For those of you who still read my work, I thank you. However since I never announced it outright I guess now, over a year later, would be as good of a time as any other

I don't write anymore, and I have no plans of continuing. I've moved on since then.

Looking back at writing the Tale of an OP Delinquent I cringe: at my horrible grammar, spelling mistakes and just how racist and uncouth I was. Given I wrote it when I was a dumb, lazy shit in high school and I'm now a sophomore in college it's a given that time has given me new perspective.

Hell, the only reason I'm writing this is because in an act of curiosity and ego I googled my story and found a review of my first chapter.

Now I bet you are all gonna say "oh don't listen to the haters" or whatever (or not because no one really gives a shit) but honestly I agree with this person's utter disgust at my writing (though they could have toned down the gifs of movie references.)

Note that this review didn't drive me to quit, but it did sort of drive me to write this.

My original idea for the character of Screaver was to be the antithesis of a Mary Sue; not some perfect woman who can do no wrong and get with any dude of her dreams but a big dude who didn't always win and who was rather rude and crass.

Maybe the character got better as time went on but the spelling mistakes didn't. Or the awful references.

I had higher hopes for the other story I made, because as time went on I felt like I was actually creating new content. But it always came back to gay jokes and swear words.

I thought about deleting the story outright many times over the past year, purging this story from the FanFiction site once and for all.

But everytime I would think about the people I met and talked to, on the message boards and whatnot, and would conclude "well it wasn't all that bad."

In fact I can remember the time where I took pride in what I had written, like I had reinvented the fucking wheel with self insert fanfics.

Not really. All I did was swear a lot, make tasteless jokes and anything else that I thought would separate me from other people.

Honestly I don't even watch One Piece anymore.

It was quite an experience wasn't it? Maybe the only reason I'm writing this is because I'm stressed in college and long for the simple days of writing chapter after chapter of what I thought was gold.

But I've wasted enough of you all's time haven't I?

Going back to what I said prior, I have decided to leave the story up here. And marking it completed despite the lack of a proper ending for Screaver Bartel.

But in a way it is completed. That part of my life, the time I wrote this story, ended a long time ago. And I have to move on.

So move on, and only look back to the past for reflection.

Or something along those lines. As Screaver once said "I'm not into that poetic shit."