Author's Note: It's my second time writing story in English. I know I still need to improve a lot. Please review so I could improve it :3 Thank you for reading!
I named my female protagonist 'Hikaru Akane', so I decided to use her name in the story too.
I'm still undecided on the ultimate couple. So I'm still pondering around whether to be Hikaru/Akihiko or Hikaru/Shinjiro. So I'll leave it like this for a while. XD
Also, important note. I don't write it according to the timeline in P3P because Shinjiro would have much less role if I do. So I'm just mixing/messing around with the timeline and events.
Please bear with me XD
Other than that, I hope you enjoy the story and thank you for reading! :3

Disclaimer: I do not own Persona

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Tartarus – Dark Hour

"Persona!" A brunette girl cried out as she pointed an Evoker to her head and pulled the trigger. A sound of shattering glass rang through her mind before a dragon-like Persona appeared from thin air.

"Agidyne!" The same girl ordered loud and clear. The fire spread from the dragon to the large Shadow and it disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

"I think.. We're done for today." She said to her three teammates. Her red eyes looked down and she was panting.

"Are you okay, Hikaru?" Worry in that familiar voice caused her to look up, only to see her best friend looking at her with concern.

"Yeah.. I'm alright.. I think I'm just tired." Hikaru forced a smile, still trying to catch her breath. "Thanks, Yukari."

"Man, you don't look so good." Junpei frowned before tilting his head to the side. "You want a piggyback ride? I'll help—"

"Don't even think, Stupei!" Yukari cut him off before he could finish, her eyes glared at him intently.

"But Hikaru needs help! You can't—"

"Let me." And without any permission or argument whatsoever, Akihiko lifted Hikaru up into his arms in one quick motion and started to walk toward the access point. This caused the person in action and the other two to look at him, speechless.

"Um.. S-Sanada-senpai.." Hikaru said nervously, her red eyes widened as her cheeks were getting red.

"I don't want to hear it." Akihiko answered sharply, still looking ahead. "I allowed you to do as you want up to this point, now it's my turn."

"B-But.." She tried to protest, eyes glancing at Yukari and Junpei who were still quite far away, arguing.

"They won't suspect a thing. It's normal. You're tired and I'm just helping you get back down safely. You're worrying too much." The kindness in his voice and the warm gaze from his grey eyes make Hikaru's face even redder.

"Even so.." She paused, looking away shyly. "It's embarrassing."

A gentle smile stretched across Akihiko's face. He chuckled softly, removing a strand of hair out of her face.

"You always push yourself so hard. You worry me, you know?" His voice was soft, almost a whisper, but it was full of love and care.

"I'm sorry.." Hikaru said quietly, wearing an apologetic look on her face.

"Call my name."

"Huh?" She was quite surprised by the sudden request.

"Call my name and I'll forgive you." Akihiko demanded and Hikaru blushed a darker shade of pink before looking away, avoiding his gaze.

"I'm sorry I worried you.. A-Aki-hiko" This make Akihiko smiled brightly. He blushed faint red as he flicked his eyes over to Yukari and Junpei before leaning down and gently kissed Hikaru's forehead.

"Apology accepted."

Hikaru stayed silent as Akihiko carried her down the Tartarus through the access point. She couldn't help but thinking back on how she and one of the most popular guy in Gekkoukan High, Akihiko Sanada became lovers.

It was about a few months ago, when it all got started.

A few months ago..

Gekkoukan High – After School

"Finally! Another day of school went by!" Junpei cried out loud, causing several pairs of eyes to look at him. One of them was Yukari's.

"I hear you complain every single day. Aren't you getting tired of complaining at all?" Her eyebrows tied together into a knot.

"C'mon Yuka-tan! School is over now! Let's go get something to eat!" He sounded more cheerful when it came to food. His eyes then focused on to Hikaru. "You're coming too right?"

"As tempting as it sounds, Junpei, I think I'll have to pass." Hikaru gave a dry smile.

"You seem to be busy all the time, Hikaru-chan." Yukari tilted her head to the side, smiling.

"Nah.. It's just.. I'm not that hungry today. I'll see you two back at the dorm." Hikaru waved goodbye, packed her things and walked out the classroom before any of them could object.

Now that she was alone, the girl sighed to herself.

It's all exciting and new about Personas, Shadows, Tartarus and stuffs, but somehow it's so tiring. I wonder if I could have 'some' normal life. Just a part of it..

