Author note: I'm not even sure someone is waiting for that fic. So I'm adding un-beted version. If someone would kindly help me with beting that chapter and future ones (presuming I still have any readers left ;) ), I'd be very grateful. Oh, now off to this new chapter! (I'm so nervous, so nervous).

Dear cousin

by Lidi

Chapter 4, where Hermione gets two best offers ever

"Let go of me!" - Hermione hissed, as her new-found-uncle dragged her from the kitchen. And as she hit nearest table after her hand was released abruptly (damn darkness!), Lucius took a deep breath and started his little speech.

"I like it no more than you... Na-ah, no interruptions", - Mr. Malfoy pointed his finger at Hermione to silence any protest, - "and I don't expect understanding of current situation from a mudblood. Either you do what you said to, or you parents die. It's one time offer and" – (this time furious Hermione was silenced with a hand over mouth) – "Shh, stupid creature! Do you really want you parents be killed?"

Suprisingly so, she wasn't thinking about parents faith. Instead Hermione was deciding if she'd better bite that hand off (and what hand it was! – tender, smooth and oh-so strong) or pull that bastard's hair (not that he was, you know, a real bastard, oh, and his hair! such softness and ten...).

With this delayed speed of thought, Hermione didn't realize that Malfoy already took his hand away from her and now was wiping it with handkerchief. Hermione scoffed and stared at Lucius with as much bravery and dignity as she could manage (i.e. holding back panic-tears and running the hell away from one of the most powerful and dark wizards). She was rewarded with another contempt look before Malfoy continued.

"As I was saying, little brainless mudblood, you parents would die if you not..." - Malfoy had obvious problems with next word, as he almost chokes while spitting it off, - "help us. And don't get your hopes up. Even if you... cooperate, you parents still may die. I presume it's in your interest to play your best. And if you touch my son again or try to seduce him with your young and fresh body, I'll..."

At that charming moment yet-alive mom and dad came out of a still dark dining room.

"Oh, here you are! You won't believe it, but we don't know why the light is out", - Hermione's dad was still with shampoo on a head and in ridiculous borrowed-from-one-of-the-hotels bathrobe, - "and there's our lovely guest?"

Hermione turned her 'young and fresh' body around only to see an empty darkness. Well, it was a bit too entertaining for her. Draco as summer friend, parents in death danger and another twisted compliment from handsome-and- now-relative killer was the last drop. So Hermione finally relaxed, inhaled as much as she could and finally fainted.


"Hermione, darling, are you ok? Draco, honey, please try again... "

Cold wetness overwhelmed Hermione. What the ..... ?!

She opened eyes only to be spitted by Malfoy again. Luckily with water. Though word "luck" would be too far-stretched for this situation. Hermione blinked several times, only to see that now smirking Malfoy put a whole glass of water into his mouth and... Only years of DADA training let Hermione avoid that terrible fountain and roll to the side, while Draco unnaturally happy exclaimed:
"Oh, sister! You're awake! Finally! We were so worried about you!"

'He couldn't sound more insincere even if his life depended on it', thought Hermione trying to sit up, but several hands pushed her back into something almost soft. So she was in her bed (wet-wet-wet bed – how disgusting!).

"Hermione, sweet-pie, you need rest now! I'm sure you're overwhelmed with joy and happiness, but now it's all going to be ok! I talked to Draco and he generously offered to look after you."

'Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!' – unfortunately Hermione couldn't let herself voice that thought.

"Isn't he the best cousin ever, huh, sweet-pie? I already asked dad to put camp-bed for Draco into your room, so he'll always be by your side to make this summer for you the most thrilling!"

While her mom kept babbling about all the happy time her daughter and adorable little cousin gonna have, Hermione was dreadfully imagining all possible "thrills" Draco would certainly give her. And by mischief smile on his almost angelic face, she was sure that Draco would exceed her expectations. After all, he had the whole summer ahead.

End of chapter 4

Don't wanna sound pleading and pathetic, but I can't afford indifferent 'I don't care about reviews' attitude after my one-year-fic-abandoning. I really wanna know if I should continue "Dear cousin" :)