Hey, so here's my attempt at a Sophie/Sian fanfic. Probably a one shot but I might write more, if you feel I've left you hanging. Thanks for reading! :D

Chapter 1

"I don't know why you're so freaked out about this movie" Sophie mused quietly as her girlfriend released a soft yelp and clutched her tightly "It's not even scary"

"Yeah, it is!" Sian insisted with an empathic nod of her head.

"Then why do you watch these films?" Sophie laughed "If they scare you so much. All you end up doing is jumping every two minutes and getting as close to me as you can"

"Maybe that's why I watch them" Sian said coyly "Maybe I want to be as close to you as possible?"

"Yeah?" Sophie grinned "In that case…All you have to do is ask" she turned her head to the left and kissed Sian shortly. As she pulled away however she felt the other girl pull her closer and deepen the kiss slightly "What about your movie?"

"Lost all interest in the movie" Sian replied between soft kisses "You're much more interesting"

"But…" Sophie was interrupted by a deep kiss and all thoughts flew from her head as she pulled Sian closer on the couch "Sian…What if your Dad comes back?"

"He won't" Sian murmured "He's at work"

"You make it really hard to say no" Sophie bit back a moan as Sian began to place light kisses along her neck "Sian…"

"Shhh" Sian giggled softly as she kissed her way back to Sophie's lips.

This time Sophie couldn't help the moan that escaped her as Sian's tongue glided across her lower lip and she allowed instant access. She didn't protest as the blonde girl moved so that she was straddling her on the couch though after a moment they had to pull away for breath.

"Woo" Sophie muttered dazedly as she gazed up at her girlfriend through half lidded eyes. She was met by a seductive smirk in response and leaned up once again to capture Sian's lips with her own in a heated kiss. She ran her hands up the jean clad thighs they rested on and Sian squirmed under her touch "God, I need you so badly right now Soph…"

Sophie gasped out loud at the need in Sian's voice as well as the hand that had slipped under her shirt but the first word in the sentence stopped her. She was about to voice her protests when the soft lips she had grown addicted to collided with her own in a needy kiss. Despite her concerns she kissed back with just as much passion and pulled Sian closer. They were so caught up in the heat of the moment that they didn't hear the front door open and shut or recognise the fact that somebody had walked into the room.


They leapt apart at the sound of the male voice and Sian tumbled off the couch. She would have hit the ground hard but Sophie caught her arm keeping her up. She balanced her gently before standing up herself.

"WELL?" Vinnie demanded loudly as her looked between them.

"Dad, it wasn't what it looked like…" Sian began shakily.

"Don't lie to me!" Vinnie growled furiously "I'm not stupid and I know what I saw…"

"Mr Powers" Sophie began nervously "Look, I'm…"

"Don't talk to me!" the man took his eyes away from Sian to glare intensely at Sophie "What the HELL have you done to my daughter?"

"She didn't do anything" Sian stated growing tearful at the situation. She reached out and grasped Sophie's hand in her own "We…We love each other"

"Love?" Vinnie spat "You don't…" he appeared speechless for a moment before he shook his head and began to advance on them "you" he said obviously meaning Sophie "Get out of my house!"

"Dad, Leave her alone!" Sian quickly pushed Sophie behind her, effectively shielding her "She hasn't done anything wrong!"

"Nothing wrong?" the man scoffed disbelievingly as he ran a hand over his stubble "This is all wrong…It's sick and twisted!"

"It's not!" Sian insisted as tears poured freely from her cheeks "It's only love. It's not sick!"

"First you pull that stunt with that lad" Vinnie stated angrily "and then you do something like this to me?"

"I'm not doing anything to you!" Sian persisted "We just want to be together"

"It's not right" Vinnie insisted his anger only mounting "What would your Mum say?"

"I don't care!" Sian said through sobs "I love her!"

"Mr Powers…" Sophie started again, her heart aching at the sound of Sian's crying.

"I thought I told you to shut up?" Vinnie glared "And GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!" he took a step back but paused as Sian stepped back effectively taking Sophie with her and gazed at him defiantly despite her unstopping tears.

"Fine" he muttered with a shake of his head "You want to be with this girl so much? You 'love' her?" he waited for Sian's nod before he continued "Than get out"

"What?" Sian's sobs increased by the second "No Dad, please…"

"You can't be like that in my house" Vinnie exclaimed "Now GET OUT!"

Sian flinched as her Dad's sentence ended in a yell "But…"

"OUT!" the man yelled pointing towards the door "NOW!"

