
One last time, let me be annoying and tell you your reviews were amazing. Hell, you're all amazing! Thanks a lot!

Emotional author note is at the end so let's start, shall we?

(hiddentrouble94: I actually am a big Jane Austen fan! She apparently influenced me more than I thought...*winks*)

7 months later...

"Ems, I think we should get up now..." Naomi mumbles in my neck, rubbing her nose against my skin.

I groan and shake my head, burying my face in her hair. "Please, one more minute." My voice comes out whiny, making Naomi giggle.

I don't want to get out of those warm sheets yet. I never thought cuddling could be so addictive. Well, cuddling and mind blowing sex if I'm honest.

"Seriously though, I think it might be time for us to study a bit and-"

"Jesus, Naoms!" I cut her with an amused tone, tilting my head to look into her big blue eyes. "Haven't you ever heard of a concept called 'lazy Sunday morning'? Plus, we only have one exam left and it's Politics... You're top of the class, I couldn't care less ...I think we'll be good babes." I grin smugly, earning me a light slap on the arm.

"But it's nearly noon, don't you think that-" I roll on top of Naomi, effectively silencing her with my lips. I can feel her smile into the kiss, her lips instantly moving against my own.

"Just shut up. I know you're more than ready for this exam so stop freaking out." I kiss her again, moving slowly so that I'm now straddling her. "And I know you're very, very smart." I add, purposefully making my voice huskier, knowing how it drives Naomi crazy every time.

She smirks, intertwining our fingers together before she brings them between us. "Am I?"

I lift my eyebrow, grinding a bit against Naomi's center. Smirking when I hear her exhale a shaky breath. "You are the smartest girl I know Naomi Campbell. And you and I both know I can't resist that..."

I bring my head down, pinning her hands above her head as I lightly nibble at her earlobe. Naomi moans, squirming under me.


I ignore her feeble whimper, planting sloppy kisses down her neck, relishing in the familiar taste of her skin. Our breasts are pushing against each other as I lower myself even more in order to suck on a precise part of her neck, the part right under her ear, where the skin's so fucking smooth it never ceases to amaze me.

Naomi frees her hands from my grip and I can feel them snake under my shirt, bunching it up.

I straighten up a bit; Naomi's hands drop on my hips as our eyes meet. Slowly, I grab the hem of my shirt and, making sure I have her full attention, remove it off my body, brushing against my breasts in the process in a rather suggestive way, never breaking eye contact.

Naomi moans hungrily when I throw my shirt on the floor, leaving my naked torso completely exposed.

"Come here." She whispers in a raspy voice, and I stop for a second to take in her appearance; her cheeks slightly flushed, her eyelids semi closed, her bottom lip tucked under her front teeth in a way that always lets me know she's as turned on as I am.

Naomi runs her hands down my sides, making me throw my head back before she moves them on my breasts, slightly massaging them.

"Jesus..." I let out a low growl, putting my hands on hers, getting her to push harder.

Naomi squeezes my breasts together, smirking. "You want it rough, uh?"

Her lustful voice makes me even wetter but just as I'm about to reply something dirty that I very well know will just send her over the edge, a loud knock on the bedroom's door startles us.


Naomi's hands freeze on my breasts.

"Girls, I know you're probably busy, hell, it's not like you haven't been at it like bunnies for the last six months," I feel my cheeks burning at Gina's words, Naomi hurriedly removing her hands, "but I figured you could use some sandwiches since it's lunch time..."

Naomi clears her throat awkwardly. "Err...thanks mom. You can leave them behind the door and we'll come get them..."

"OK, perfect. Have fun girls!" I can practically hear her winking. "And hi Emily!"

"Err...Hi Gina..."

I wait a few seconds to make sure she's gone before I meet Naomi's eyes, both of us erupting in a fit of giggles.

"Fuck, your mom really does have the worst timing..." I manage to say, burying my head in the crook of Naomi's neck, her contagious laugh filling my ears. "That was kind of embarrassing though...talking to Gina with her daughter's hands on my tits..."

"I think she does it on purpose...Cow."

I sigh, enjoying for a second the feel of Naomi's fingertips tracing over the new tattoo on my hip.

