Hi Everyone! It's Lizzy! I created this story its a cute little short one. Tell me whatcha think! ;) I'll be uploading the rest later today. :) REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight; I just like to bring out their inner selves a bit more ;)


It's December 24, 2009. One more day till Christmas. Charlie had just left to pick up Amy from the airport, he had just met this new police woman at work, and low and behold it was love at first sight. Things are actually getting pretty serious between the two of them. So he's in Chicago to meet her parents, under my protest of course. Its actually quite a relief to have him out of the house. He had been so nervous about going that he came out with his underwear of his pants! So after I told him that they were called "underpants" for a reason, he turned the brightest color of red I have ever seen him wear, and dashed back upstairs. So now I sit at the kitchen table with a cup of my delicious steaming hot cocoa to keep me warm…alone…wait…is that a knock I hear coming from the window? I dashed upstairs to greet the angel at my bedroom window.

Hmm. Edward is looking strangely feminine today…


I knocked franticly at Bella's bedroom window. It's really cold out here, even for a vampire!

Oh, good! She's opening it!

"Um, you're not Edward…" she said confused.

"No. I'm Alice."

"I know that. It's just that Edward is usually the one climbing though my window."

"Well, I saw him doing it in a vision, and I thought it looked fun, so I decided to give it a try! Unfortunately, my visions were too fuzzy to see how he opened it. I won't be doing it again though. Climbing up here messed up my manicure." I was really disappointed, I had just gotten my nails done yesterday.

"Ok Alice. Do you have something to tell me?" she asked.

"Well, actually, I have something to ask you. Since you are not doing anything now that Charlie went with Wanda to Chicago, I was, well, we were wondering if you would like to join us in our holiday festivities."

"That depends." She said, "Are we playing truth or dare?"

"No. No truth or dare, just some holiday fun with the Cullen's."

"Well, ok, then. I'll go get my stuff together."

"Forget it." I said, "Let me pack for you. You're way to slow. Just drive over there now. I ran."

"Ok then. See you soon, Alice."


I headed down stairs to perform one last task before I left for the Cullen's. I wasn't quite sure what the outcome of it would be, but it was something I had to do. It wasn't the smartest thing to do with Alice in the house, but if she loved me, she would understand.

I picked up the phone and called Jacob. It was the polite thing to do, to wish a friend "Merry Christmas", and I longed to hear my precious werewolf's voice.

To my great disappointment, Billy answered the phone.

"Hello?" he said.

"Um…hi Billy. I just called to say Merry Christmas. Can I talk to Jacob?"

" Jacob? Jacob is…out. For a while. He's…he's at a werewolf meeting…they won't be done for a while."

It was very clear to me that Billy was lying. The fact that he did not ask if I wanted Jacob to call me back did not blow by me.

"Ok…bye then, Bella!" he quickly spat out.

He hung up before I could even say goodbye. This Christmas was definitely going to be an interesting one…