Act I, Scene iv
Obyanznost / Duty

"M-miss Ukraine? You cal- asked for me?"

Ukraine almost jumps in fright at the sound of Lithuania's voice, but manages to suppress the reflex and give the other nation a smile.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for coming so fast."

He offers her a smile back, but it's thick with worry and a tinge of fear. Something inside Ukraine twists to see the nation that was her leader (captor, some long-forgotten part of her snarls, still bitter and marinated in hatred) so terrified of her. No, not of her, she mentally corrects. Of Russia, and he just sees her as an extension of Russia.

She doesn't- can't- blame him. Most everyone sees her that way now.

"Miss Ukraine?"

Ukraine does jump a bit this time, Lithuania's voice startling her out of her thoughts. "Oh, I'm sorry… I was just… H-how are Poland and Hungary?" The question slips out before she can really stop it, having been dancing around her thoughts for a while now.

Lithuania pauses, having not been expecting that. "They're…" He's quiet for a moment, searching for the right term. "…alive." He finally answers, not quite looking her in the eye.

Ukraine nods, although it's more for her benefit than Lithuania's- it's familiar, routine. A proper response. Not much is proper anymore. "I suppose that is better than it could be, right?"

Lithuania tries to force a smile- she can see it in the tiny curve in his mouth that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I-I suppose." He pauses, "Why did you want to speak with me, Miss Ukraine?"

"Well, I…" Ukraine hesitates now; what she wants to ask him could get them both in quite a bit of trouble with Russia. But… she has to ask. She can't just do this without… "…I was hoping you could you tell Hungary something for me?"

The brunet blinks at her, obviously confused as to why she would need him to deliver a message to someone within the same house. When he finally speaks, the words are carefully thought out and slow, hazarding a guess as to why she wants him to do this. "…Russia has barred you from speaking to her?"

"Oh, no, nothing like that." It's not a bad guess- him doing such a thing wouldn't be surprising anymore, the bitter part of her adds silently, but Ukraine forcefully squashes the train of thought. "This is just…" She struggles for a moment to find a way to phrase it. "…Something she should really hear from a friend. I… think it would be better that way."

Lithuania's brow furrows a little as he frowns at her. "I'm… not really a close friend of hers, but…"

She can't stop the half-wistful, half-sad smile that comes to her lips as she finishes the sentence for him. "But you're not her enemy. I am. I'm… I'm okay with that." Not really, but she has to be. She doesn't have a choice anymore.

The man in the doorway shifts uncomfortably. "I don't think she…" He falters though- they both know none of Hungary's feelings right now are positive.

"…I'm leaving, the day after tomorrow." She's the one who falters now, looking down at her hands, because this is still a difficult thing to admit- even to the one person besides her family who still has some sort of faith in her, who doesn't think she has become a monster. "…I will be meeting Bulgaria, and… And we will be beginning an offensive on Austria." She can already feel the tears burning at her eyes, hear the catch in her voice- she's almost choking on the sense of shame at having to do this, at having to tell Hungary like this.

Just out of the corner of her eyes, she watches Lithuania's eyes widen, sees him open his mouth to say something- maybe something comforting, but Ukraine isn't sure she can handle anything he'd say. "Please tell her that I will do everything within my power to keep Austria safe. If I can, I will have him brought back to Kyiv with me, so he can remain safe even when the rest of the troops follow the Germans, should everything be successful." She can't stop the words tumbling out of her mouth now, search desperately for any way she can to make this up to the other woman.

She's become so enveloped in the myriad of thoughts racing through her head, trying to get them out in some sort of coherent stream of words, that Lithuania's hand gently touching her shoulder almost sends her tumbling out of her chair in surprise.

"I… She will understand, Ukraina." His voice is almost softer than his touch, and Ukraine forces herself to look up from her hands, finding him kneeling in front of her. "You are doing what you must. She will understand."

The smile on his face now, soft and welcoming, is so familiar, reminding her of a long-past time when he had first come to her home, after finally driving out the Mongols, telling her he wasn't going to hurt her or the two children cowering behind her…

In the end, she's not sure if it's the memories, the smile, or just the fact she can't hold it in any longer, but something inside her snaps. She finally feels the tears start to drip down, and she can't stop herself from flinging her arms around Lithuania's shoulders or burying her face in his neck to muffle her sobs.

He doesn't seem very surprised, accepting her into his arms with a gentleness that's just as achingly familiar as that smile, and he just lets her cry.

Ukraine's not sure how long they stay like that, or how long it takes before she stops shaking, but eventually she pulls away and wipes at her face. She can't quite bring herself to look at Lithuania, but she manages to smile. "I… Thank you. I needed that." Her voice sounds rough, even to her own ears, and she's thankful the other doesn't say anything.

She tries to steel herself, tries to force down the emotions spinning and churning near the surface of her thoughts, and looks at Lithuania. "…I-is there anything Hungary needs?" For all her attempts at calming herself, her voice still trembled a little.

If the other notices, though, he says nothing, and frowns a little in thought. "She… has asked for a bath. But, Russia…" He trails off.

Ukraine bites her lower lip, mind trying to think of some way to allow Hungary that, at least. "…I am to be meeting with Russia later tonight, in about half an hour. You… Yes, that could work. Take Hungary to my room in about thirty-five minutes. We are supposed to receive a call from Belarus, so we should be occupied for an hour or so. She'll have to be quick, but..."

Lithuania smiles at her, straightening. "That would make her very happy, I'm sure. I'll tell her right away."

Ukraine manages a smile back, trying to hide the nerves churning in her stomach.

He moves to leave, but he pauses in the doorway, glancing back at her. "Ukraina?"

"Ah- yes?"

That smile crosses his lips again. "You're welcome." And just as quickly as he had come, he was gone.

She stares after him for a few moments, before looking back at her hands. They're clenched into fists, although she can't remember doing that. She forces herself to relax, and busies herself with trying to find her hat before the meeting.

She always loses track of that damn thing. If she were any less logical, she'd swear it ran away from her just to stress her out.

Language notes:

If you don't know what Ukraina means, you don't need to be reading this story.

Historical notes:

The reason she's leaving is the Vienna Offensive, carried out by the Third Ukrainian Front and the First Bulgarian Army; putting this fic chapter in mid-to-late March.

Author's notes:

This chapter was hell to write. That is all.