
"Why didn't you tell me? Max had no problem telling Amy. Why couldn't you tell me?" Dean was asking and ranting. They were in her room at this point. She didn't think he would act like this.

"Non wizards aren't really a loud to know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wasn't ready just yet." She told him as they sat there. She sat there emotionless.

"That's okay just no more secrets. Is there anything else?" He ask her looking into her eyes. She sat there like that a minute then looked down.

"Juliet is a vampire." She told him while still looking down.

"I thought there was something weird about her, well anything else?" He ask her while her head was, again, still down. She wouldn't look him in the eyes.

"Mason is a werewolf."

"If he's so cool and stuff then why did you chose me? I bet if you went back with him then he would stop being mean to you." Dean told her while her eyes got big in shock that he would say something like that.

"No I would NEVER do that! I love you and only you." He sat there shocked at her words. She had just said those three words to him. It took her two seconds longer to realize what she just said.

"Um... Is there any other secret your hiding?" He ask her still shocked. This was to be interesting.

"Yea that night you whispered 'I love you' when you thought I was a sleep, well, I wasn't a sleep." She told him with a sheepish smile on her face. He just smiled and laughed at her. She sure was his kinda girl.

"Do you still not trust me enough to tell me what's going on?" He ask her his smile fading.

"Don't ever think I don't trust you, cause I do with all my heart. Its me I don't trust." She said to him with her head down. She still couldn't get herself to cry. It was truly bugging her.

"Does he put the bruises on your arms?" She didn't answer him. "He does don't he?" She still didn't say a thing. She wasn't going to let him in on her secret just yet, even though he has pretty much done figured it out.

"I think its time for you to go. Christmas is tomorrow. Merry Christmas."

"Yea Merry Christmas." He told her putting on a fake smile and giving her one last kiss before he left. "See you tomorrow." He said and left the house.

Alex sat there feeling lonely because he just left. It had been about three or four days since they had the 'kid meeting'. They got everything all squared away at the kid meeting too. She was thankful for that. She figured out quickly that she couldn't go a day without Dean and didn't plan to either.

"Dean, wait don't go just yet." She screamed at him while running after him. When she caught up with him he was at the door. She ran up to him and gave him a passionate kiss. "Okay, now you can go."

"What was that for?" He ask her confused.

"Well, I was sneaking around again," He just gave her a look, "And found out that none of us kids, mostly me and you, were aloud to hang with each other til after about seven at night." She said finishing it off with a breath.

"You got this all by sneaking around?" He ask her as she just nodded. "Are they doing the same thing to Justin and Juliet and Max and Amy?"

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean yes and no?"

"Yes to Justin and Juliet but no to Max and Amy." She said and saw the confused look on his face. "Max and Amy are pretending to still hate each other, so they make them spend time together." Alex told him giving him an idea.

"Why don't we try that?" He ask her while she just shook her head no.

"Nah, they would know were pretending. Amy's just been around me to long is all." She told him making him laugh.

"Yea, but that's okay cause your a good person."

"Aww, thank you your so sweet."

"I know." He said making her roll her eyes and laugh.

"Alex, its time for Dean to go." Teresa said to her daughter. She had Hayden in her hands and when she saw Dean she started reaching for him. Not having any choice Teresa handed her over to him. "If she takes up to you then that means were either over there to much or your over here to much."

"I think its both Mrs. Russo." He told her with a laugh as she walked on up stairs.

"There aint no telling." Alex said while Hayden snuggled up to Dean and fell a sleep. "Can't you stay here tonight?" Alex ask him with a puppy dog eyes.

"I would love to be anywhere my beautiful girlfriend is but they won't let me." He said his eyes turning sad.

"Aww, don't get sad eyes on me mister that's my job." She told him. Just then he pulled on her shirt bringing her closer to him but not close enough to wake up Hayden. "What are you-" But before she could finish he pulled her in for a kiss.

They stayed like that just kissing back and forth for about ten minutes. It didn't get to serious and it didn't get heated either. Just a normal kiss back and forth. It didn't wake up Hayden but they did get interrupted by someone you shouldn't get interrupted by.

"Alex do you know were your mom-" And he stopped right there once he saw what was going on. Alex and Dean still hadn't noticed him yet. He sat there about another five minutes til he finally got tired of it. "ALEX MARIE RUSSO what do you think your doing lip locking with little Hayden in the middle?" That made them pull apart.

"Sorry daddy." Alex said with her head down not looking up.

"I trusted you two to not do this stuff." He said to them getting mad.

"But daddy we were just kissing. That's all. We would never do the other unless were married. We done talked about it. He knows my rules." She told him as he just looked at her.

"I would never go against Alex's wishes . If it means losing Alex then I'm all against it." Dean told him with a serious face on him.

"Okay just don't let me catch it again. Got it?" He ask them as he went and got Hayden from Dean.

"Got it." Both Alex and Dean said at the same time.

"Well, I got to get going Alex. I'll see you tomorrow. By baby." He told her leaning down to get one last kiss before going out the door.

