Takashi fiddled with the gun strap that was slung heavily around his shoulder. He was going to get her back. No one was going to die. He wasn't the leader, but he would be sure of that much. He made a promise…He always kept his promises. He strode out of his room, with anew grace and determination. Everyone had already been packed, and he had finished early, but he needed reflection before he faced them all. Alice and Hirano especially.

"Are you going to tell us what happened now Takashi?" Rei asked him with meeting gazes with him. He didn't care, he didn't have time for this. She had chosen Hizashi hadn't she? Well, he'd also taken his choice…and it wasn't her.

"We are going to get Miyuki back." Alice shot up from a daze, and stared at him seriously, wondering if he was really being truthful or simply trying to raise their spirits. To be honest, Takashi didn't know himself, but he was bound to her by an unsaid promise, and he would die to keep it. No…he would save, no one was going to die. Not yet. She gave her a confident nod and smile, and she hopped up without regard for the others.

"Lets go!"

"See, there you go, always jumping in without thinking. We don't even know where she is?" Just then a loud humming began to run through the house, and glass vibrated in place, clanking against each other. He ran to a window, and glared at a helicopter, noticing the Japanese Government Seal largely printed on its side in white.

"No, but I bet if we follow that helicopter, we'll get there! Let's go, we can't let it get away." Smiles returned along with hope. Things were looking up. 'Miyuki…just a bit longer. Don't die on me yet.'

"Ahh, Miyuki, it's been a while since we've met. How is everything going?" Miyuki subtly glared at the man in front of her—her father. He was an ambitious man, always striving for what got him the name and glory, along with power of course. Years of unofficial experiments and medicines made by his bureau, each kept a secret. She wanted to send him crashing to the undead disaster he caused below. He made them, better suited to die with them, yet a part of her couldn't bear to do such a thing to her own father. Blood and skin. She hadn't the ability. Glowering, she stood in place and reported.

"I only know as much as we did when we first started. You must sever the head from body, damaging any other organs is only a temporary fix. They react to sound, but it does not particularly hurt them. Your 'experiment' has gone worldwide! There's no way we can stop this unless a cure is found and can be produced in mass circumstances, but…there's no way! We could never dream to secure a building that long, nor do we have the materials needed for that. Father, look what you've done." That was it. She did not believe her father to be a horrible person, but simply misguided. Still, she wasn't sure how long she could keep telling herself that lie. A lie she knew was as false the death of her mother as the media knew it.

"You are unaffected by it no?" She froze and stared at him in horror.

"What? Nothing is unaffected by it! Not even its creator! You can't be thinking…I won't survive it. I can't." So this is what fear was again? She hadn't felt it for so long, not since those nights. How could she refuse though? There was still his security…she'd be taken down within seconds of trying to escape.

"We'll have to try won't we? Baden. Take her." She didn't fight. She had no heart for it. She simply stared at her father in shock, tears running down her cheek. Her eyes had already spaced out, and she could do no more as she was dragged away. She knew this was coming, but taking on this mission was hoping in its prevention. As the door slowly closed behind her, she watched her father smile and wave goodbye, before ordering someone else.

She was dragged through the hall not really sure of what was going on. Honestly, she couldn't believe she wasn't infected yet. Blood smeared most of the white walls. Workers in suits patiently cleaned the mess, but could only do so much. How did they know there weren't any infected left? It all became a blur to her, too much for her to handle anymore. She didn't notice any flashes of red anymore as they neared the end of the hell it was kept clean, a pure sparkling white. Almost disgusting. Without word, she was escorted by doctors into the room. They stripped her, place large tubes with needles into her skin, each at a vital capillary. Two were place in her wrist, one in her neck, and two more behind both her ears. Her father definitely wasn't thinking of wasting time.

She stared at her arm seeing her hair standing up. It was cold. She hadn't realized. She stared up at the ceiling in wisdom, just knowing. Someone…was on their way here now. She didn't have to think twice. She knew it. She wasn't sure what to think anymore either. She wanted to live more than anything else, but if he broke in here, they wouldn't make it out. Let alone be able to get her of the building without causing enough attention to draw them into the building as well. They'd die, before they even made it to her. 'Kashi…don't.'

So it's been FOREVER. Haha update~ :P Sorry guys, busybusybusy. Anyway, if you wanna nag me some more about updating, I'm twitter now:

my user is JacqLikesTheFruit :DD

SORRY FOR THE WAIT. I'll do with whatever fans I have left, if I have any. xD