Summary: She admired him from afar. He didn't even know she existed, what happens when their paths meet because of tragedy soon to come? Will they be able to meet again and become close? Or even, fall in love.

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Chapter 1 - Complications

Kagome Higurashi looked at the sky in boredom. She doesn't have new missions today and her teammates are busy doing their own thing. Her mind was focused at a particular cloud when she felt someone's presence.


"The Hokage wants to see you at his office,"

"Hmm? About what?"

"I think it's about you applying to be in ANBU."

"Oh that," Kagome's face dropped instantly upon hearing it. She wanted to be part of ANBU, but her skills are nowhere as good as that of an ANBU. She thinks that she was lucky enough to pass the chunnin exams.

"Do you think they approve?"

"Nah, I don't think they believe in me that much."

Kakashi stood in front of her and ruffled her hair a bit. "You're such a child,"

"Stop it Kakashi-san, I'm not a child anymore!" Kagome tackled Kakashi on the grass, but Kakashi hold her wrist above her head.

"Yea, I guess you're not." Kakashi answered as he slowly leaned down towards Kagome. But was playfully pushed back by Kagome.

"I would appreciate it if you would stop using me as guinea pig for the things you read on that book of yours." She said as she dusted her clothes off and started running towards the Hokage tower, thus preventing her to hear what the copy nin said.

"I wish you can see what my real intentions are Kagome."

Kagome ran towards the Hokage tower and she can't help but feel excited and scared at the same time. She just can't put her finger on it. Just as she was about to knock on the door, she heard screaming.

Judging by the sound of it, it was frustrated and angry at the same time. She recognized this voice, there's no way she wouldn't. It belonged to…


"He'll eventually know the truth and will surely pose a threat to us."

"That was Danzo's voice," Kagome muttered to herself.

"Itachi, I know killing your whole clan is hard for you but you must understand. The faith of Konoha is in your hands now."

'What? Kill his own clan…"

"You have no choice lad, you must either kill everyone or watch everyone get killed."

"I will do it Hokage-sama, but under one condition."


"You will spare my brother, Sasuke's life."

"What? Like I said before, he will eventually pose a threat."

"Danzo, enough. If that's what you wish Itachi."

Without warning, the door opened and nearly broke Kagome's nose causing her.

"I…" she said while looking at Itachi.

While he didn't even spare a glance at her and continued walking on.

"I guess you heard all that Kagome. I'm sorry but I'm going to ask you to not tell anyone about it."

"Of course, Hokage-sama."

And with that, she too has left but didn't notice the look on Danzo's eye.

After hearing everything, Kagome was still in shock. She can't tell anyone, knowing that it can make everything more complicated. But her admiration for Itachi has grown even more after hearing all that.

Ever since they were in the academy, she admired Itachi so much. Watching from afar is what she always does, because she doesn't want to bother him or to be labeled as a fan girl. Never did it cross her mind that Itachi will notice her, but even so, she was happy…just to sit there and watch him from afar.

She smiled at herself as she threw some stone at the river.

"I don't think he even knows that I exist…"

She felt another presence behind her and easily registered it as Kakashi's.

"Kakashi-san, how many times do I have to tell you to-"

"But I'm not Kakashi-san."

She quickly looked behind her, and was surprised.

"Itachi-san…w-what are you doing here?"

"I saw Kakashi-san leaving out for a mission, he asked me to tell you that when he gets back you're going to regret doing what you did."

Kagome immediately sweat-dropped, she forgot about the stunt she pulled on Kakashi. Guess she's really going to get it when he finds out that she hid all of his precious books away.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Thank you for telling me."

"Your welcome," Itachi answered as he started walking back home.

"Ah, I-Itachi-san! About earlier…"

"I know that you're not allowed to say about it to anyone. And I know what you think of me now, but I don't care." He paused. "Good bye."

Before she could have the courage to think of the words she wants to say, he was gone.


So, what do you guys think? Should I continue.