"Bye Dean. Be safe." She told him as he walked out the door.

"Always." He told her with a smile.


I never knew love like this,

I finally opened up my eyes.

I never knew just one kiss,

Could ever wake me up inside.

And I hope it lasts forever, cuz I'd walk a thousand miles

Just to feel like this, I never knew love like this. (ohh)

"Dean you better have a good reason for waking me up at," Alex had to look at her clock radio to see what time it is, "Seven in the morning." She told him a little mad that he would wake her up this early in the morning.

"Yea, yea, I know I will pay for this later on but if I had to get up by six because of two little one's then you can get up a hour later." Dean told her with a laugh while she just groaned. "Oh by the way Merry Christmas to you too."

"Oh I'm sorry you wake me up at this early in the morning and expect a 'Merry Christmas' from me? I don't think so Mister." She told him rolling back over and going to sleep. "Oh by the way Merry Christmas, now bye." With that she hung up the phone.

I was thinking just today

About how we used to play

Barbie dolls and make-up

Tea parties dress up

I remember how we'd fight

We made up and laughed all night

Wish we were kids again

My sister my friend

"Harper you better have a good reason for calling me at seven in the morning." Alex said a little mad that no one would leave her alone. "Dean has done beat you if that's what you two are trying to do."

"I was calling you to say its CHRISTMAS and I've um, had one too many energy drinks." She said as if it was nothing. Alex just rolled her eyes at this. Just like Harper to do that.

"Yea, um, okay Harper Merry Christmas back to ya. I'm going to sleep so bye." And with that Alex hung up the phone one, hopefully, last time.

Cuz it's a girl's night

It's alright without you

I'm gonna stay out

And play out without you

You better hold tight

This girl's night is without you

Let's go


Let's go

It's a girl's night

Alex turned back to her bedside table and grabbed her phone for the third time. "What do you want Juliet? I'm kinda busy with sleep. We need are alone time here."

"I just called to say Merry Christmas." Juliet said trying hard not to laugh. Alex could hear talking and laughing in the background. She was curious to know who was there now.

"Um, who is all there?" She ask her as she could hear paink in the back. She new something was up. "Oh by the way Merry Christmas to you too."

"There's nothing going on so bye." Juliet said and hung up as quick as she could. Finally she could get some sleep. She could have some peace now and not have to worry about anything.

Never wore a cover-up

Always beat the boys up

Grew up in a five thousand population town

Made my money by cuttin' grass

Got fired by fried chicken ass

All in a small town, Napanee

You know I always stay up without sleepin'

And think to myself

"Where do I belong forever

In whose arms, the time and place?"

"What do you want Amy? I'm trying to sleep." Alex said more annoyed then ever by now. She could not get any sleep or peace and quiet. "Before you say anything yes I know its Christmas and yes Merry Christmas to you too."

"Well, thank you and Merry Christmas back, but I was trying to call Max he won't answer his phone." She told her a little scared by her reaction. "Should I have called Justin instead?"

"That would have been better but hang on you can call Max in five minutes I'm going to wake him up now." Alex told her hanging up the phone and going to Max's room. "Max get your ass up your girlfriend wants you to call her." Alex told him shaking him til he finally opened his eyes.

"What do you want Alex? I don't wanna get up this early." He told her in a whinny voice. She just laughed at him and rolled her eyes at what he said.

"Well, I didn't wanna get up either but Dean, Harper, Juliet, and Amy made sure that wasn't going to happen." She told him with a roll of her eyes. She could not stand them sometimes.

"Wait you mean she called you instead of Justin trying to get me? Man, she must of been desperate to call you. Your mean in the mornings." He told her making her mouth fall open. She took a pillow and started hitting him with it til they heard the door bell ring.

"I'll get it." Alex yelled out to the house even though no one was really paying any attention. They were all still a sleep. She went to the door and opened it to find Dean. "Um, what are you doi-" She didn't even get to finish her sentence cause he had done pulled her in for a kiss. She of course kissed him back.

"Merry Christmas Alex." He said with a smile on his face. She just stood there with a big smile on her face not saying a thing. "Um, its freezing out here can I come in?" He ask her as she got out of her dream and opened the door wider for him.

"Oh yea, I'm sorry you caught me off guard there." She told him with a laugh as he took off his jacket coming inside. "How did you mange to sneak over here?" She ask him with a confusion.

"I have my ways." He told her with his eye going up in the air. She just laughed at him trying to flirt.

"So, when do we give each other the gifts? Wow that's the first time in years I've been excited over this kinda stuff." She said with yet another laugh of hers. He smiled at how happy she was. He hadn't really seen her happy much. He was glad he could help her find her smile.

"Yea we can now. Come on let's go to your room." He told her with a smile. They headed up to her room both with smiles on there faces. She couldn't help but smile when ever she was around him.

"Okay here you go." She said handing him a wrapped box from under her bed.

"How come I didn't think to look there?" He ask her with a weird face. She just rolled her eyes at him. "Oh Alex its so pretty. I love it." He told her.

