
Here is the next chapter of The Incubus Child.

I hope this chapter answers a few questions, but it probably raises a few more questions that I will do my best to answer as the story goes on.

Just to let everyone know, I would love to write longer chapters, but at this point life is so crazy. It has been for quite some time, but now I am trying to write and finish everything that I started. So in order for me to finish this story I might have to put out smaller chapters, rather that try to find the time to write and waiting for months on end before updating.

I hope everyone enjoy, read and reviews!

Be well!


Domino was alone in the void. He crawled through the darkness, seeking out the thin strand of light that would lead him to the human world. It amazed him that Destra could navigate the darkness with such proficiency. He was sure that she had made it to the human world and had been there for quite some time already. She may have already caused that poor, human girl great pain. Domino frowned and surged forward. He had absolutely no connection to that girl but the thought of seeing her suffer because of Sky's surreptitious desires and Destra's obsession, seemed so wrong.

Domino looked up and saw the light he so desperately sought out. He smiled as he remembered what Antoinette told him.

If your desire is strong enough, the path will be lit, she whispered in his ear before stepping back and allowing him to escape to the human world. Domino used the last of his strength to stand. He inched forward then leapt out of the darkness.

He landed on his shoulder on a concrete walkway. The sun was shining high in the sky and all around him he saw young people congregating on a great lawn, listening to music, laughing and hanging out. Few noticed his presence and those that did just stared for a moment, shrugged and went back to whatever they were previously engaged in.

Domino stood and looked around. He stood in the middle of a college campus. From the little that he knew about life in the human world he was able to ascertain that he was standing amidst the dorm rooms. His accuracy could not have been better.

Domino roamed around seeking out the girl named Orihime. He had no idea what she looked like, but he had no doubt that he would know her as soon as he saw her. He had sealed away the majority of his powers before leaving, but still he would be able to sense a woman pregnant with an incubus' child.

He roamed the campus for over an hour before finding her. Domino paused. He found her sitting on a bench just outside the botanical garden. She gazed into the pond before her, her white dress spread out on the bench, her sandals in hand. Domino took a step forward, ready to look upon her face. He had to know why she was so special to Sky and why Destra hated her so much.

Orihime turned around and Domino gasped just as a hand clamped down on his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" a voice groused in his hear. Domino spun around and came face to face with Matthias.

"Grandfather," Domino breathed. "How did you find me?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing boy." Matthias replied. He stole a glance over Domino's shoulder then grabbed the young mans wrist. He dragged Domino away from Orihime and did not release his iron-clad grip until the two hidden from Orihime's eyes.

"Why are you here?" Matthias asked.

"I… I," Domino's voice faltered. He had only seen Orihime's face for a split second, but the sight of her delicate features and wide gray eyes disturbed him.

"Speak boy!" Matthias raged.

"Orihime, Oh God," Domino managed to say.

"So you saw her face then? The resemblance is uncanny," Matthias said with a slight chuckle.

"She looks exactly like Chaos," Domino whispered.

"That she does," Matthias said with a nod. "We had believed that Chaos was murdered by Kain, but that does not seem to be the case."

"How do you know that for sure?"

"I have become acquainted with young inoue. She is the daughter of Chaos."

"That's impossible. If you are right that would mean that Destra is…"

"Her sister," Matthias finished for her.

Domino stood staring at his estranged grandfather. The two looked more like brothers than grandfather and grandson, even down to their warm amber eyes and russet colored hair.

"Destra is here and she intends to cause Orihime harm. She must not know that Orihime is her half sister," Domino said at last. Matthias's eyes darkened.

"No harm will come to Orihime," he said from between clenched teeth.

"You are infatuated with her," Domino stated.

"And if I am?"

"You must realize that she is not Chaos. No matter the resemblance."

Matthias said nothing. He walked away, knowing that Domino would follow.

"We must alter your appearance and get you enrolled in all of Orihime's classes and whatever vestiges of power you are holding onto must be dampened. Destra cannot know that you are here," Matthias said as he rushed to his office.

"And why is that?"

"You cannot reveal your true nature to Orihime, but you must protect her from your beloved Destra." Matthias said the last part with a touch of sarcasm.

Domino just nodded. He was sent to capture Destra and in an instant his plans had changed. He had to protect Orihime. She was after all, the daughter of the most powerful succubus to ever live.

Domino was too young to remember exactly what had happened but every denizen of the Society of Night knew the story.

Chaos was the beautiful daughter of the most noble incubi family. She had been sought after by every eligible man of marrying age, but she was betrothed to Master Kain. She loved Kain and desired him, but not nearly as much as she loved and desired Matthias.

Shortly after Destra's birth Matthias and Chaos had tried to run away together, but they were caught just before entering the human world. Had it not been for the fact that Matthias and Kain were best friends, Matthias would have been executed. Instead he was stripped of his aristocratic title and banished to the human world. Chaos stayed with Kain and after a few short years, she had given birth to Rayna.

It was not long after that, that Chaos disappeared and Kain took a new bride, kidnapped from the human world.

Everyone just assumed that Kain had eventually murdered her on account of her betrayal, but it seemed that she had escaped to the human world.

"She came here to find me," Matthias said wistfully as they entered his office. Matthias took a seat behind his desk and reached for two glasses and a bottle of aged, single barrel scotch. He poured two drinks then pushed one glass to the edge of his desk. Domino took it in his hand. They toasted then sipped their beverages.

"I'm sure she did," Domino murmured. The love between Matthias and Chaos was well known and tragic.

"I felt her when she had entered into the human world, but I could never locate her. I searched and searched but I just could not find her. Who could have known that she settled in japan and birthed a beautiful girl that would one day walk through my door. It was as if Chaos had finally returned to me after all of these years."

"She is not Chaos," Domino stated.

"No, she is compassionate and warm. Those are traits that our kind do not possess. Her father must have been a human."

Domino grimaced at the thought. To have been raised by a succubus set adrift by, loneliness and lost love must have been hard. It has been said that when an incubus or succubus leaves the protection of the Society of Night they eventually go mad, eventually giving in to human vice and erratic behavior. Orihime's life must have been filled with unimaginable horror.

"So what are we going to do about Destra?" Domino asked as he finished his drink then got up to search his grandfather's liquor cabinet. He was never a fan of scotch, no matter how pricey. He found a bottle of expensive spiced rum and poured himself a drink.

"We?" Matthias scoffed. "You leave her to me. I will allow her to play her games until I decide that she must be dealt with. For now all you have to do is ensure Chaos's safety."

"Don't you mean Orihime?" Domino asked with a furtive brow raised.

"That's what I said," Matthias snapped irritably. Domino knew what he heard but decided not to press the issue. It would do him no good against Lord Matthias, founder of the Society of Blood. He sipped his drink and watched his grandfather type a series of commands into the computer on his desk.

Matthias falsified the necessary documents, created a class schedule for Domino that was eerily similar to Orihime's then cast the spell that would keep Destra from knowing who he was. It was an interesting spell. It would cause Destra to see him differently from everyone else. In her eyes he would be a tall, broad shouldered blonde haired boy from Scandinavia with passable features and his name was James. Matthias loved spells like these. Every time Destra said the name James, everyone would hear her say Domino. He laughed to himself as he snuffed out the ceremonial candles.

He was happy to see his grandson and he knew that Domino would guard his beloved Orihime with his life, but that did not keep him from remembering his initial objective.

Ichigo Kurosaki's like was forfeit. But first he had to destroy the young Shinigami.