"Haruhi!" Two identical ginger heads cheerfully yelled in unison and ran excitedly to said person. Haruhi was standing with her back towards the redheads, not daring to turn around, and bracing herself for whatever they would do. However, no one was expecting what happened next.

Just as the twins were about to pounce, everyone's favorite silent senpai plummeted down from the ceiling, landing directly onto Haruhi. The twins gawked in bewilderment. Mori slowly picked himself off the ground and scratched his head. Hikaru and Kaoru then noticed what the senior was wearing.

Mori was clad in a pink, very revealing bunny suit, complete with the floppy ears and a tail.

"What..." Hikaru started.

"...are you..." Kaoru continued.

" ..wearing?" They finished together.

Mori glanced down at his apparel, a gasp escaped his lips. "What the fuck?"

The twins' mouths dropped open. Even more than them not knowing Mori would dress the way he was dressed, they never imagined that Mori would swear, let alone yell it like he did.

"We didn't know you could swear, Mori-senpai!" The twins exclaimed in awe. Mori brushed off the remark.

"Why am I wearing this? Where did I come from? I CAN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING!" Mori was just about freaking out, but the twins were still hung up on the fact that Mori was talking so much (and so loudly).

"Ooh, say more stuff!" Mori was about to do some sweet kendo moves on the twins, but was interrupted when a very familiar cute voice rang through the room. "Takashi~!"

Then, everyone's favorite short and sweet senpai, Honey, came into the room...with a paddle in one hand and a leash in the other.

"Oh there you are Takashi. I've been looking for you. I thought I lost you." All of a sudden, something seemed to go off in Mori's head. He looked at Honey and stated, "I am sorry, I was a little confused before, but now I remember what we were going to do."

Honey grinned happily. "Good. Let's go then." Honey than put the leash around Mori's neck and they walked out the nearest exit.

There was a very thick silence, until Kaoru questioned, "What..just happened?" Hikaru thought about it for a second and responded, "Well, apparently Honey-senpai was-"

Kaoru cut him off. "NO. I know what happened you don't have to tell me."

There was another heavy silence until Kaoru broke it again "Well, we should probably get home now. We want to have time to do that thing right?"

Hikaru eyed up Kaoru and said slowly. "Oh yes, I definitely want to have time to do that."

They made their way to the exit, hand and hand. They turned out the lights, locked the door, and happily skipped out of the school, thinking about whatever they were planning on doing that night.

Meanwhile, lying on the floor was an unconscious Haruhi, all alone in the dark, locked in the club room.

EDIT 8/29/12:
I will never apologize for this story