brian Larsen," HIM cooed. The sound of his voice chilled me. "I'm afraid you don't understand. How was I supposed to get close to destroying Megan's soul? She was not attracted to me (though I cannot see why not) the way she was attracted to Ace. She was not promised protection and super powers by me the way she was promised protection and super powers by Mojo. She was not almost forgotten by her father because of me the way she was almost forgotten by her father because of Sedusa. In fact, I was at a bit of a disadvantage during the first few months of Megan's stay in Townsville because I did not have a cunning plan like the others did. I must admit, sir, that I often act based on what I'm feeling inside my body, not what's inside my brain."

"…I see….. So do you feel - …embarrassed about Megan?"

"Embarrassed, no. Ashamed, maybe."

"Well, would you be too ashamed to tell me what you think about her?"

"Alright, then. What I think about Megan… I think…. I do believe that she is very tense. A little too tense. She needs to loosen up, I think. She needs to be more… elastic. Hmm. There's an interesting way of putting it. She needs to go on a long vacation, I think. Maybe go get a massage or some exercise. Or maybe she just needs to get out of all that clothing -"

"Please, PLEASE turn it off!" I begged. "PLEASE."

"I warned you," Brian reminded me, forwarding the rest of HIM's interview.

"Yeah you did, but I had no idea he would go that far," I panted heavily, my blood running cold. Several shudders ran down my back. "Talk about acting unprofessional for an interview."

The interview seemed to last forever. HIM looked manic through most of the forward. I cringed thinking of what else he could be saying. And Brian was going to be showing this to people? "Here's the last one," said Brian, playing the tape. It was Ace. "I couldn't get the rest of the Gangreen Gang. They wanted me to pay."

"I know Megan Brody really well. Like really, really well, if you know what I mean. Haha. I've seen Megan. Pretty much all of her. Ya know what I'm sayin'? There isn't one thing about her I don't know, literally."

"I can't believe this," I said in disbelief, shaking my head.

"What?" Brian asked curiously.

"He's telling a bunch of lies," I said. "He and I have never been close at all. I'm not that type of girl. I don't even like him. You're going to be showing these to people?"

"Well, yeah, and I have to keep them all in the documentary because I want to have a bunch of different view-points in there," Brian explained.

"You're not going to put them in if you don't get the permission to do so from the main subject of your documentary," I snapped at him. "Which you're not going to get. Sorry, Larsen. Looks like you're not gonna make that big picture."

I got up, marched right over to the VCR, and ejected the video. I threw it across the room, but Brian was unfortunately somehow able to catch it before it hit anything. "No Megan, I have to make this picture! I can make a lot of money off -"

"At what cost?" I wanted to know, glaring at him. I crossed my arms. "Well?"

He started stuttering. He couldn't come up with a good answer for that.

"Exactly," I said triumphantly. "Sorry you're poor, Larsen. But your lack of wealth isn't going to make me say yes to putting this big defamation of character out there."

"You'd have to pay me not to put this out there!" Brian said angrily.

"Fine, I'll pay you," I gave in. "How much ya want, Larsen?"

"More than you have, Princess Townsville," he spat in a cruel tone of voice. Princess. That gave me a thought. "You'll never be able to come up with all the money I'm gonna need from you."

"Not true," I disagreed with a smirk.

Author's Notes: My best friend's parents are divorced, so she was able to tell me what it feels like to be the child of a divorce. Ugh, Ace is not my type at all. But if anyone out there likes that, go for it. I'm so sorry it took me such a long time to post but this is the last chapter I've written so far and I wrote it back in July. Expect a month to go by before I post another one (I'm so sorry! I'm just so busy lately!). I will post though. I promise. I'll keep updating.