Hey guys...I'm sooooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in like over a month, I haven't been feeling that great, with school finishing and other shi...stuff.

Anywayz here's the next chapter in this instalment. BTW a message to all those who want longer chapters, sorry if they're not long enough for you and frankly I don't really care, they're that long cuz I don't have the time, so stop leaving comments about wanting longer chapters...or just read another story that is long enough for you...thanks xoxoxo

On with the story...


I know I'm an angel and everything, but when I folded back my wings, I had words running through my head that would make a sailor blush. I hissed lightly in pain, which was possibly the reason for Clary turning around and giving me an odd look...hmmm should I tell her about the footsteps? Oops too late for me to warn her. A boy, maybe a year or two older than me with pale blonde hair and black as night eyes, came up behind her. Damn, damn, damn, damn. It's a time like this where I wish my powers would work...actually I don't know if I lost them...for now...

"Who the hell is this?"

Clary whirled around fast. Her eyes met mine briefly before meeting the ones of the boy in front of her.

"Jon!" she exclaimed

"That's my name don't where it out"

"Sorry, you just scared me a little"

"Uh huh, right. Now little sis, answer my question"

"Right, Jon, this is Jace...he's a friend of mine"

The boy, Jon, looked up from Clary to me. He looked me up and down before turning his gaze back to Clary.

"Ok, and is there a reason I should know as to why he is shirtless?"

"Uhhhh..." her body language from behind looked a little...panicky, so I stepped in, like any good angel would...

"Clary, being the klutz she is, tripped over something and grabbed the front of my shirt to stop herself, which then caused it to rip...making it non wearable" I looked down at Clary and grinned just to go along with the story, but damn, if looks could kill I would most likely be dead. I got a look that told me that I was going to get it even if I was an angel.

"Yeah, so I brought him back here to see if he could borrow one of yours or Luke's" she answered with clenched teeth. What really surprised me though was that Jon actually chuckled.

"Sorry about that Jace, Clary does tend to do that sometimes. Yeah, you're alright to borrow a shirt" he said as he began to walk towards the staircase, passing me to close for comfort. He stopped on the first stair and turned to look at Clary, with a little glint in his eye.

"And Clare?"

She looked at him, her eyebrows raised.

"Don't rip this one"

She glared at him before turning around and grumbling about something to do with having a rip at him; I smiled slightly at the sibling rivalry going on between them.

"Nice meeting you Jace" Jon said while continuing to walk down the stairs.

"You too" I called before catching up to Clary.

I accidently ran a little ahead of her so I stopped, but after a few moments i urned to meet the wide eyes of Clary.

"What? What's wrong?"

She shook her head slightly "Keep moving until we get inside that room there". She pointed to the room at the end of the hall. I turned but didn't move.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Yes...just as soon as we get to the room"

"Ok then, to the room"

I walked a little faster than need be, but I really wanted to know what was up with this girl.

As soon as we got inside the room, Clary slammed the door shut, switched on the light, and walked around to look at my back.

"Is there a reason for you staring at my back?"


"My wings"


YES! I got my powers still!

"I've got powers. I guess I used them when your brother came down the hallway and so he wouldn't see"

"Ooooohhhhhhh" She stood there shocked.

I began to look around the room curiously.

"Your room"


"This is the guest room; it's yours to stay in"

"Oh...thank you"...Smooth Jace, real smooth

"Bathroom, double bed,...and balcony"

I looked towards where Clary was pointing and started to walk towards the double glass doors. I opened them and stepped outside into the cool breeze that was sweeping through. I looked up at the sky, again, just as Clary followed me out, her red hair swaying slightly in the wind. She came up beside me and looked at my face.

"I'm sorry for losing the only home you knew, and for this being not exactly what you always live in"

"No Clary, this is perfect" I said grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles lightly.

"Goodnight Clary"

"Goodnight Jace" she smiled slightly before turning around, and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Ok Jace, you still have your powers, so you haven't been completely ditched by all angels in heaven. Now I've just got to use it to my advantage"

I closed my eyes and concentrated hard...and then poof. All memories of anyone seeing an angel with blonde hair and yellow eyes. Now all Clary will remember now is a homeless boy she found in the park.

"Now, time to learn teenager...mundane teenager"

Great, I'm saying it like it's a language rather than something that is picked up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, calling out to home, wanting answers of why I am here in the first place. I turned to walk back into the room leaving the doors of the balcony open; I collapsed on the bed, and let the darkness sweep over me once again...

Pheewwww...there's another chapter done

Please take the time to review, it boosts self confidence...all you have to do is click that button right below...please?

Until next time...happy reading?...I don't know

Love Cass xxoo