"She totally managed to kill the mood so...do you want to get those sandwiches?"

I nod immediately, realizing how hungry I am."Yes, please."

Naomi goes to get up but I grab her wrist, tugging her closer to me. She squeals but I quickly make it change in a deep moan when I lick her earlobe again, making sure she's feeling every puff of air I'm letting out. "Don't think you're off the hook though. I still want it rough eventually... But for now, go get my food woman!"

I playfully smack her arse as she gets up, grumpily mumbling something about me being a "bloody tease".

She puts on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of the tiniest shorts I've ever seen, obviously my favourites, heading to the door to get our lunch as I pull back the covers over my naked breasts, sitting with my back against the headboard, a pillow propped up behind me. I close my eyes, letting the warm June sun coming from the window caress my face.

A few seconds later, the bed dips beside me and I smile. I always smile when I know Naomi's around, even when I haven't seen her for only a couple of minutes. It's the way it's been for seven fucking wonderful months.

"Sandwiches for my lady!" Naomi announces with a weird accent, which I can only assume is her personal attempt at an American one, making me chuckle because really, she's just that adorable.

Naomi hands me one, making sure to remove the tomatoes first, perfectly knowing how I hate them.

"Thanks hun." I softly kiss her cheek, leaning my head on her shoulder as I start to munch on my food.

We stay in a comfortable silence for a moment, both sitting in Naomi's bed, eating lunch. Both content. I wouldn't want it any other way.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" Naomi says, wiping her fingers on a paper napkin.

"What is?"

"Well, we've been together for seven months and three days now..."

I tilt my head, smiling a bit as I meet her thoughtful blue eyes. "And three days? You've been counting?"

Naomi blushes, eyes lowering sheepishly. "Yes... I know it's lame...but every day, I'm just- I'm so fucking happy when I see I have a text from you in the morning or when I go on Facebook and I see those little words above my profile saying that Naomi Campbell is in a relationship with Emily Fitch... I don't know, I guess you make me happier than, well, anyone else really... So yeah, I think it's crazy that you manage to do that to me day after day..."

My heart swells when she grabs my hand. "I know I tell you, like, every day...", she chuckles to herself, "but I love you Ems. I mean it."

"I know you do. I love you too."

"We're good together aren't we?" Naomi asks, grinning dreamily as she picks up a crisp from the bowl resting between us. "We really make an awesome couple."

I laugh. "Yes, yes we do babes. Talking about awesomeness, didn't you want to practice in front of me the speech you're going to do for the graduation day?"

Naomi claps her hands excitedly, immediately jumping off the bed to stand in front of me. "Jesus, of course!"

She clears her throat and I can't help to think that with her messy blonde hair and pig t-shirt, she looks like a little girl who's about to perform a show for her parents.

"Ok, so I hope you're going to like it..."

"With that outfit, you could say pretty much anything I'd still think your speech is brilliant." I reply mischievously, sipping on my juice as I eye her up and down.

Naomi scowls, a smile playing on her lips. "Stop that, pervert, and be serious for a minute."

"Ok, sorry miss. I'm all ears now. Go ahead and impress me." I straighten up, putting on a serious face.

Naomi raises her eyebrow, perfectly knowing I'm making fun of her but starts her speech nonetheless, aware that in the end, I'm always going to be her number one fan.

When she comes to the end of her speech, a beautifully written speech about learning to accept who you are and to hoping that every Roundview students found during their two years at least one person they'll keep close to their hearts for a very long time, Naomi looks at me hesitantly, biting her bottom lip.

"So? What do you think? Be honest."

I run a hand through my hair, trying to hide the ridiculous tears that are threatening to fall but to no avail; Naomi always notices everything and in a matter of seconds, she's sitting by my side, holding me close to her.

"Jesus, was it that bad?" She asks, stroking my hair.

I chuckle through my tears. "No, of course not, you twat. It's just...it made me realize that college's really ending and that after that...its real life for all of us...and, I don't know...I don't want us to end only because I'm going to Paris and you'll be in London..."

"Emily, just look at me babes."

I look up, feeling quite self-conscious at the fact I just randomly started to cry for something so stupid.