Seeing he was serious Sian rushed out of the room, taking Sophie with her and they quickly exited the house. Once they were outside Sophie pulled Sian into her arms and the blonde collapsed against her, wracked with sobs.

"It's going to be okay" Sophie murmured softly into Sian's ear "I promise"

"How is it going to be okay?" Sian managed to choke out "He's kicked me out!"

"You can come back to mine" Sophie stated as she pulled back to brush back a piece of blonde hair that had stuck to Sian's cheek "It's going to be fine"

Sian nodded silently and allowed herself to be lead away from the house, though tears still spilled insistently down her cheeks. She glanced down at the entwined hands but made no move to pull away, the need for comfort from her girlfriend overpowering her need for secrecy.


"Sophie, you're late!" Kevin began to exclaim as he heard a slam of the door "You know you can't stay…" he trailed off as Sophie and a tearful Sian walked through the door "Oh…Erm…" he glanced at Sally unsurely.

"What's happened?" Sally asked, obviously worried as she got off the couch and approached them.

"Sian had an argument with her dad" Sophie explained simply "Can she stay here for a couple of days?"

Sally and Kevin glanced each other warily.

"Please?" Sophie pleaded "She had nowhere else to go and she can't go back home"

"Okay" Sally nodded eventually "she can stay for a while" she focused her gaze on a visibly shaking Sian and frowned in concern "Are you okay Sian? You look shaken"

"I-I'm fine but…Do you mind if I use your shower, Mrs. Webster?" Sian asked tentatively as she swiped tears from her eyes.

"Of course you can Sian, go ahead" Sally nodded her consent her gaze remaining concerned as she observed the obviously upset girl in front of her.

Sophie reached behind her out of the view of her parents and tentatively brushed her fingertips across the back of her girlfriend's hand.

Sian flinched slightly from the touch however and began to back away towards the door "Thanks" she turned around and rushed out of the room leaving silence in her wake. Sophie paused for a moment before she started out of the room after her.

"Sophie?" Sally questioned stopping the girl in question in her tracks "Maybe you should give her some time alone"


"Your Mum's right Soph" Kevin interrupted her "Just give her some time to do whatever she needs to do"

Sophie glanced longingly towards the stairs every fibre of her being screaming at her to go after the distraught blonde however she simply nodded and sank down onto the couch next to Rosie.

"What's wrong with her?" Rosie asked curiously as she twirled a strand of hair idly around her finger "She seemed upset"

"She had an argument with her Dad" Sophie stated simply, offering no details "He threw her out"

"Right" Kevin frowned thoughtfully "I could try to talk to talk to him for her if she…"

"NO!" Sophie exclaimed quickly earning herself three suspicious glances "Erm…You probably shouldn't bother. I'm sure it'll all blow over eventually"

"What was the argument about?" Sally asked in concern as she sat tentatively on the edge of the couch "Maybe we can help"

"I dunno" Sophie shrugged and diverted her gaze to the ground "Something stupid I think…We can't really do anything right now" she breathed a silent sigh of relief when her Mum nodded and a silence filled the room.

"Sophie" Rosie muttered in annoyance after a couple of minute's silence as she looked up from her magazine "Stop it. It feels like I'm in the middle of an earthquake" she reached across and placed a hand on her sister's knee to stop its nervous shaking.

"I need to go see if she's okay" Sophie announced, jumping up from the couch. She rushed quickly out of the room giving her parents no time to argue and practically sprinted up the stairs. She slowed as she reached the top and heard the shower running in the bathroom. As she approached the door she bit her lip as she recognised the sound of soft sobs.

"Sian?" Sophie called quietly as she knocked softly on the bathroom door "Sian, are you okay?" her only response was pain filled sobs and she shifted restlessly from foot to foot "Sian, come on talk to me. I need…" her voice wobbled slightly and she sniffed back her own advancing tears "I need to know that you're okay"

"I'm fine"

Sophie released a soft sigh of relief as her girlfriend's choked voice sounded from behind the door. She glanced quickly around to make sure nobody could hear her before leaning slightly closer to the door "Can…" she felt a blush creeping up her cheeks but ignored her embarrassment and pressed on "Can I come in? I promise I won't look" a silence fell between them and for a moment Sophie was sure she had thoroughly freaked Sian out "Sian? I'm…"

"Okay" Sian interrupted though her voice was unsure "You can come in but…The doors locked"

Sophie took a quick look around before she jiggled the handle of the door to the left and the right, the latch coming undone "I'm coming in. Are you sure…?"

"Yeah" Sian responded tearfully.

