Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. Therefore, you cannot sue me. But, I own this story. Which has reached its end.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the epilogue.




"Starfire, I still can't believe you got me in a dress."

Starfire smiled to herself as Raven inspected her reflection in the mirror. She couldn't believe was she was seeing. Raven. In a dress. Would earthly wonders ever cease?

Starfire was also dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a pink gown that she had only used once before for a Junior High prom that Kitten had forced Robin into going to. Her hair had been specially styled for this night into a half-up-half-down style. It was curled to perfection. Behind her left ear was a pink day lily; a flower she had come to love on this planet.

But even Starfire had to admit that she was definitely not the only beautiful Titan tonight.

Finally giving in after protesting for days, Raven finally had to agree in spending a day at the mall looking for a dress to wear to the charity ball. Yes. A dress. Raven was going to be wearing a dress. Raven didn't even want to go to the stupid dance, but a certain green Titan had convinced her otherwise. Then Raven thought that she could just go in her uniform. But oh no. The charity committee had to make it a formal dance. Which meant a dress. Raven hadn't worn anything but her normal uniform for a very long time. And now, she was standing in the middle of Starfire's room inspecting her dress in a mirror.

Some life she had.

There was no way that she was going to be caught dead in something so girly, frilly and… pink as Starfire's. Formal ball dress code or not, Raven was still Raven. This meant no frill, no lace, and absolutely no pink what-so-ever. So, that being said, Raven settled for something much simpler.

So Raven continued to inspect the black, chic dress that she had finally decided on. And Raven had to admit, she looked, well...

She'd let Beast Boy fill in that blank later.

It wasn't a flowing ball gown, but it was still classified as formal. It was just a T-length little-black dress. But Raven liked the way it showed off the figure she had worked so hard to maintain. It was a little low cut for her normal preference, but besides that, Raven thought it looked pretty decent for a dress.

She refused to have anything major done with her hair. She allowed Starfire to experiment with curls and crimps after a long argument, but it didn't come out the way she had hoped it would. So the empath decided to keep it straight and short like always.

Also, Starfire had made sure she included accessories in her outfit. So, hanging from her neck was a simple, silver chain with a small, diamond heart for a pendant. Matching studs were placed as earrings. Raven had thought that it was overkill. But, she had to allow it. It looked okay.

"Friend Raven, you look absolutely beautiful! I am positive that your beauty will stun friend Beast Boy also." Starfire said, after Raven had sighed a little too loudly. She put a good amount of emphasis on the last part of that statement.

Raven tried very, very, VERY hard not to blush, but it was too difficult. So, as a result of Starfire's comment, the pink found its way onto her cheeks once again. She still hadn't grown out of that. Converting back to old ways, she answered in her deadpan monotone, "Thanks, Starfire."

Raven saw it was getting late. She went to walk towards the door, but first she had to catch herself from falling after almost tripping. She had almost forgotten the worst part. High-heels. They were by far one of the worst inventions in the history of woman-kind. But Raven bit down the words forming on her lips and continued to walk, ignoring Starfire's suffocated giggles as she walked by her like a professional super-model.


"Beast Boy, you look greener than usual. Like, sickly green. Are you feeling okay?" Robin asked the changeling as he tightened the bow tie around his neck. Beast Boy couldn't answer. His "sickly-green" color turned blue after a few split seconds. Robin quickly realized what he had done and loosened the tie, causing Beast Boy to start gasping for air. The boy wonder blushed out of stupidity and apologized.

Cyborg stopped laughing long enough to say, "It's a good thing I know how to tighten my own tie, Boy Blunder!"

Robin laughed sarcastically.

"Let's get back to my question. You okay, Beast Boy?"

Cyborg burst into laughter again before Beast Boy could say, "Yeah, I'm fine." The shifter turned towards the mechanical man that was close to tears with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't worry, Robin. Grass Stain's fine. He's just nervous about his first official date with his girlfriend." Cyborg answered, wiggling his eyebrow and elbowing the shifter.

"Shut up, Cy." Beast Boy mumbled, knowing deep inside that Cyborg was right. What if she decided not to go after all? What if she didn't have a good time? What if he embarrassed her? What if she laughed at his tuxedo?

'Oh, give it a rest, dude.' His mind stated. 'She's coming, she's going to have a great time, you won't embarrass her, you look fine, and it's gonna be sweet.'

"I knew it! I told you so!" Cyborg said, grinning like he had just won the lottery. "Don't worry, B. Raven will definitely dig the purple tie." With that said, he started cracking up again.

Beast Boy knew exactly how to get back at him, though. He allowed an evil grin to appear on his lips.

"Gee, Cyborg. Yellow? That's a different color for you. Heh, it's almost like you're expecting Bumblebee to be there or something!"

He immediately knew that Cyborg wouldn't be teasing him anymore about Raven. The mechanical man's human face turned bright red as he turned away from the two other male Titans, quietly adjusting his yellow vest and tie and pulling at his black jacket a little. Beast Boy had hit the nail right on the head.

