Say Anything

Mariana's Trench

Warning: Some more self-mutilation. So no complaining. Thanks Lovlies –hearts-

I never took you for a trick but sometimes I don't know what you want
I can take it if you need to take this out on someone

That little bitch with her head held so high
talking shit when I cut myself so I could feel something I know is not a lie


I sighed softly, looking down at my feet, as I slumped in my bed.. Maybe today just wasn't the best day. Henry didn't seem to really want to talk about it. But then again I don't blame him. Why would you want to talk to your friend who kissed you, it wouldn't be so bad if I was a girl. But no. I had to be a boy. I sighed softly and lay back on my bed. Rubbing my eyes softly. This isn't fair. I sighed softly.

Turning over I rolled over onto my side and pulled my sleeve up over my shoulder, looking at the cut that was starting to look gross and sighed softly. Maybe its true. Maybe I should have just kept quiet.

Sighing softly I grabbed the razor from my wallet and softly started to cut into the skin. Hoping that maybe, I could feel a little better. Things wouldn't be awkward between us and maybe, they would go back to normal. Sighing softly I shook my head. Yeah right. Like that would ever happen.

Maybe Henry really had wanted to become friends again. He didn't seem quite as awkward. Or maybe he did, then again. I guess I was so preoquied with thinking that I was going to get asked out to even notice. Watching as the blood slowly pooled from the cut I smiled softly. Happy to know that I could bleed, to know that I could feel something.


I sighed and looked down at my feet. I think I made him angry.

I looked down at the ground and then streached. Maybe he wouldn't mind. I think he knows that I only like him as a friend. Well he should, like if I didn't… I would have told everyone he was a vampire by now. And I would be best friends with Eddie Poe, and then he might have died… I looked down and shook my head. Running my fringers through my hair and yawned. My stupid brother, stupid stupid… telling me that it would be better to do one thing. He doesn't know anything. I would have hurt Vlad more if I would have said that I wanted to date him. That would have made him feel awkward and then he wouldn't want to be friends with me. What would he think if he knew that I was a boy, that liked boys.

But… maybe he did too.

I'm sure there were more than just a few kids at our school like that. I don't see why he would ever think that I was weird, maybe he would understand. Maybe we could date.

Shaking my head I rested it against my headboard and yawned. I'll talk to him tomorrow. And then see w hat he thinks I should do. Or maybe I'll ask someone else. Isn't that Sprat kid gay?

I shrugged and yawned again.

Tomorrow I'll talk to him about this.

Hurts the same when nobody knows
I guess that's just how it goes
And I won't say anything at all


I woke up, shaking. Softly touching my body, biting my lip. Why did I just dream that. Grabbing a hand full of my hair I tried to calm my heart, that was beating just as hard as it had in my dream. Henry was touching me, all over, and kissing me. Shaking my head I reached over into my drawer and sighed softly. Grabbing a small razor I sighed. I shouldn't… I guess that's what I always say. But that never stops me huh.

Softly cutting a line on my forearm. Shuddering softly. That was the first time I've ever cut this low. Maybe if I don't pay attention to it, people'll think that its just a cat scratch. I shrugged and watched as it bleed. Starting to trace over the scar again with the razor, cutting into the skin deeper.

No one will know how much this really hurts, because no one will really care. No one knows whats going on. And I won't tell a single soul.

Sighing I bit my lip. Trying to keep myself calm, as tears collected in my eyes.

He'll never love me.

Getting up I walked to school, pulling the hoodie down so that it covered my fingers and sighed softly. Of course I just had to do this. I had to be so stupid and cut down that low. Peope'll think that's weird, wearing a hoodie in a heated school building. I sighed and smiled softly when I felt someone softly poke my back, looking back I blushed softly.


"Hey," I smiled softly as he grinned at me.

"Hey." He paused and shook his head, trying to organize his hair, "so, how was your night?" He wondered.

I shrugged. "Pretty boring. Why do you ask?" I asked, smiling up at him softly.

"Cos I think that we should have hung out." He chuckled and opened up the heavy doors and let me in.


"We should tonight. Call me after school." He smiled and ruffled my hair, "I need to go to class early. Talk to you at lunch."

I nodded and waved as he walked off. Good he was being normal again. I smiled softly and watched him walk away.


I walked over to the back of the school and stopped infont of the goth kids and looked at the smaller male in all black. "You're Sprat right?" I wondered, looking at him. The male nodded.

"Y-yeah." He looked down, his eyes widening. Proply wondering why someone like me was talking to him. "What do you want?" He asked, almost scared to ask.

"Please just come talk to me." I smiled softly, turning and walking out of the school. Hearing the soft clomping of his boots as he followed me. I stopped out side of the building and looked at him as he stared up at me. "Your gay right?" I wondered.

He shyly nodded. "Yeah. If your gonna make fun of me, just don't say a thing. I don't want you to even talk tome if you are. I hate assholes like you!" He snapped and glared at me.

"I'm not. I think I am. And I wanted to know something." I admitted softly. His eyes widened as he stared at me.

"Seriously?" He gasped, I nodded. "What did you wanna know?" He wondered.

I sighed softly and shrugged. "Lets see. I think that you should tell me something. Should I ask out Vlad Tod?" I blushed softly and looked down at my feet. It was so weird asking a goth kid for advice.

He shrugged, "why?"

"Because, I think he likes me. And I really like him. He kissed me a few weeks ago, and I just wanted to see if I should." I said softly. "I don't know though. I'm scared he'll reject me for something."

Sprat shook his head. "He never told me anything about hating you. Everytime we hang out he talks about you." Sprat smiled softly up at me.

"So?" I wondered.

"I think he's like me." I said softly.

"Like you?"

"Yeah. I think he's bi or something." Sprat smiled.


"So you should ask him out. Don't be scared and go do it."

I nodded and stared at the thin male. Taking advice from a goth kid… this is so weird.






Thank you so much =]

Tell me what ya thing please, and if you have anything bad to say. Keep it to yourself!

I wanna know what ya thing, and if you like this

I love you all!