Title:  The Biological Imperative

Author:  Slayer, The

Rating:  R

Timeline:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Gift & Andromeda, In Heaven Now Are Three

Disclaimer:  I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Andromeda.  Those honors belong to Joss Whedon, Gene Roddenbury, UPN, the WB, Mutant Enemy, and all the other various persons and affiliates involved in the productions thereof.  I'm just gonna borrow them for this story.

Author's Notes:  I've caught Andromeda now and again…saw Into the Labyrinth and thought James Marsters was fantastic…very last ep I saw was In Heaven Now Are Three…I like the new improved Trance and am starting the Andromeda timeline from there…hope to see the ep on why she changed soon…and Buffy looks like she did during the beginning of season 6

Summary:  a BtVS crossover with Andromeda…what happens when a proud and conniving Neitzschean male meets a mystically enhanced human female…you know the Neitzscheans and there wacky strive for genetic perfection through selective breeding…I betcha that a whole lot of them would be after the Slayer with her superior strength, agility, and beauty…*grin*…especially the leader of a prestigious Pride…must remember, they believe in having many, many wives to propagate their….uh huh….hope you enjoy


The image of a figure as it falls, arms open wide as if to embrace the pulsing maelstrom of intense blue-white light…*flash*…the very last image of the Slayer, as she sacrifices herself to save the world…again…

On board the bridge of the Andromeda, things are not going so well for the crew.  Currently they're in a bit of a crisis, as problems like technical malfunctions, explosions, and short-circuits range throughout the ship

"Come on, come on…work damn it," shouted a frustrated Rebecca Valentine, banging on a control panel.

"Do-you-mind," an equally frustrated Rommie gets out, "I don't appreciate you hitting my consuls, and it doesn't exactly expedite the matter at hand."

"You'd be surprised what a good swift kick to a motherboard can do," Beka replied.

"Don't you dare," Rommie gritted out clinging to the railing of the bridge as another power surged rocked through her systems. 

Beka smirks.  The light swish from the doors alerts the women to the presence of Captain Dylan Hunt as he stalks in.

"What the hell are you doing to my ship," Dylan pointedly asks Beka.

"Me," she says innocently, "I'm not doing a thing, I'm just trying to get your precious bucket of bolts to work."  A sudden power surge shocks Beka from her control panel.  "Hey!"

"Sorry," Rommie replies, with a faint smirk of her own.

Hologram Rommie appears beside Dylan, "Apparently we are in the middle of some sort of space/time anomaly."

"Excuse me," said Dylan.

The Hologram refers to the main screen, where a scene of the exterior of the ship is displayed.  They see that Andromeda is surrounded by an intense blue-white light permeated with flashes of lightning, clearly the cause of all their problems.  "An…energy seems to have appeared out of no where, about a hundred yards around us, effecting my functions with high power surges…but other that that I don't know what the hell is happening to me, sensors are going crazy and…" she breaks off and looks up, mentally communicating with the rest of her diversified entity.  "Damn it!  Incoming."

Suddenly the brilliant blue-white floods into the ship.  Dylan, Rommie, and Beka become frozen in their positions…Beka hunched over her panel, Dylan and Rommie bracing themselves against the railing as they looked to the screen.  All over the ship, the same event occurs…Tyr and Harper in the engine room, Tyr hanging onto a metal support and Harper falling back on his ass from the blast of the last power surge that nearly fried his own circuits…Trance in Hydroponics, holding on to a shelf…yet, ever so slowly, her head rises up, as a flash in her right eye seems to echo the strange phenomenon…one last brilliant surge of energy and everything is quiet.