Author's Note: Sorry I'm late on the chapters. I was out all day. This is the last chapter though. I know but I'll be writing more soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Junjou Romantica.

I woke up when the ride suddenly got bumpy. My hand was intertwined with Usagi's. A long day of events had left me feeling tired. It's like when you go to the amusement park or have your first day of school. For whatever reason you become insanely tired.

Usagi stopped at some hill in the middle of nowhere. "Come on Misaki." Usagi got out of the car and began walking. I didn't feel like moving. I closed my eyes again. So sleepy…"Oi! Misaki!"

"No. I'm tired." I felt myself being lifted anyway. Why couldn't he just let me sleep? He always had to have his way. He threw me on his back and I almost slid off.

"Hang on Misaki." Was he really running up this hill? I was almost asleep again when Usagi pulled me off of him and sat me on the ground. I looked up at the sky and saw the moon perfectly clear. I stared across at the outline of the city. What a beautiful view.

"Wow." I crawled a little closer. What a great spot. I bet many people didn't know about this. This was Usagi's special spot. I guess that's why he wanted to go to a beach near here. "It's really pretty Usagi. Thank you."

"I thought we could make some new memories here." Memories. That seems nice. Knowing Usagi it would be something that would put me through hell and back. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. "Sorry I forgot a blanket."

"It's okay." Usagi was warm enough for me. Usagi's kiss made me even warmer and it seemed even nicer up here all snuggled close. It reminded me of this one time I went to a festival with my friends from school and we watched fireworks.

Things always escalated quickly between me and Usagi. His hands were always freezing. Every time they went up my shirt like that it shocked me even more and more. "It's not fair that you can do that."

"You don't even know what you do to me. That is even more unfair than you know." Why did he always say those things. I was cold now. The wind had picked up. It began to rain. I grabbed Usagi's hand and ran back to the car.

We were soaked. He turned on the heat in the car on the way home. I guess I could feel what he felt whenever someone interrupted him. Stupid weather. Once in the door though Usagi showed me once again he had no self-control at all.

Practically in the doorway of the dim condo Usagi tore my defenses apart again. Today was great though and it was a perfect ending.