And before she could notice, she suddenly ran into someone, causing her stuffs to fall onto the floor near her feet.

"Ouch! Uh-I'm so sorry!" Hikaru said without looking up as she tried to gather her books in a hurry.

"Akane?" A deep, familiar voice made her froze. Hikaru slowly looked up, only to see a tall figure with beautiful silver hair and stunning grey eyes standing in front of her.

"Ah..! S-Sanada-senpai!" For some reason, Hikaru felt like her face was heating up just by looking into those eyes.

"Hey, Akane. We don't run into each other much do we?" Akihiko said with a gentle smile. "But I guess it would be better if we just normally run into each other, not like this huh?" He laughed awkwardly, handing back her books and notes.

"T-Thank you very much! Senpai!"

"So, are you heading back to the dorm?" He asked, his eyes studying her face. Hikaru only nodded in silence, still trying to catch her thoughts. "Mind if I come along too? I'm about to go back myself anyway."

Again, Hikaru could only nodded as an answer since her mind was still trying to register what happened to her in the last 5 minutes. Of course she was going back home, but how come she ended up walking home 'together' with Sanada-senpai? That, she didn't actually know.

Now that I think of it, I totally forgot how handsome he is! No wonder he's one of the most popular guys in Gekkoukan High. Hikaru thought to herself, taking a quick glance at Akihiko. He really IS charming..

Silence fell between them as Hikaru was deep in her thoughts and this silence made Akihiko felt quite uncomfortable. He's not a talkative person, but he couldn't stand the awkward silence either.


"S-Senpai. Oh-" They both stopped, realizing that the other party was about to strike up a conversation as well.

"Ah.. It's okay. You go, Akane." Akihiko said while scratching his head awkwardly, his face was a little red.

"Oh.. Um.. It's nothing. It's just that I was wondering.." Hikaru paused, feeling her own face heating up. "H-How come you're going back home early today? I thought you're always busy with your training."

"Ah, that." He stopped for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. "Actually, I'm usually free on Monday and Friday. Kind of like my days off, I guess." He chuckled softly.

"Hmm.. That's a new piece of information about you, senpai. I never knew you had days off too." She giggled.

"So I seem 'that' busy, do I?" Akihiko turned his head to look at Hikaru, a relax smile stretched across his face.


"Oh! It's Sanada-san!" Hikaru got cutoff by the high pitched voice calling from afar, followed by a group of female students rushing toward them. "I'm so lucky to see you here Sanada-san! Are you going home already?" The same girl asked, ignoring Hikaru.


"Why are you walking home with her? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? An underclassman at your dorm?" One of Akihiko's fan girls said while making a face at Hikaru.

"A boyfriend?" Akihiko repeated, eyes focused on the girls.

"Yeah.. I believe his name is Junpei Iori." She stressed on Junpei's name on purpose, but Hikaru just stood there silently, knowing it would be best to keep quiet. Akihiko took a quick glance at her before speaking.

"As you can see, I'm with Hikaru right now, so if you have anything to talk to me, maybe some other time." He said in a stern voice, grabbed Hikaru's wrist and walked out of there without giving them a chance to respond.

"Aww! Sanada-san!"

The voices of the fan girls started to fade away as they get further and further from the school. Akihiko didn't say a word, his hand still holding on to Hikaru's wrist.

"U-uh.. Senpai.." Her voice caused Akihiko to pause, letting go of her wrist.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" He asked in a serious voice and she could sense worry in the tone.

"N-no.. It's nothing." She said softly, looking down to the ground. "I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble, senpai."

"It's not your fault." Akihiko answered quickly, looking at her with guilt. "It's my fault, actually, for dragging you into that."

"W-why are you the one apologizing to me?" Hikaru started to panic. "You're so nice to me, senpai. I just.."

"You're important to me.." He said in a deep voice, causing Hikaru to blushed deep red, her eyes widen in shock. Then after Akihiko realized what he just said, his face went completely red as well. "Oh! Um.. I-I didn't mean it that way! You're-um-an important leader..! To me and everybody as well! It's not that—"

Hikaru couldn't help but laughed, her laughing caused Akihiko relax a bit. He breathed in deeply, trying to catch his thoughts.

"Thank you, senpai!" Hikaru smiled innocently, making Akihiko's heart skipped a beat without realizing it.