"At least I'm not wearing pink, dude." Cyborg mumbled, nodding his head towards Robin, who had now sat down on the main room's couch.

Robin blushed as he adjusted his mask and pulled at his own bow tie. Yup. It was pink. He mumbled something quietly that sounded like, "It was Star's idea…" With that said, Beast Boy and Cyborg snickered and high-fived each other.

"Please, there is something wrong with the color I have chosen?"

The boys rapidly turned towards the door to the common room and saw Starfire standing there, a look of confusion plastered on her face. Robin immediately turned beet red as he looked in the eyes of his beautiful girlfriend. Then, it vanished. He stood up straight and cleared his throat. Cyborg rolled his eyes. Robin luckily didn't see this.

"Starfire, you look absolutely…"


Robin stopped short and turned back towards Beast Boy, a look of unbelief on his face. But he then saw that Beast Boy's eyes weren't on Starfire.

Raven entered the room looking terribly uncomfortable. This was so new and strange for her, even though she had been in the common room billions upon billions of times. But never in a dress, high heels, and with make-up and perfume on. She had never felt so… feminine.

If a human's jaw was able to drop so far as to hit the floor, it would've already done so for Beast Boy. But because that's physically impossible, the changeling stood with his mouth gaping, staring at the beautiful girl that had just walked in. His face had become redder than Robin's had, and if this scene had been a Japanese anime, there would be hearts on his face instead of eyes.

Luckily for Beast Boy, this wasn't an anime. It was the real deal.

He took a deep breath and fixed his suit, trying to calm himself down. But he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had always thought she was beautiful, but now, there were no words.

She hadn't seen him yet. Raven was still fidgeting with her dress, feeling really out of place.


She looked up from the bottom of her dress and right into Beast Boy's bright green eyes. She smiled shyly and took the hand he held out. Beast Boy stepped a little closer.

"You look absolutely… gorgeous." He said, smiling even wider. To him, even the world gorgeous was an understatement in this case.

Raven made a mental note, finishing the thought she had started earlier. "…she had to admit, she looked gorgeous." That felt good. Beast Boy thought she was gorgeous. And that made her blush even more as a smile appeared on her face.

"Thanks. You clean up really well yourself, Gar."

The day they had officially become an item, Beast Boy had asked Raven if he could call her "Rae" now without getting in trouble. Raven agreed sarcastically, saying that it would be okay as long as she could call him Garfield. Of course, Beast Boy took her seriously.

"Ugh. Fine. But I hate my full name. Garfield. Could you shorten it to Gar at least?" he had replied, practically begging her to go by his nickname instead.

"Beast Boy, I was being sarcastic."

"Aw. But I like 'Rae'."

Raven resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Fine. If you really want to call me 'Rae', I guess it's okay."

Beast Boy smiled and pecked her cheek briefly.

"So it's settled. Gar and Rae. Sounds pretty good to me!"

But even after that, Raven still called him Gar on rare occasions. He was still Beast Boy in her book.

The flashback ended when Raven was "gently" elbowed by Starfire. The alien princess was giggling and smiling like some little school girl. She leaned over and whispered, "I told you."


Raven thought that the fact that she was in a dress in front of tons of strangers was weird enough. But she couldn't get over the fact that she was actually enjoying herself. Yeah. She couldn't believe it, but she had to admit it. At one of the biggest social events of the year, Raven was having a good time. Normally, the words "social" and "Raven" didn't go together in the same sentence unless the sentence was "Raven is not a social person at all."

But ever since she and Beast Boy had become something beyond friends, Raven had started to notice differences about her. She no longer talked in a deadpan monotone in every conversation. She no longer felt the need to be in constant solitude. She no longer feared her emotions. She no longer had that sarcastic, cutting edge to her with every word that she had once hid behind.

And she no longer was alone.

Especially when the music shifted from upbeat to slow-dance appropriate.

So there she was. Beast Boy's strong arms wrapped around her waist. Her head nestled comfortably on his shoulder. Her arms sitting loosely behind his neck. Rocking back and forth. Back and forth.

Never in a million years did Raven ever see this coming. She could've never even guessed that she would ever feel this way towards the goofy, bubbly, comedian of the team. She probably would've been flat-out disgusted by that thought one year back to be quite frank. But you know what they say. Opposites attract. And apparently, they do. Everything had changed.

And even though she hated him, she had to give some credit to Malchior.

If he had not returned for revenge on the empath, Raven might've never seen this new side of Beast Boy. The serious side. The side she hadn't really noticed until that incident. And Raven had needed to see this side. It gave the phrase "Beast Boy" a new definition in her dictionary.

She also gave some credit to her mother. Arella. She had shown the changeling that all Raven needed was an explanation and love. Arella had shown Raven that it was possible for love to last. And that sometimes risks are so crazy that they had to be taken.

