I'm so sorry for taking forever to update guys! I had such writer's block!

I just packed my last bag for the trip. I was so excited just me and sav...and his family but we can be alone all the time. For 10 months. Sarah and Jerry were picking me up. I lost my train of thought when I heard a horn sound outside. I looked outside my window to see Sav waiting outside for me. Sav and I were talking his car with most of the luggage in it and some of the luggage was in the car with Sarah, Jerry, and Alli. I put all 7 of my bags into his car.

"Wow you girls pack a lot of stuff." He said and chuckled.

"Oh shut it Bhandari." I giggled and playfully smacked him.

We went about an hour and a half away towards the ocean for the cruise ship.

When we got there we unloaded his car then helped with his parent's car. Alli then came up to me.

"I wish I came with you guys, listening to my parent's show tunes and them talking to me about guys! Ugh, worst trip of my life!" She said agitated, but I couldn't help but chuckle.

We got to the dock and boarded the ship. It was amazinf. Alli and I would be sharing a room, Sav had his own, and of course his parents shared a room. I entered the room and my mouth opened wide. It was beautiful. 2 Queen sized beds, 1 bathroom but 2 sinks, stand up shower, a tub, and a jacuzzi. "This room is awesome!" Alli said and fell back onto one of the beds, I assumed she wanted that one.

I laughed too. "It's bigger then my room!" I laughed again. Just then there was a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole to see Sav. "Who is it?" I asked pretending not to know.

"It's me!" He replied.

"Me who?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Me, Sav?" He was confused now.

I opened the door and laughed. "I was kidding." He chuckled and stepped in.

"Wow, nice room. But mine has a flat screen." He smirked.

Just the Alli grabbed a remote. "What's this for?" She asked before hitting a button.

Just then a slot in the wall opened up a flat screen came out of the wall.

"Ha!" I said to Sav.

He didn't say anything, instead he passionetley kissed me which turned into a little make out session.

"Ew! Geez guys! Quit it with the PDA!" Alli said looking at us in disgust.

"Like you don't do it with Drew." I smirked as I pulled away from Sav.

"True. But we can talk about that when...he isn't here." She said looking at Sav.

I laughed. "So," I said turning back to Sav. "Where's our first stop?" I asked him.

"New York City." He said smiling.

"One of the most romantic cities in the world!" I said and laughed.

"Yes, now let's go hit the pool!" He said.

I laughed and quickly changed. I was so excited for the next 10 months. As we walked down the hall to the pool, hand in hand, I glanced at Sav. He was just so adorable, and so sweet! I was really starting to think he was the one. Cliche, yes, but true. We had a lot of fights I can tell you that but right now, everything was perfect.

Just as we got to the pool I was daydreaming until I felt Sav pick me up. I noticed the direction he was headed.

"SAV! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled but I was laughing too.

Just then I felt the cold water hit my body. "I'm going to kill you!" I laughed and jumped on his back.

*Going to FF to when there at there first stop which is Paris*

We docked in our first stop which was Paris. I was excited, I couldn't wait to see the Eiffle Tower. I got ready in a pair of dark denim shorts, and a plain pink shirt with a black cardigan.

When we finally left the boat we went to see the tower. Sav's parents paid and we started walking up to the top. We got to the second level when Alli was complaining her feet were tired so we stopped for a break.

The second level is about 400 feet off the ground. I was looking out into the view when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and was greeted by Sav kissing me. "Hello to you too" I said and laaughed. We started talking and I felt someone push me.

"Excuse you." I said and turned around to see Holly J.

"I told you I was going to get you back for helping Sav win the election." She said and smirked.

"How did you even know I was here?" I asked her confused.

"I heard you talking in school. Now what I'm here to do is this." She smirked again and pushed me almost sending me over the railing.

"Holly J.!" I heard Sav coming toward us. "Leave her alone!" He said stepping between me and her.

"Oh now that you got involved, I can't." She smirked and before either of us could reply she pushed Sav out of the way making him fall and I felt her push me and that's all I remember before blacking out.

Ooh, cliffhanger! (: Possible double update tonight? We'll see!