"Your fears are legitimate", Naomi starts, as if she exactly knows what I'm thinking, "there are going to be a lot of changes soon. But do you know what?"

I shake my head no, letting Naomi wipe away some of my tears with her thumbs.

"Despite those changes, you and I, we'll always stay the same. Ok?" She smiles reassuringly, and it makes me feel unbelievably better knowing Naomi's that confident about us. If she never stops looking at me like she is right now, with her eyes so calm and loving, I know we'll be good.

"I know...I'm stupid really, I don't know what came over me... Your speech was amazing by the way."

Naomi smiles, her trademark one, the one that makes my legs weak and my heart beat fast.

"Thank you Ems." She slightly rakes her nails down my shoulder blades, eyes suddenly darker. "I haven't forgotten about how you want it rough...still up for it?"


The crowd of parents and fancy dressed students keeps entering the college's gym, steadily filling it with laughs and a multitude of different conversations.

People are pushing past Naomi and me, all trying to find available seats amongst the already occupied ones in front of the small stage, currently decorated with a few blue balloons and a huge "Congratulations to all Roundview second year students!" banner.

I bring my eyes back to Naomi, my smile dropping when I see she's looking paler than before.

"Naoms, for the umpteenth time, you'll be fine! We practiced your speech countless times and you have no reason to be nervous."

Naomi looks around us hesitantly, fidgeting with her bangles. "I never expected there would so many people though..."

"Come on, you and I both know they practically all adore you anyway." I give her a cocky smile. "And you look rather fuckable in this dress so now you're sure you have all of our attention. Mine's particularly."

Naomi playfully shoves me, pulling an outraged face. "Oi! I'm a lady miss Fitch. I don't use my body in this way, mind you."

I take a few steps towards her, chastely kissing her lips. "You sure did with me last night...not that I'm complaining."

Naomi's cheeks go red. Touché.

"There are no more fucking places, it's unbelievable." Freddie suddenly appears at our side, our heads snapping in his direction. He's wearing a nice black suit but still has his typical scruffy hair and this stoned, faraway look.

Soon after, Cook's enveloping us both in a hug, cheap Cologne all over the place as Effy just raises her eyebrow, already looking bored as hell.

"Naomikins, I'm sure you'll focking rock that speech! You're clever babes."

Naomi smiles, grabbing his hand. "Thanks Cook. I really hope I will."

"And as for you Emilio man, I want you to show our Blondie here how proud of her you are tonight...preferably in your bed, and with a camera for the Cookie monster to watch, yeah?"

"Never. But keep trying Cook, it makes me laugh."

"Fair enough lezza, fair enough!"

Effy puts her hand on Cook's arm. "We should try to find places now. There's no way I'm standing." She then turns to Naomi, a genuine smile creeping upon her pale lips. "Good luck Nai."

"Yeah, good luck mate." Freddie adds, squeezing her shoulder. "There's a party at my place after that so of course you're coming!" He turns towards me, grinning. "You too, obviously."

Naomi smiles, pulling them both into quick hugs.

"Thank you guys, it means a lot."

The three of them leave us alone again, the crowd slowly calming down as the hour approaches.

I spot Panda, sitting in a row of seats in the middle with JJ, Thomas and Katie.

They're all talking animatedly and I smile when I see there's a seat saved for me beside Panda.

"Naoms, I think it's about to start now."

Naomi glances nervously towards the stage.

"Good luck babes." I lean in, whispering in her ear. "I love you."

She nods, this time slightly grinning. "Me too."

I give her hand one final squeeze before I make my way towards Panda and the others.

"Hey guys!"

"Fucking hell Ems, I was starting to think you were not coming! I looked, like, everywhere for you!"

"Jesus, keep your knickers on Katie, I'm here now. I was just with Naomi because she's a bit nervous about her speech." I roll my eyes when I see Katie crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Whatever lezza."

"Naomi's going to be fine. She's a very smart girl." Thomas tells me from beside Panda, his voice sincere. Thomas has a way with reassuring people; he's somehow...soothing.

"By the way Emily, I've got everything prepared for our Harry Potter night tomorrow so there's really no reason in the world why this shouldn't be a very, very amusing evening for all of us..."JJ tells me, adorable in a navy blue suit with a crisp white shirt, making him look slightly older despite his braces.