And this was one risk that she was glad to have taken.

So from the emotionless, lonely, misunderstood, sarcastic, dull, creepy Raven, a whole new Raven emerged.

All thanks to Beast Boy.


Raven's train of thought was interrupted as Beast Boy's voice penetrated her thoughts.


"I was just thinking about this moment. I was thinking about how no one ever saw this relationship coming."

Raven smiled. It was like there was a metal cord connecting the two heroes' heads sometimes.

"I was actually just thinking about that too." Raven said, lifting her head up from his shoulder so that she could make eye contact with him.

Beast Boy laughed when he heard this. She had come to have the feeling of her heart melting when he laughed and smiled.

Sappy, right?

"You have no idea how happy I am that this is happening though, Gar." She stated, snuggling back into his shoulder like it was a pillow. And she meant it.

This made her boyfriend smile even wider. He held her closer. Even his eyes were smiling as they glistened in the light from the chandelier. He wanted to stay in this moment forever. He had everything he needed. A year back, he would've laughed at this statement. But now, nothing rang truer.

"Oh, I think I do."



Beast Boy glanced over towards his right, where two other Titan couples were dancing. Cyborg and Bumblebee had found each other when the dance had started, and it was obvious that the two had something coming in the future. Bumblebee had taken her hair out of the two buns and had straightened her locks. She looked almost unrecognizable. She wore a long, flowing, yellow dress that hugged her figure nicely and a yellow rose in her hair. Cyborg's yellow tie and vest were the exact the exact same shade of yellow. Ironic, huh? But Beast Boy smiled. He had to admit that it was time for Cyborg to have a relationship again.

And to their left, Starfire and Robin swayed back and forth. But come on. Even someone without a brain could've seen that couple coming. Ever since day one, the two had been madly in love with each other. Robin was just too career-obsessed to pursue it in the beginning.

And now, there was a new couple to add to that list. A relationship that had started out with annoying stabs at each other and sarcastic remarks had evolved into something beautiful.

Beast Boy and Raven.

Gar and Rae.

The music stopped and each pair broke away from each other, in most cases reluctantly. The dance was officially over as the clock struck midnight.

Each Titan exited the building along with the rest of the crowd. Bumblebee and Cyborg parted ways after she kissed him briefly on the cheek and flew off. Cyborg touched his hand to that spot and everyone watched as half of his face turned cherry red. Beast Boy snickered quietly.

Starfire and Robin walked off arm-in-arm with each other towards the streets of down-town Jump City. Even during a night off of work, the leader still had to be annoyingly professional. Not that Starfire minded. She loved him no matter how much of a kill-joy he could be.

As Beast Boy and Raven walked hand-in-hand down the stairs outside of the hall, the young changeling stopped as a thought entered his mind. Raven looked at him questioningly. Beast Boy squeezed her hand and led her down the rest of the stairs.

"Follow me." He said, leading her away from the crowded street. She followed him to a nearby waterfront view. Raven didn't question him.

He sat down under a large oak tree overlooking the bay. The moon was full and bright, creating a beautiful sparkling reflection in the water. Raven sat down next to him, falling under the moon's spell. The staring contest began. The moon lit up her violet eyes perfectly. She leaned over and placed her head back on his shoulder, never looking up at him.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked him.

"I love it here. It's beautiful." He answered simply, still looking up at the moon.

Raven nodded to the best of her ability.

"But I must admit it's nowhere near as beautiful as you." He said honestly, feeling very confident with this statement.

He snuck a quick glance at her and saw that she was smiling her beautiful smile that was no longer rare. She was even prettier when she smiled in his opinion. But to him, she was always beautiful.

"Beast Boy?"


Raven snuggled closer.

"You do know that I love you, right?"

Beast Boy's heart leapt in his chest. His lips mirrored her small but loving smile as he heard these words. Happy, joyful, ecstatic… all of these words could never fit the description of what he felt in that moment.

He held her even closer and looked at her, leaving the gaze of the moon. She ended her staring contest also and looked back at him.

"Yeah. But I still love to hear you say it."

Raven laughed softly.

"Then I'll say it again. I love you."

And Beast Boy didn't have to say anything. He kissed her silently under the moonlight, melting into her.

It was something of a fairy tale.

Only it wasn't.

It was real. More real than anything else known to man.

It was called love.


My dear readers,

I am very, very, VERY happy to say that this story has reached its end. I appreciate all of the past reviews I have gotten and all of the love you guys have given me. I can't thank you enough for reading this story and reviewing. For all of you readers that review at the end of the story, you can now review. This BBRae fluff of a fic is now officially completed. Yay! Any further questions about this story will be gladly answered. Special thanks to everyone who added me to their favorites list and alerts. I'm even part of a community now!

Once again, thank you so much. I can't even tell you how much I've loved writing for you guys. I will definitely be back with more BBRae love in the future.

Love, Liz.

(aka flightlessraven.)