"Dress up time!"


"You heard me, Hooks! Now put on this pirate costume!"

It was around eleven when Carmelita decided that they play dress up. She herself would be a ballerina princess veterinarian fairy…thing. Baldy would be a monkey, the white faced women would be dancers, and of course Hooks would be a pirate. The person with no gender had surprisingly snuck away. It took a while, and Baldy had to help Hooks when the young man's hooks got stuck in the jacket, but eventually the group stood in front of Carmelita.

There were a few times when Hooks had tried to sneak off, but every time, one of the others grabbed his ear and dragged him back.

"Soo…now what?" said Hooks.

"You guys get to watch me dance!" said Carmelita sweetly.

"Fuck," the four whispered in unison as they sat down in their costumes.

About four minutes into Carmelita's Dance O Doom, Hooks had fallen asleep like he do, Baldy was on the verge of copying Hooks, and the women were keeping Baldy up by pinching him.

"WHY….ISN'T…HOOKS…AWAKE!" screeched Carmelita, stomping a heeled foot.

At the sharp click, Hooks jerked awake.

"Where're th' cannons?" he muttered, looking around, positively bewildered.

Carmelita stalked up to Hooks.


"Was I not?" asked Hooks, trying to sound innocent.

"NO!" she yelled.

Hooks stood, preparing to run the hell away, but his left hook got caught.

"Dammit, I officially hate you Charlie," grumbled Hooks as he tried to free his hook.

There was a silence, then Carmelita, standing in front of Hooks, raised a foot. The foot lashed out and-

"MEEEF!" squeaked Hooks, collapsing on the ground, tears welling in his eyes.

The others laughed.

"Not….funny!" choked out Hooks.

Baldy, still laughing, got off the couch and sat next to Hooks. "So, you named your hook Charlie?"

"Ohh, shush it…"

"What about your other one?"


Hooks stuck out his tongue and stood, taking the pirate hat off with a headbang and taking off the fake eyepatch.

"What're you doing, Hooks?" screeched Carmelita.

"I'm going to Burger King."

Hooks struggled out of the pirate jacket and put on his normal one. Then he went out the door.

"OY, WAIT UP!" yelled Baldy, taking his costume of a monkey mask off and running through the door.

"Okay, girls, let's dance!" said Carmelita in her sweet voice.


Yay for incredibly short chapters of causing Hooks pain! Don't worry, Hooks fans, he shall have his revenge!