"Y-You're welcome." His face was still a little red, not from before, but somehow, from seeing her smile. "Let's head back now." He tried to keep his voice steady.


1F Dorm Lounge - Evening

"Oh, welcome back." It was Fuuka who greeted them warmly. She couldn't help but looked quite surprised to see Hikaru and Akihiko entered the dorm together. "What about Yukari-chan and Junpei-kun?"

"I think they stopped somewhere to get something to eat. I'm not that hungry so I passed." Hikaru smiled friendly then looked at Akihiko. "Thank you for today, senpai."

"Ah.. It's no big deal." He smiled back. Hikaru bowed slightly to show her appreciation before walking up to her room. Akihiko's eyes followed her until she was out of his sight then sighed quietly to himself. Fuuka, who saw everything since the beginning, decided to keep quiet and went back to her homework.

Hikaru's room – Late Evening

"Ahh! Finally done!" Hikaru stretched herself in the chair, finally finished with her homework. Her eyes glanced at the clock on the desk; it said 9:37 PM. She yawned.

-sighs- I think I should sleep early tonight. Maybe some warm milk.. Hmm.. She thought to herself as she got up to her feet, still yawning.

1F Dorm Lounge

Hikaru walked down two flights of stairs. The lounge was quiet; no one was there except Koromaru who was sleeping near the sofa. Then her eyes caught a sight of a dark figure standing in the corner of the dining room.

"Aragaki-senpai?" She called out, walking up to Shinjiro. He turned around at the sound of her voice. "W-What are you doing here in the corner, alone?"

"Nothing." He answered bluntly, his face didn't change one bit.

He's a member of SEES, but I hardly know him at all. Maybe I need to get to know him a little more, somehow..

"What do you want?" Shinjiro asked abruptly, his eyes still staring at her, making it harder for Hikaru to get her mind straight without panicking.

"N-nothing.. really.. I'm just.. wondering if you want to go out and grab a bite to eat?" Hikaru said nervously, but actually she was quite hungry too since she has nothing for dinner.

The question caused Shinjiro to paused, arching up an eyebrow.

"What? With me?" He repeated, unsure.

"Y-Yeah.." Hikaru pressed her lips together into a line, expecting a 'no' as an answer.

"You're a weird one." He muttered under his breath before walking to the door. While Hikaru just stood there, unable to respond. "Come on. What are you doing? Aren't you the one who want to eat at the first place?"

"Y-Yes! Sorry.." She answered quickly, ran to the door to catch up with him, her mind still trying to register what happen.

"I gotta tell you, I don't know a fancy place to eat."

Ramen shop 'Hagakure'

"Sorry to take you here. As I say, I don't know that many places." Shinjiro said plainly, sitting down at the counter.

"I like it here." Hikaru replied, causing Shinjiro to look back at her. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"You are indeed a weird one." He chuckled softly before turning his attention to the ramen menu. While Hikaru was quite surprise, of how good he look when he's smiling.

I had no idea, that Aragaki-senpai could be quite.. charming..when he smiles..

"Ow.." Shinjiro winced, setting down his spoon as his other hand covered his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Hikaru asked curiously, worrying.

"It's nothing. I forgot I had a cut in my mouth. Aki punched me." He said, rubbing a side of his cheek. "Sheesh, that guy gotta learn how frickin' heavy a boxing champ punches…"

"Were you guys fighting?"

"Yeah. Sort of. I gave him a 'lecture' on how reckless his fighting style is and this is what I got in return." He laughed a little. "It's normal. We fight all the time, just get used to it."

"Does it hurt much?" Hikaru asked in worry voice, her hand reached out and gently touch Shinjiro's right cheek.

"Uh.. I-It's nothing!" He flinched; his face went red for some reason.

"Oh.. Sorry, did I hurt you?" She asked softly, her eyes full with concern.

"No. Never mind. I'll just wait for the soup to cool down." Shinjiro said, swiftly turned his head to the side, not facing her. However, Hikaru could see a faint red painted over his face.

"Please try not to fight again."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." He replied, still not looking at her. Hikaru just smiled to herself before went back to eating her ramen quietly.

They ate their food without saying a word. But from time to time, Shinjiro would took a quick glance at Hikaru, and continue eating his ramen in silence. Not knowing that he was wearing a faint smile every time he did it.