"You mean it? It took a while to make it." She told him. They both decided to make each other something. They didn't want presents they had bought.

She had made him a heart shaped box. It was the color blue, both of there favorite color, and it said 'I love you' on the lid in green. The bottom of it said 'thanks for being the best boyfriend ever' in red. The bottom inside had there very first picture ever taken of them. The lid inside had there last resent picture together. On the out side of the heart had each of there favorite song written on it. The left side song was written in the color green, while the right side song was written in the color red. Alex was left handed which is why her's was on the left. Dean was right handed which is why his was on the right side.

"You really love it though?" She ask him one more time. By the look on his face you could tell he was impressed by it. She could tell you that much. That was all she could tell you though.

"I more than love it. Its so beautiful that I don't want to put anything in it cause I'd be scared of messing it up." He told her with a smile of amazement. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"You could put notes that we will write back and forth in school in it. We will have a lot of them. I can promise you that." She told him while he just laughed at her. He new they would get in a lot of trouble. They already had some.

"Yea, I know that. We already got into trouble from school. Here, this is my present to you. I hope its just as great yours." He told her handing her a box.

"Oh my gosh, Dean, its beautiful. I love it so much." She told him as she took it out of the box.

It was one necklace and two bracelets. The necklace said 'Alex and Dean'. It had in the color blue, red, and green. Green was her second favorite color and red was his. On the left bracelet it had the words 'Forever and always' and on the back of it had Alex's favorite song. The right one had 'I love you' on it and on the back of that had Dean's favorite song on it. The necklace was blue while the left bracelet was green and the right one was red. The were breath taking.

"So do you really like it? I mean its no heart box like yours but I think its close." He told her still not sure of how she liked it. She couldn't say anything which is what scared Dean to death. "Alex your scaring me. Do you like it or not?"

"Dean I love it! Its so beautiful. Thank you for it so, so, so, much." She told him giving him a kiss on the lips. "Its the best thing I've ever gotten."

"I'm glad you like it. I worked very hard on it." He told her with a big smile.

"Well, your hard work sure did pay off."

"Thank you. So did yours."


Later that day they were all at the Russo house giving presents. It was the Russo family, the Moriarty's, Juliet, Harper, and Harper's boyfriend David. They were all laughing and having a good time. They all noticed that Alex was different then usual.

"Alex, we need girl talk like now." Harper told her pulling her off of Dean and up the stairs. She was half way when she saw it was just them two. "Juliet and Amy are you two coming?" She ask them as they got up annoyed by her.

"What is so important that you drag us all away from our boyfriends?" Amy ask her annoyed as much as Alex was. Its like they were sisters from another mother. They'd been told that more than once.

"Okay Alex spit it out." Harper told her with a smile. She just decided to ignore Amy. That of course made her mad. Alex had decided to play dumb with this and go from there.

"I don't know what your talking about Harper." She told her making Amy try not to laugh. She new she was playing dumb and it was not working.

"Oh come on yes you do to Alex." Juliet said to her knowing what she was doing.

"Oh for the love of, Alex just tell them what Dean got you for Christmas so they will shut up." Amy said getting angry with everything.

"What has you all twisted up?" Alex ask her confused as to why she would be so mean.

"My parents are driving me nuts with what's going on in my love life, Max won't tell our parents were dating, and on top of that I haven't got to have my kiss from him." She said a little irritated.

"Okay that's just gross thank you very much. Who in the world would want to kiss my brother?" Alex ask then saw the look on her face. "I mean why don't you go talk to him about this and explain you don't want to hide it?" She told her while Amy's eyes went bright at that idea.

"Yea I didn't think about that Alex." Amy said in sarcasm. "I've done thought about that but I don't know how to express my feelings." She told her with a duh look on her face.

"Whatever, look I'm going back down stairs to the family. I'll see you guys down stairs." Alex told them still tired from not enough sleep. She just wanted to fall asleep in Dean's arms and stay there forever. Not die. Just stay in his arms forever.

"So what did they want?" Dean ask her as she came back down and got in his arms. She rested her head on his chest and almost fell asleep.

"Nothing really, just wanted to know what you got me for Christmas." She told him kissing him on the cheek.

"Alex what did I say about that?" Jerry ask his daughter with his warning look.

"Give it a rest dad it was just the cheek." She told him still not in the mood for talking.

"What's wrong with you?" Teresa ask her with a weird look.

"I just don't feel good. I got four phone calls at seven this morning from, Dean, Harper, Juliet, and Amy." She told them as she was drifting off to sleep. It kept trying to over take her body, yet she wasn't going to let it win.

"Well, why don't you go to sleep now?" Dean told her whispering her favorite song in her ear trying to help her fall asleep.

"Okay maybe just for a little while." She told him as she fell a sleep fast and hard.

So what do you guys think of this one?

I think its pretty good, yet that's just me! =)

Tell me what you think in a review please!

Welp, I think I'm fixing to finish up a one shot!

So bye for now! =)