So the other chapter just wasn't working for me so I did a re-write. Thanks to all who are still waiting for this.

Sympathy for the Devil

"The plan?" Castiel looked at Dean puzzled. "Dean, there isn't a real plan. I assembled you and your brothers with the Buffy and Spike. That is what I have so far."

"Sigh, Alright, so say this is just any other hunt? What do we do first?" Dean looked at his brother for an answer.

"We'd, uh, we figure out what the thing is."

"Alright, so we just got to find…the devil." Dean sighed.

Buffy spoke up after watching the brothers for a moment. "So how do you guys normally find baddies? Do you have a Scooby gang too?"

Dean and Sam chuckled. Castiel stood looking confused. Sam spoke, "Not really, we have our uncle Bobby and a few other hunters we keep in contact with but they usually seem to find us."

"Oy, we 'ear that, eh pet?" Spike chirped, "Beasties are always crawling out of the woodwork for a piece of the Slayer."

Castiel walked into the middle of the group and said, "I'm needed elsewhere. You may want to speak with the prophet, Chuck." With that, he disappeared.

"Still gives me the willies when he does that," Buffy said. Spike nodded with agreement.

Dean looked around for a moment and then said, "He's right. Let's go see Chuck and see what he has heard from the asshats upstairs."

After a long drive filled with snarky comments, sass flying back and forth and pit stops to avoid the sun, the group made it to the prophet's house.

Spike groaned as he got out of the car, sniffed the air and said, "It's about bloody time. We'd have gotten here faster if you'd have let me drive once you wanker."

"Hey nobody drives Baby but me. She was getting sick having the living dead in her car. Leave her alone."

"I didn't say anything about the car mate. She is a beauty but your driving is only subpar at best."

"Don't listen to him baby. He doesn't know what he is talking about. He bleaches his hair, on purpose."

"Oy watch it nan-I smell blood." Spike stopped in his tracks.

Dean looked around and said, "Buffy and Billy go through the back. Sammy and I will take the side."

"Don't call me Sammy!"

"Don't call me Billy!" Sam and Spike yelled in unison. They gave each other a curious look before shrugging it off and walking in the opposite direction.

"I thought you were going to try and ignore him." Buffy glanced at Spike.

"Yeah well, the whelp gets under my nerves. I'll try harder pet."

"Thank you. Now let's go find us a prophet."

Sam and Dean walked into Chuck's house only to find it was trashed. They looked around curiously and Sam made his way into the living room. The boys turned toward a noise and Sam was met with a golf club to the side of the head.

"Ow! Geez! Ow!"

Chuck looked shocked beyond belief, "Sam?!"


Dean chimed in, "Hey Chuck."

Chuck started talking excitedly, "So you're okay."

"Well…my head hurts."

"No I mean, I mean, my last vision. You went like full on Vader. Your, your body temperature was 150; your heart rate was 200. Your eyes were black!"

Dean's eyes were like lasers at the back of Sam's head. Sam could feel Dean's disapproving look on the back of his head.

"Your eyes went black?" Dean said almost too calmly.

Sam could only half way meet his glance, "I didn't know."

"Oy! There's nobody in here. Oh there you are. This him? Hmm…not what I pictured. Smells like blood everywhere." Spike and Buffy entered the room.

"What happened here anyway?" Buffy asked.

Chuck looked at the two blondes and the brothers and said, "Who are they?"

Sam looked at Dean and said, "They're here to help. Buffy's a slayer and Spike, well Spike is a vampire. He is a good one though so you're safe."

"Oh. I'm not worried about him. Listen guys, there's something I have to tell you. The reason it smells like blood. It's Cas. He's dead."

Dean started to speak but Chuck kept rambling on, "Gone, the archangels smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry."

"Um, hi, Mr. Prophet, Buffy Summers, Chosen one. Hi, we just saw Cas and he's fine so, you don't have to worry about that."

"Wait what? No, that can't be. He like exploded, like a water balloon of chunky soup."

"Chuck, Castiel is fine. We did just see him," Sam stopped talking and looked at Chuck curiously and said, "You got uh, a, " He points to Chuck's head and Chuck responds, " I got a? " He starts feeling around his head and touches what Sam is pointing at. "Oh God, is that a molar? Do I have a molar in my hair?!" a horrified Chuck asks the group. "This has been a really stressful day."

"Sorry mate, look Castiel is alright. You needn't worry about the molar. We were hoping you could help us though. We are looking for Lucifer. He's out of the pit and we were hoping you could use your little gift to speak with angels and see what you hear."

"I'm sorry what was your name?"

"Name's Spike. Master Vamp. Sorry we forgot our manners. Pet is always better about those things 'en I am. "

"Right, well Spike-oh crap."

Dean questions, "What?"

"I can feel them."

Before the group can ask who, Zachariah is announcing his presence. "Thought we'd find you here. Oh looky you have guests. Who might you two be?"

Buffy started to speak but then paused, as if to choose her words carefully. "I think you know who we are."

"Ah yes, Ms. Summers I do know. I just wanted to see how obedient you would be. I should have figured you wouldn't be given your track record. I could smell you and your dead lover as soon as I popped in to this miserable hole. You do know you don't smell like a normal human right? Well actually none of you do. You all reek of death and resurrection. The only pure one here is the prophet. But that isn't why I'm here you miserable apes." He turns to face Dean. "Playtimes over Dean, time to come with us."

"You just keep your distance asshat."

"You're upset?"

"Yeah, a little. You sons of bitches jump started judgment day."

"Maybe we let it happen, we didn't' start anything, right Sammy?" Zachariah winked at Sam. Buffy and Spike gave a shocked look towards Sam but remained quiet.

"You had a chance to stop your brother but you couldn't so lets not quibble over who started what. Lets just say it was all our faults and move on. 'Cuz like it or not its apocalypse now, and we're back on the same team again."

"Is that so?"

"You wanna kill the devil, we want you to kill the devil. Its synergy."

"And I'm just supposed to trust you? Cram it with walnuts ugly."

"This isn't a game son. Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast! Before he finds his vessel."

For the first time, Sam speaks, "His vessel…Lucifer needs a meat suit?"

Zachariah looks at his lackeys and chuckles," He is an angel, thems the rules…and when he touches down, we're talking four horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies, the greatest hits. You can stop him Dean, but you need our help."

Dean takes a breath and says, "You listen to me you two faced douche, after what you did, I don't want JACK SQUAT FROM YOU!"

"YOU LISTEN TO ME BOY! YOU THINK YOU CAN REBEL against us as Lucifer did?-" He stops mid-sentence and looks at Dean, "You're bleeding?"

"Oh yeah, a little insurance policy in case you dicks showed up." Dean pulls open the kitchen door and slams his hand onto it.

"NOOO!" Zachariah's fading voice yells.

It remained quiet for a moment but was broken by Chuck, who was shaking his head and stating the obvious, "This sucks ass."

"I knew I smelled blood." Spike said.

"Calm down Billy. I've got enough problems without your bloodlust being one of them."

"Ponce, I don't want to drink your blood. I mean it is tempting to rip your throat out but I am in control of my demon. Sounds like you two might need lessons. "

Buffy interrupted the squabbling and said, "What was that nifty trick?"

"Something Cas taught me. It sends the Angels away, well, for a little while anyway."

"Right, so Chuck, you've got no clue where Lucifer is?" Sam asked.

Chuck just sighed, "Nope not at all."