Disclaimer: I do not own twilight or the characters all rights belong to the wonderful Stephenie Meyer.

Hi everyone this is the first chapter of the beta longer version of pregnant with Edward babies I hope you like it.

It had been four long months since Edward had left me but before my birthday we had lost ourselves in each other, making love for hours.

I knew it was against all the rules and the boundaries that Edward had set in our relationship but I really didn't care because that was by far the best night of my life.

I loved Edward with all my heart and that would never change. Edward left me after what happened on my birthday, all because of one stupid little paper cut which changed my life in ways you would not believe and I went through a great deal of depression before I found out that I was pregnant.

When I found out that I pregnant I knew that I had to protect our child at all costs, this went some way to bringing me out of the depression. I started to take care of myself better, all for the sake of our child and I would not risk him or her for the world as this baby was a part of Edward.

I tried calling Edward's number numerous times when I found out about the pregnancy but it went straight to voicemail and I would sit down on my bed and cry for hours.

My baby was going to be without a father. I could not stand the thought of my child, in a few years time, asking where their daddy was because I knew would not be able to answer that one simple question.

When I managed to calm myself down I would look through my list of the hospitals I had still to contact while trying to find Carlisle and the other Cullen's. On looking down the list the one place jumped out at me, Alaska, then I remembered the Cullen's had friends in Alaska.

Also it was not sunny in Alaska which meant that the Cullen's could live their lives in freedom without having to worry about sparking in the sunlight.

I picked up the phone without thinking and started dialling the number for Alaska general. It rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello Alaska general how may I help you?"

"Hello I was wondering if you could help me I am looking for a Dr Carlisle Cullen. Could you please confirm if you have got a Dr Carlisle Cullen working there please."

"Yes of course please hold on a moment I will just check for you."

"Okay thank you."

As soon as the words left my mouth classical music started playing down the phone line. I felt a sudden rush of tears starting to whelm up in my eyes as I thought about Edward's love for the classics.

The music was sill playing in the background as I seemed to get lost in my thoughts, why am I looking for him, he does not love me probably never has? He deserves to know about his child even if he never loved me and I had to give him the chance to love our child.

Also I knew I had to find Edward and the Cullen's because I may be going through a fairly normal pregnancy at the moment, but that didn't mean that the vampire side of the baby might not start to show it's self any time soon.

Suddenly I was pulled back to reality with a cheery "Hello" a very familiar voice said into the phone. Just then my heart starting pumping very fast and my breathing became.

"Dr Edward Cullen speaking how may I help you"

Oh my god, I thought to myself, I could practically feel my heart breaking, this Edward sounded so broken and lifeless and I wanted so much to find out what was wrong with him and why the switchboard operator had put me through to this number rather than Carlisle's , I thought that might be my destiny.

That, I did not know but one thing was for sure, I was going to find out.

Authors note : Hi everyone I hoped you liked it sorry for the small cliff hanger I will update soon please review this story and tell me what you think.

Thank you to Biddy 429 who beta is for this story :) you did a great job on inprovements :)