"Right" with another paranoid look around Sophie slipped into the bathroom and locked the door behind her "Are you okay?"

"No" Sian answered through her sobs "I'm not okay"

Sophie glanced towards the shower but quickly looked away again as her eyes fell on Sian's undressed form "I wish I could make you feel better"

"Why does it have to be so hard?" Sian choked out painfully "Why…Why would he say it's so wrong for me to be in love with you? For us to…"

Sophie took a small step forward as the blonde trailed off into sobs "Sian, I need to…" she paused unable to word her feelings "Please, don't freak out" she was met with nothing but sobs but noticed a slight nod of Sian's head through the lightly frosted shower screen. She took a deep breath to calm her rapidly beating heart and closed the remaining distance between herself and the door. The brunette slid the shower door open so as not to startle the other girl and stepped inside closing it behind her.

"Soph…" Sian looked up at her, her eyes full of tears"What…What are you doing?"

"its okay" Sophie soothed softly forcing her eyes to remain locked on Sian's as the shower sprayed down upon her "I'm still not looking. Trust me"

Sian nodded slowly before she moved forward so she was mere inches from her girlfriend "Soph?"

"Yeah?" Sophie reached up and delicately wiped tears from Sian's cheek.

"Can you just…Hold me?" Sian requested, her words catching in her throat "I need you to…"

"Okay" Sophie interrupted softly as she stepped forward and wrapped the blonde girl in her arms "It's okay…I've got you" despite the situation she couldn't help but revel in the soft skin of Sian's back under her hands and the feeling of their bodies pressed tightly together "You're okay"

"W-what about your oath?" Sian murmured tearfully into Sophie's neck as she held onto her for dear life.

"I'm hugging you" Sophie responded quietly "Not jumping your bones"

"He hates me" Sian sobbed clenching her hands into fists around her girlfriend's shirt.

Sophie didn't respond but proceeded to place small kisses on Sian's damp hair until her sobbing subsided. She loosened her grip as she felt a slight movement in her arms and Sian stepped back by a fraction of an inch.

"What we have isn't wrong" the blonde said shakily sounding as if she was trying to convince herself as much as she was making a statement "It's not sick a-and twisted…It's right. It's love"

Sophie smiled softly and cupped Sian's face delicately in her hands "It's love" she leaned forward slowly and pressed a light kiss to the other girl's lips, trying to convey what she was feeling "It couldn't be more right"

Sian sniffled lightly as Sophie swiped her tears away with her thumbs "I love you"

"I love you too" Sophie replied sincerely.

Suddenly remembering her state of undress Sian glanced down at herself and self consciously crossed her arms in front of her chest. Apparently sensing her discomfort Sophie forced herself not to glance away from Sian's face and instead reached out and grabbed a towel.

"I wasn't looking" she promised softly as she wrapped the towel gently around Sian's wet body "I promise"

"I didn't say you couldn't look" Sian smiled weakly "I wouldn't have minded"

"Er…" Sophie appeared speechless for a moment before she noticed the amusement in Sian's eyes "Maybe you should have told me that before, eh?" at Sian's bashful shrug she took her hand and squeezed it gently "Come on, let's get out of here"

The blonde nodded and allowed herself to be tugged from the shower. It was only when she heard a steady dripping on the floor that she remembered Sophie was still fully clothed "Soph, you're soaked!"

Sophie shrugged and looked down at the puddle gathering at her feet "it's okay. I'll get changed when we get back to my room" she walked over to the door and opening it by a centimetre, peaked out "It's safe"

Sian chuckled despite the lingering ache in her chest and grabbed Sophie's hand as they rushed out of the bathroom and across to Sophie's room.

"That was close" Sophie sighed in relief as she leaned against her door "I mean…we can hide holding hands but I think they'd get kinda suspicious if we start showering together"

"Probably" Sian laughed from her position on the bed "Thanks for that by the way"

"You don't have to thank me" Sophie said as she walked over to Sian and knelt down in front of her "You know I hate to see you hurting"

"Yeah" Sian whispered, a soft smile gracing her lips before she shyly ducked her head "You do realise that's the first time you've seen me naked?"

"Erm…I did realise that, yeah" Sophie nodded "I didn't really…see anything though. I promised you I wouldn't look"

"Oh" Sian murmured "That's…Good I suppose. I mean, I want our first time together to be perfect. I want it to be new and exciting and everything you deserve"

"Really?" Sophie couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at Sian's heartfelt statement.

