Hello! This is drabble 30, and the prompt was Stormier. Man, I can't believe this is the last one! Thanks to everyone who's read them all, and thanks to everyone who read just a few! Special thanks to Mystii, Melody de Calle, and Binka Fudge, my three faithful reviewers! Another special thanks to Mystii, who created this amazing challenge! If you liked it you should head on over to the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum!

I know I promised that I'd do a few extra since I'm way past my due date, but I've changed my mind. I got an idea for a Fred/Hermione fic that I'm going to incorporate some of the drabbles into. I'll have a poll on my profile sometime soon with some that I'm thinking about incorporating into the story to see what you all think. So vote away!

Hope you enjoy this final drabble! Add me to your author alert so you'll know when I get more stuff out!

Peace and Love,


The day couldn't have been gloomier. Clouds had filled the sky in the early morning as Hermione walked to work. On her lunch hour, it'd began to rain and it only looked like it was going to get stormier.

Fred had owled, asking if she could come to the shop for lunch. She didn't need to be asked; she always spent her lunch there.

The twins had already shut down the shop for lunch, and she apparated into the loft to get out of the storm.

They'd turned the loft into extra store space after they had moved out a year ago. They needed it too, as their business was always growing.

"Fred?" I called. He hollered that he was in the makeshift kitchen that had sort of survived the transition. I walked into the old dining area to find a candle lit meal sitting on the old table.

"Wow, Fred." I said, sitting down across from him. "What's the special occasion?"

He smiled. "Besides the fact our one year anniversary is coming up, I wanted to tell you that, well, George and I are going to be opening a new shop in America next year."

"That's great!" I said, overjoyed.

"Anyway, I was wondering, how do you feel about taking a vacation to check the place out?"

I could hardly contain my joy. "Ahh! You know I've always wanted to go there! Of course I do!"