Characters may or may not be similar to real life. STEPH - that's so we don't insult each other!

This is KT here - I, without the permission of my humble soon-to-be writing companion the almighty Stephanie18 have decided (or I have, anyway) to collaberate on quite possibly the worst, no, scratch that, BEST fanfic ever. EVER I TELL YA! So hopefully, after I tell her the email address (which I know she'll greatly appreciate) and password (which she'll also love) then we will have a joint account on fanfiction. Exciting, non? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO??? I KEEL YOU!

So without further ado, I present to you...

Two Against The Power Of Three

by kaytee83 & stephanie18. Oh, and what do you mean it's got a crap title? I KEEL YOU! Let's take that from the top, shall we?

Two Against The Power Of Three

KT sat silently, twiddling her thumbs. She looked slightly stupid.
"I do not look stupid!" she shouted at no one in particular.
Stephanie came over and smacked KT around for a while. "You stupid idiot!" she whispered angrily, "They'll hear us!"
KT instantly silenced herself. Thank god, that idiot was p*ssing me off!
The two demons were currently sitting outside one 'f*ck-off pink mansion'. They had had a plan, but Stephanie had decided it was cr*p so had eaten it. They had no idea what to do.
"I have no idea what to do." KT said nonchalantly. Idium. She looked at Stephanie. *Why do I even hang about with this buffoon?* she thought to herself, *I could do so much better alone*
It happened to be at that moment that Stephanie suddenly became telepathic and heard everything KT thought. She lunged at KT and grabbed her by the throat.
"Look... um... I haven't thought up a stoopid nickname for you yet but assume that I just said it," Stephanie regained herself, "don't go thinking when you're near me, cos my telepathy comes and goes, and-"
"Look out!" KT randomly cried.
Stephanie ducked out of the way, dropping KT who landed on her candy ass. Breathing raggedly, Steph looked for the danger that KT had warned her of.
"What was it?" she demanded urgently.
KT stared at her blankly.
"What was what?" KT smiled that smile that indicated there was nothing there.
"Gah you idiot! Let's just get on with this thing!"
"Well, maybe we would, if SOMEONE hadn't eaten the plan!" They continued bickering for some minutes, the suddenly Stephanie kicked KT. It was comical.
"Let's just go." she said animatedly, and stomped off around to the front of the house.
"Fine" KT said huffily before launching herself through the window she was standing at.

* * *

Stephanie heard the scream and knew what had happened immediately.
"That idiot KT," she prattled on, "does she not know how to use the front door?"
Steph rang the bell ferociously. Well, about as ferociously as you can ring a bell, anyway.
A dark haired girl answered it.
"Um, hi," the girl said anxiously, "I'm really sorry, I'm sure whatever you're selling is fantastic, but we have a bit of a situation in here - a demon just broke in."
"You're wrong," Stephanie grinned charismatically, "it's actually two!" and she shoved her way in, dragging the poor girl in with her, smirking at her cries of:
"But you didn't break in, you waltzed in through the front doooooooooor!"
Then Stephanie was suddenly intercepted by a woman, who squinted at her viciously. "Let her go," the woman commanded, before waving her hand at Steph, who promptly flew through the air and into the wall.
"Steph!" KT yelled, bursting into the room and jumping on Prue's back, forcing them down in a vicious struggle.
"Prue!" the girl who had answered the door cried, "they won't freeze!"
Prue knocked KT off, and replied. "Have you actually tried to freeze them yet?"
Piper looked like she'd solved the mystery of the bermuda triangle. "Oh yeah!" she said, before flicking her hands up.
Instantly, KT and Steph stopped moving.
Prue stood up. "Thanks, Piper, though I had it completely under control."
"Oh, you so did not-" Piper started, but Prue cut in.
"Do not f*ck with me, Panpipes! If I say I was fine, than I was fine, okay?"
She smacked Piper, who cowered more than slightly in front of her.
"Okay, Prue, I'm sorry. You're the queen. But now what do we do with them?"

To Be Continued...

The ball's in your court, Steph!