"Well…Yeah" Sian nodded, a slight flush to her cheeks "Not that I'm pressuring you. I know your oath is really important to you"

"We'll know" Sophie said quietly as she stood up and pressed a soft kiss to Sian's head "When the time is right"

Sian beamed up at her for a moment before standing up "We should get changed before you catch a cold or something"

"Yeah" Sophie nodded slowly and walked away from Sian to grab some PJ's "I'll just…" she motioned towards the door.

"You don't have to leave" Sian frowned "I mean we can just turn away, right?"

"Um…Okay" Sophie nodded unsurely and turned around, pulling her soaked shirt from her body. She heard a soft inhale from behind her and glanced over her shoulder to see Sian had only just turned away. She smiled silently to herself before she continued to get changed into a loose t-shirt and shorts.

"I'm ready" Sian's voice sounded after a moment "are you…?"

"Uh-huh" Sophie nodded before turning back around "so what do you wanna do?"

Sian shrugged "I was kind of hoping we could just…Stay in bed?"

"I'm not going to argue with that" Sophie grinned before she jumped onto her bed. Sian joined her a moment later and they both shifted under the covers.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked quietly as she tentatively wrapped her arms around the blonde beauty next to her "I mean with everything that's going on…"

"No" Sian shook her head against Sophie's shoulder "I don't think he's ever going to talk to me again"

"I'm sure you'll work it out" Sophie reassured her softly "He's your Dad, he'll come around. You know you're welcome to stay here until then"

"What if he tells your Mum and Dad though?" Sian shifted slightly and looked up at Sophie to reveal fear in her eyes "What if he tells them about us and they stop us seeing each other?"

"We'll sort it then" Sophie whispered.

"But if everyone finds out and my Dad decides to send me away to like a…'Straightening out' camp we won't be able to" clearly Sian was growing more panicked by the second at the idea and Sophie tightened her embrace slightly "I wouldn't see you again"

"We'll figure it out of it happens" Sophie stated firmly "They're not gonna break us up no matter what they do. We can run away if we have to. I'll do anything to stay with you"

"…Okay" Sian didn't look convinced but nodded anyway.

"A straightening out camp?" Sophie chuckled suddenly.

Sian blushed as her words were repeated back at her "I saw it in a movie once…Something about a cheerleader"

"Right" Sophie shook her head in amusement before she leaned down and kissed Sian gently "I promise I won't let you go without a fight"

"Me neither" Sian responded sincerely before she shifted and returned the kiss sweetly, her hand resting lightly on the other girls cheek for a long moment. When she pulled back she settled back into Sophie's embrace barely suppressing a yawn "I can't believe how tired I am"

"The crying must have taken it out of you" Sophie whispered "You should get some sleep. I'll be right here"

"Hmmn…" Sian hummed sleepily as she rested her hand on Sophie's waist "Soph?"

"Yeah, Babe?"

"I wish my first time had been with you" Sian mumbled "That I'd waited for you so we could y'know…together"

"Me too" Sophie smiled lightly as she breathed in the intoxicating scent of her girlfriend "But I promise it's going to be…perfect. I'll do everything I can to make it perfect for you" she glanced down when Sian didn't respond only to notice she'd fallen asleep in her arms and leaned down to drop a kiss on her forehead "I love you"

As if hearing what she had said Sian shifted in her sleep and mumbled something into Sophie's neck.


"I'm going to bed" Rosie announced as she jumped up from the couch "'Night"

"'Night" Kevin and Sally echoed in response.

Rosie walked out of the room and jogged up the stairs. She came to a halt however when she spotted a trail of water leading from the bathroom to Sophie's room. A quick glance in the bathroom confirmed her suspicions as she turned the shower off and noticed a small puddle of water on the floor.

"Hmmm…" Rosie hummed curiously as she walked to her sister's bedroom. As usual she didn't bother to knock and instead just opened the door. She came to a stop when she noticed Sophie and Sian snuggled close together in the bed, both sound asleep. She frowned thoughtfully as she spotted Sophie's soaked clothes lying on the floor on one side of the room and a towel on the other.

"Huh" Rosie whispered as she stepped slightly further into the room "that's weir…" she trailed off suddenly, noticing both Sophie and Sian's hair appeared damp "Oh…Oh My God" she backed up out of the room and closed the door behind her "I should have know…Sophie and Sian are so getting it on!" she shook her head idly before walking back to the bathroom and grabbing a spare towel.

"And she says I'm a bad sister" Rosie muttered as she glanced at her perfectly manicured nails then back to the trail of water on the floor, dreading what the task ahead of her was going to do to them "I can't believe I'm doing this…"
