Disclaimer: Seeing as this is the final chapter I think I'll do one again...nah never mind, its too much hassle. If you really need one of these to satisfy you go backwards.

Chapter 20:

After everything Madara and Deidara had given, after everything they'd ALL given, it hadn't mattered one bit. Everything went straight to hell. The Earth was no more. They'd all fought till the very last of their strength had gone away, burning themselves out much like Madara and Deidara themselves. Thereafter the Taiyousei and Tsukisei armies had fought each other until there was no life remaining anywhere at all.

It was quiet. So very quiet. And then the creators came. All the fallen souls were purified and given life once more. There was a new chance for everyone. Unfortunately some would never learn to appreciate the life they had and the cycle continued. For a select few the memories of the life they'd previously lived remained, clinging to their souls. And this was the case with them. Their bonds had brought them together again.

Madara, Izuna, Tobi, Itachi, Shisui, and Sasuke were all Uchiha once again, and were living nearly the same lives all over again. After some relocating they'd finally found Deidara, who was finally enjoying Konan's mothering the way it was meant to be, along with Pein, a father he didn't mind much as he knew the man made Konan happy. Sasori was also there, still as close to Deidara as ever.

Hidan was in a relationship with Kakuzu by the time the two had arrived in the town they all ended up living in. Tsunade and Jiraiya moved into the town with Naruto whom they had adopted. Naruto and Sasuke later got together. The very last to move into the town was Kisame, who came with an interesting man named Zetsu that eventually became part of their family of friends.

Orochimaru came to the town a year before Deidara and Madara got married. Oddly enough he never pursued Deidara deciding to live his new life the way he wanted to rather than carrying the burden of his last one. Although he and Deidara both lamented the loss of Kiseki they knew it was for the best.

Though he'd never say it aloud Deidara secretly wished Orochimaru had come after him, they still had their powers, and Orochimaru probably still had some great sex to offer. It was one of those tiny things he regretted, but he still had his past memories, and for that he was extremely grateful.

"Aren't you two a little young to be adopting?" The Mother Superior of the church and orphanage they went to fetch Hitomi, Tsukimaru, and Choukakusu from asked, but nonetheless led them to the garden where the many children were playing.

"Believe it or not ma'am, we're quite older than we look." Madara replied.

"We should take some of these too Madara." Deidara said, looking around at all the children.

"You know what we came for Deidara, and as much as it is tempting we can't handle any more than that. We can always help give them better lives here with donations though." Madara remarked, and then told the Mother Superior to take them to see the newborns.

"Sweetheart you're shaking." Madara said, easily supporting Tsukimaru and Choukakusu in one arm each.

"I just can't believe we're finally here. Our family is finally whole again." Deidara said through sobs, craddling Hitomi and never wanting to let her go.

"I know what you mean." Madara said, and placed a kiss on each of his sons foreheads.

"If this is a dream, I hope we never wake up." He added.

"Oh? Aren't you even the slightest bit curious what lives we'd find ourselves living if we did wake up?" Deidara inquired.

"Not at all." Madara replied.

He honestly wasn't curious. They were presently living a life that seemed right out of a fairytale, but after all that had happened, didn't they deserve it?

"Love you." Deidara said, breaking a long silence that had fallen over them.

"Love you too." Madara said.

Deidara took out the keys to the car and soon they were well on their way home. Home to the mansion they'd taken the time to make exactly as they remembered it. The last pieces were peacefully and blissfully sleeping in the back. Neither of them could be happier then, even if they tried.

A/N: Short ending to a story that turned into something I wasn't actually going for. This story was supposed to end at chapter 16 but I had all these insane ideas that made me write 4 more chapters. I would've continued on with some other ideas I had, if I wasn't going to be gone for most of the summer and unable to write.

I can still read and review stuff but I won't be able to write anything till mid August. This isn't likely to be the last Mada/Dei story I write so I hope you'll all enjoy any future Mada/Dei stories I write as much as you have this one. My most sincere thanks to all who have read, reviewed and will read and review this story. Tsuki to Taiyou Kare to Watashi...COMPLETE!