Hey guys. ^^ I have a little drabble-thing for ya…just to maybe tide you all over until I get my ass into gear and write the third chapter to "Delivered". o3o

Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN GORILLAZ. I wish…I'd be rich… .3.

Warnings: UM…implied 2DxNoodle…er…maybe an "aww" moment? Iunno, you review and tell me. o3o

Italics are singing on 2D's part. :3

"But I just have to tell you that I
Love you so much these days
Have to tell you that I love you so much these days
It's true…"

The music stopped suddenly, and 2D looked up. Murdoc eyed him, a strange look on his face as if he was going to be ill or break out into a strange fit of happy dancing; both of which were unlikely. However he said nothing, but instead turned away. He looked over his shoulder, as if he wanted to say something, shut his mouth, then opened it once more before grumbling, "Take a quick break…'ave a fag then get yer arse back in 'ere."

2D tilted his head, looking back down at the music sheet. Murdoc walked away, looking as if he was fumbling with something in his hand. A lighter perhaps.

The singer gave a soft sigh, rubbing the butt of his hand into an eye wearily. He supposed his heartbreak had been too apparent to Murdoc. It was too apparent to himself as well.

Taking a cigarette out of his pack, he stuck it in his mouth and lit it, taking a deep drag.

…lol. I'm sorry I didn't know how to execute it any better. ._. I hope you get it…? If not, I apologize. I know Murdoc was ooc…sorry. ^^; Well…review please! :D