Here is the seventh and final chapter of this story, hopefully you'll like it...

Opening her eyes was always the part she hated the most about coming back to reality. As a child, her dreams consisted of red ribbons and an everlasting friendship; of knights that would rescue her and of eternal love. Even though she knew that none of those things were real, she still hated the crushing disappointment that hit her every morning.

As her eyelids fluttered, she stretched lazily in her bed, reminiscing of the past and innocent lives. As she gathered the will to sit up, she chastised herself; in her line of work, laziness would get you killed.

Her green eyes surveyed her surroundings, wondering why she had woken up to an empty bed and no child in sight. Hadn't she been reading Lana bedtime stories just hours ago?

She knew she was no longer in Konoha because of the simple and cookie-cut room she was in. The plain white walls and the uncomfortable bedding underneath her gave away the fact that she was in a motel room but as she looked around the room, searching for his chakra, she frowned. Sasuke couldn't have left her behind, could he? Hadn't he come get her? She stood from the bed and quickly located her pack on the breakfast table.

Sakura took her clothes from the bag and quickly stepped into the shower, taking a kunai with her. If she were going to make herself vulnerable, she would at least not be defenseless.

As she stepped under the fluorescent light, the slightly colored bruises seemed to shine under the harsh environment. She quietly stripped down and looked at herself in the small mirror that the bathroom had, she looked well except for the marks. She blushed as she recalled how she had gotten them in the first place and decided to not think about that anymore- it would do her no good.

Sensing his unique telltale chakra, she quickly stepped into the shower, trying to not squeal at the artic water that woke her up with ice bullets raining down her back. She tried to ignore the temperature and tried to predict his behavior. Would he attempt to jump into the shower with her? Most likely.

If she had learned anything during her stay with this man, it was that he would take any chance he could get to have sex with her. If she didn't know better, she'd say he was a nymphomaniac! It really was a miracle she had been so punctual with her birth control because otherwise she was sure she would be pregnant by now.

Taking a moment to herself, she stroked her abdomen in a daze. She had always dreamed of forming a family and having a loving husband whom she could raise her children with but that seemed more like a dream because of the likelihoods of Sasuke wanting anything remotely like that. She clenched her teeth and placed her face under the torrent of water, snapping herself back to what her life was. Infertile. There was no place for children if there was no place for real love. For Kami's sake, Sasuke and her barely had an established relationship!

The water was turned off abruptly and she took the towel hanging from the metal rack as he stepped into the small room. She was glad that the water had been an ally at that moment, hiding the tear tracks. She smiled at him in the best way that she could but he saw through it, as he always had.

She wrapped herself with the bare piece of cloth and stepped out of the small shower, sidetracking him in order to leave the tense zone. He began to unbutton his shirt and as she was closing the door behind her, he clearly said "None of that, Sakura" and reminded her of how well the monster in him knew the weakling in her.

There was no time now for sentimentality. They were going home, as he had said and they would never return to their birthplace and hometown. Her life there was done and she had begun to come to terms with it. It would not be easy, but she could do it. She had promised him she would. She would have to deal with the consequences now.

Had she ever thought that they would of run into rogue ninjas who thought themselves strong enough to defeat them, she would of laughed. Sasuke was recognized throughout the entire Shinobi world as one of the most powerful men to ever walk this Earth and his defeats could be counted in one hand and still have fingers left. He was ruthless and he was not to be taken lightly.

The blood that splattered against her face as her left hand swung her kunai did not make her blink. She did not react against the loss of life that had happened in front of her, committed by her own hands. She blinked and looked at the corpses that surrounded her as Sasuke finished off his own half.

If there was ever a time for amazement to be found in his eyes, this would have been the perfect time. Her unblinking eyes shone as the blood dripped from her cheek, her arms slack against her body. The mangled bodies around her only increased the deadly aura that surrounded her and Sasuke could see that clearly.

She watched as he walked to her, taking measured steps and sheathing his katana. He ran his fingers through her soaked hair and smiled at her. That took her out of her reverie and she tilted her head to one side, confused at this sign of happiness.

Was he happy that she had exterminated half an army of men faster than he had?

Was he happy that she had turned herself into a killing machine?

Was he happy that she did not cry or faint at the sight?

She did not know what had caused the emotion to show on his face, but it clearly had him on the nth cloud. His thumb caressed her lips, slipping into her mouth. His eyes shone with lust and behind that, she could see a sparkle of something that she might of recognized had she not been so mesmerized with the beautiful demon that stood in front of her.

"Why are you smiling, Sasuke-kun?" she whispered, afraid of breaking whatever spell was weaved around them. He tilted his face closer to hers and chastely kissed her lips, surprising her.

His answer, however, shocked her to the core. He clearly said, "My mother would have never been able to do that, Sakura." Her mouth must of puckered in confusion because he smirked at her and continued, "That is why she failed me. You, however, are different. Stronger. Leaner. More able".

He retreated his tender hands from her skin and took a step behind; taking a look around the field they had ambushed the men in. The red grass was glowing as the beating sun hit the dismembered bodies. That would probably cause a stir. She watched quietly as Sasuke burned the bodies and then returned to her side, holding her hand and gesturing for them to continue their journey

What had he meant by that? She wondered. She could not dwell on it, however, because she had to remain alert at the possible dangers that laid ahead. She did, however, promise herself to continue this very interesting conversation with her lover later on. And even though she tried, she could not focus entirely on her surroundings, her mind analyzing his every word and actions.

Had he been hinting at something? Had he meant to praise her? Was it more? She swore she could feel the headache coming on but not even that stopped her. It was hours later, when reaching the outer skirts of the estate that she blurted out what she had been thinking for the past 400 minutes or so.

"Sasuke-kun, do you want me to succeed?" she said and watched as his body froze. He knew she would eventually ask about the incident but would he answer? Would he be honest with her as she had been with him?

"Hn" was all he said but it was all she needed to hear to have hope bloom in her heart like wildfire. She would not fail Sasuke and whatever may be the outcome of their relationship, she would stand by him.

She would stand, proud and loyal. Hopefully, there would also be someone else join them soon enough if Sasuke could give her the concrete telltale signs she needed before maybe loosing up on her strict birth control…

As he took her hand and lead her into their home, resting one hand on her abdomen, she smiled brightly at him as he promised, in what almost seemed as loving, into her ear, "Soon, Sakura. Very soon, my Hime".

I do hope it was similar to what you had in mind for the closure, I am not entirely content with it but I am entertaining the idea of a oneshot as a sequel of this story. It is not the longest chapter but I do hope you like it and feel free to review or leave me comments. I a aware that I haven't posted anything in a while but I am having creative sprouts every now and then, and they might become something solid. Anyway, have a good one!

ps. I'm so exhausted but I'll try to post more often. Is this a big disappointment to those who have been waiting? (talking 'bout the chapter)

- W