"Whizzer Jay, it's going to be so much fun!" Panda replies, giving him a high-five.

I nod, chuckling and linking our arms together when the gym suddenly goes quiet, Naomi steping on the stage.

My heart beats faster; I'm probably even more nervous than her. I want everything to go as well as it can because I'm aware of how much this means to Naomi.

"Relax Emzy, Naomi's going to rock that speech." Panda whispers in my ear, lessening the tension a bit.

Naomi still looks pale but I see there's something more confident in her eyes and as she starts her speech, her voice is steady.

I can't keep my eyes off her as she speaks even though I've already heard the words she's saying a million times over the last three days.

My eyes trail over the crowd, not surprised when I see them all enthralled by Naomi. It's the effect she always has on me.

By the end of her speech, Naomi's eyes are shining, her cheeks and neck slightly pink. I love how she's always so passionate about what she does. In my eyes, it makes her even more special.

"So, to all of us, I'm saying grab the future by the balls and...let's go fucking mental!"

I laugh loudly along with everyone when I hear Naomi's final sentence; it's not the one she originally wrote but it's definitely more appropriate for the bunch of little fuckers we've been for the past two years.

I find myself standing up with the rest of the crowd, except for some parents who are mumbling about Naomi's crude choice of words, clapping and whistling enthusiastically as my amazing girlfriend stands awkwardly on the stage, smiling, visibly relieved that her speech went well.

Suddenly, the fire alarm starts loudly, surprising us all and eliciting some squeals.

A loud howl comes from the far end of the gym and I grin to myself, turning my head around to see Cook and Freddie, devilish smiles on their faces, both holding fire extinguishers.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Doug, sitting on a chair, watching the whole thing. I think he perfectly knows that at this point, he really has no chance of stopping them.

"For one last time my friends", Cook shouts over the screeching noise of the alarm, pumping his fist in the air, "let's fucking party!"

All students start to cheer as the parents exchange scared glances.

It's not long before the whole gym is filled with white foam, Freddie and Cook running everywhere with the extinguishers.

Parents are rapidly evacuating the building, protecting their heads with their hands as all of the students start to laugh, running and shouting, all going crazy together for one last time.

Panda, JJ and Thomas start to dance to an imaginary song, already covered with the foam that makes it practically impossible to clearly see the people around us.

I feel a burn on the side of my head, instantly knowing who it is as I turn around, locking eyes with Naomi who's still standing on the stage.

She smiles, motioning for me to come and join her.

The floor is slippery and people pushing everywhere but I finally manage to make it to Naomi.

"You were amazing babes! I'm so proud of you!"

Naomi puts her hands around my neck, mine instinctively settling on her hips.

"I'm glad you are." She gestures with her head towards the general chaos before us, grinning. "Cook's fucking crazy, isn't he?"

I nod. "Very. But I think it's a nice way for us to leave Roundview..."

We both chuckle, the white foam surrounding us making me feel like we're in a little bubble, even with all the noise around us.

"Ready for a new life?" Naomi asks playfully, rubbing our noses together.

I giggle. "Ready for our new life."

"Yes, ours."

My heart flutters at Naomi's words as she leans in, softly capturing my lips.

And, just like every time she does, within me, a billion tons of light explodes.

The end. (Not for them. Only for us, don't worry.)

Well, this is it you guys.

Wow. This feels weird. And nice.

I'm going to be very brief; I'll be forever grateful for all the wonderful and funny and clever reviews I've been getting for the past six months. I honestly never thought I'd get such a positive response! You inspired me, made me smile, made me laugh. Thanks to all of you, sincerely. What a bunch of fucking amazing ladies you make! :)

Of course, I can't end ABTOL without mentioning the awesome people I met through ffnet. (And even skyped with!) You know who you are so just know I love you with all my heart!

Ok, now I'm shutting up. So what do you say, for old time's sake, to leave a last little review? Just to say goodbye and let me know if you've enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading! Keep reading, keep writing, keep being proud of who you are, whoever you actually are! LOVE!

*disappears in a puff of smoke*