A/N: This is my least favorite part, the ending. I'll say it again: it's been a fun ride kiddos. : )

"Where am I?" Reid asked as he rolled around in bed. His eyes remained closed but he was fully conscious, he just wasn't ready for the brightness yet.

"Hello?" he asked a little bit louder, "is someone there?" if nobody answered him soon he would be forced to open his eyes to figure out where he was.

"Glad to see you're awake kid." At the sound of the recognizable voice Reid slowly opened his eyes and gazed around the room. Sitting in a corner was Derek Morgan with his arms folded and his sunglasses covering his face. The man had clearly been enjoying a light nap before Reid's voice had woken him up.

"Am I in the hospital?" he didn't remember going to sleep; he didn't even remember getting into bed for that matter.

"Yeah kid, you got pretty sick." Morgan rubbed a hand over his face, and stretched in the small chair. He looked down at his watch, "You haven't even been asleep an hour, I was prepared to stay here for a couple of nights."

"What do you mean?" asked Reid sitting up in bed, as me moved he could feel every muscle stiffen. For some reason he found that he was incredibly sore.

"It's just that you were really out of it." Answered Morgan adjusting himself in the seat. He removed his dark glasses that he had only been wearing to block out the light so he could sleep.

"What exactly happened today?" Reid wondered. The parts of the day that he did remember were blurry. At first he was frightened by the unfamiliar feeling but then it occurred to him how nice it was to have some kind of mystery about his past. Sure, he had blocked out Riley but he was just a small child when those things happened. In his adult life he had never actually been unable to recall anything. That was until now.

"You don't remember any of it?" Morgan asked a little concerned but when he saw that Spencer didn't seem to be worried he instantly relaxed.

"I…" Reid thought for a moment, "I got shot."

"Is that all you can remember?" Morgan questioned the boy as he brought his chair closer to the edge of the bed.

"Then I felt sick and I remember coming back here." He was straining his memory to try and fill in the blanks but it was only coming back in small pieces, this made it difficult to paint a picture of everything that had happened.

"Yeah, you got an infection. Do you remember what happened after that?" Reid shook his head indicating that he didn't, "You stupidly left the hospital to save my ass and ended up coming back here because you spiked a fever."

Reid thought for a moment and a terrifying image popped into his mind.

"What's wrong kid?" Morgan asked noticing the odd look on Spencer's face.

"It's weird…I think I'm remembering something that didn't actually happen. Does that sound crazy?" Maybe the insanity has finally set in, Reid thought to himself.

"What are you remembering?" Morgan asked curiously.

"…Tobias Hankle?" It wasn't a statement so much as it was a question. Reid knew it didn't make sense, Tobias was dead – he had killed him, but for some reason he had a clear image of the man recently sticking a needle into his arm.

"You hallucinated that he was the doctor when he took your blood. You had a fever and were delusional." Another image flooded Reid's mind and this time he didn't dance around the question.

"My dad wasn't…"

"No kid, but you would look at Hotch and call him Dad." Morgan cut him off knowing exactly what he was going to ask. Reid nodded solemnly. For a second he thought maybe his father had found out he had gotten hurt and just maybe his father had come down to make sure he was okay. Then again everyone knows maybe doesn't mean anything.

"Where is Hotch?" Reid finally asked breaking the awkward silence that had quickly filled the room.

"He had to go home to pick up Jack. The babysitter had to go leave but I'm sure he'll be back soon." Reid was glad to know he would be returning although he felt slightly embarrassed at calling Aaron his Dad. It wasn't that he didn't view his boss like a father; it was just something he thought neither of them would ever admit out loud.

"Is there anything else?" asked Reid.

"You went to sleep while they were putting ice on you but because of the fever they couldn't tell when exactly you would wake up." It all made sense.

"It's been a crazy day." Reid said as everything began to fit together in his mind.

"Pretty Boy, you have no idea." Morgan half laughed and grinned.

"It's like Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. You know nobody actually knows who coined that phrase but many believed it started when a man named Edward Murphy was talking about a failed invention of his. Since his name is Murphy and it's Murphy's Law they believe he is the eponymous founder. Eponymous is a term for someone of something that gives their name to something…." Reid paused when he noticed that Morgan was laughing, "What?"

"It's just, you're back to being yourself. It's good to know you're okay." They both smiled and then Reid's face contorted into a grimace when he recalled how the morning had started. Cold and wet.

"Is it still raining?"

"No, it's finally stopped." Reid smiled; he liked it better when it didn't rain.

The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

- Dolly Parton

A/N: Well that was fun. : ) I appreciate all of you who have stuck through until the end. Just so everyone knows I am still taking requests. : ) Thank you again, you guys are amazing and your reviews make me so happy. For all those who don't review and who I don't talk to thank you still – when you alert of favorite my story it makes my day. I hope that I was able to add some joy into your lives with this story.