Why hello!

Yes, it has been a long time! I am so sorry it has come to this, but I must admit I don't see myself continuing to write this anytime in the near future. I have considered rewriting it perhaps, but to continue... no, I think not. I would hate for my readers to have absolutely no idea what's going on, and why the hell I never update though I'm sure that I have made such an impression that most of my followers by now forgotten me and pretty much everything of written, but I feel I owe an explanation. Truth of the matter is: I just have no motivation to continue on from here. I had plans, but then a few things happened: A. I had started writing a trilogy of books for a friend, one I hope to get published one day, and it takes an exhausting amount of time to write, B. I was completely and utterly disappointed with the fifth season and have thus far chosen to pretend that none of it ever happen, and C. my writing style has much improved especially when coming from a world that already is aka fanfiction. In this particular story, I felt much of them time it was just injected with Artemis, and that she was suddenly the solution to all problems. This has for a longtime bothered me, and I feel if I continued I would just fall back to those methods as a writer and all progress I have made will disappear. That being said this story is now and forever more discontinued.

That's not to say I'll never post in fanfiction again! I actually like to write fanfiction, because it helps me not go insane and is a good practice run for different styles. In fact, this particular story ended up being spinned off into a world of its own, and I am currently writing an actual novel that circulates around the non-Merlin, orignial Artemis plot, and I have been told the beginning is quite spectacular.

Anyway, I digress! If you are a follower as me as an author than you will see me again just perhaps not soon. I have been playing with a couple different shows. I have been playing with everything from Once Upon A Time to Supernatural to Doctor Who to Naruto to Death Note to more Merlin. Anything particular genre/fandom you want to see me write shoot me a message. Or if you are curious on the fate of a particular character. Shoot me a message. I had a plan... just saying.

OH AND THANK YOU ALL REVIEWERS AND FOLLOWERS! I never really expressed my gratitude! There were a few reviews I've particularly love my writing style, and those by far are the most enjoyable to read even if some think that Artemis was Mary Sue (have to agree on that one after time to mull it over). It the writing style I was testing out and my ability to write plot, and I got wonderful reviews on it! SO THANK YOU!

Anyway, sorry about the discontinuing, and sorry for my easily distracted mind and sorry for the long author's note that basically just says I'm discontinuing,

Luna Proeliator