"Okay, so Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic, number 2! Well, technically, it's just the sequel to the first one that I wrote, The Psychotic Alien that we all enjoy." Breezyfeather says with a grin. Ichigo glares at her while Kisshu also looks rather annoyed.

"You promised that they would get her back?" he asks.

"Yep. I mean, really, how lame would it be if Kisshu just kept her forever while Tsikiko and the others were sad? Besides, there is much more action if she escapes or something. I will not disclose any more information on this subject, other than the first chapter," Breezyfeather says. "Thanks to all of those faithful fans that have reviewed, by friend Tgbwe especially. I will not disclose this person's real name, but this person is a good friend of mine and they first reviewer on my first Tokyo Mew Mew fanfic. So, Tgbwe, thanks a bunch and know that this is dedicated to you!"

"And now, Breezyfeather doesn't own any characters or items from Tokyo Mew Mew. The only character she owns in this one so far is Tsikiko," Kisshu says.

"Okay, on with the story. Well, mostly chapter one which I have decided to call "Recollections and Questions." But you already knew that. Now, on with the story."

Ichigo was crying. Not sobbing, but just letting the tears flow freely. It was night and felt weird to disturb the silence, so she just let out little whimpers when she couldn't hold them in. She didn't dare wail or sob for fear of alerting her enemies to her weakness. She didn't want Kisshu to take advantage of this situation.

She sighed shakily, turning over to bury her face in the pillow. They were staying at an empty hotel suite in Hawaii, the last place that Tsikiko and the others would look for her. The aliens didn't have any money so they just stole the suite. It hadn't been used in a while, judging by the layer of dust that coated everything and the door. Ichigo had tried the door while the aliens were scouting out the apartment and found that it was locked from the outside in. She had had hope of escaping right then, but it was ruined at that discovery. Then, the aliens came back and she was locked in her room. And, of course, there was no window.

She let out a sob into the pillow, thankful that it was muffled. I don't understand how we could have lost. Or even how I decided that I had to go with them. Ichigo sniffed, sitting up and wiping her eyes. I haven't seen my parents in forever. They must be so scared. A new feeling came over Ichigo and she blinked, her sadness and self pity evaporating.

You know that you have a choice to be sad, Ichigo, her mother had once said. You can either continue to dwell in self pity, or you can banish that feeling. It's your body and your choice, so why not take advantage of it? Ichigo wiped the ever persistent tears that spilled over at that memory away, knowing what choice she wanted to choose. "I don't want to be sad," she whispered. "And I can either show them weakness by crying, or give them a hard time. Doing that will probably earn me a few bruises, but it'll be worth it." Ichigo smiled, laying down on her back. "You guys, I'm going to come back to you. You can count in it."

Then, the alarm clock flashed, showing that it was midnight. Ichigo blinked at it and sighed, getting up. She walked over to the bathroom and turned on the light, closing the door behind her. She had forgotten since they locked her in here that there was a bathtub in the bathroom. She now intended to take the longest, warmest bath that she could. After all, it had been forever since she had cleaned up.

She found washcloths and soaps, then the shampoo and conditioner by the bathtub. There were white towels on a rack and a white robe on the back of the door. Walking away from the door and turning on the water, Ichigo realized that perverted Kisshu might try to come in while she was bathing. Who knew what he would be doing at midnight(Like watching her sleep like the perverted stalker he is), but she didn't want to take any chances with any of the aliens. She turned the lock on the door until she heard it click, and then decided to push the moving towel rack in front of the door so that she would be alerted if anyone decided to sneak in after her.

She was thankful that the bathroom had a thin wall between the door and the toilet, and then there was the tub with a shower curtain. Ichigo placed the washcloths on the side of the tub with the soaps and turned off the water when it was about three inches from the brim. She stripped and slowly lowered her bruised and battered body into the warm water. She sighed in content and closed her eyes, wetting a washcloth and placing it on her face.

"This is so relaxing," she whispered, smiling. She lay there in the warm water for a while, then decided it was getting cold. She drained it slightly and turned the water on again, turning it off when it reached the brim. By glancing around, she noticed a bath bomb on the counter. She got out and retrieved it, then sat back down in the center of the tub. She let it fizz and took in the enticing aroma of strawberries, scoffing at the irony of that.

Probably Kisshu's doing. That guy... he's so annoying, Ichigo thought, sighing. And then, a rippling filled the air. Ichigo's eyes shot open and she screeched, spotting just the person she wanted to see. "Kisshu! What the heck are you doing in here!" He smirked. Ichigo bent forward, keeping her torso beneath the cloudy water. Thank goodness I decided to put that bath bomb in, she realized, staring in shock at her enemy. She could feel a blush creeping up her face until her entire face was hot.

He didn't seem the slightest bit fazed when he saw in the tub. He took a step toward her and she growled, daring him to take another step. He laughed at her defiance. "Hey there, Koneko-chan," he called out to her, advancing.

"PAI!" Ichigo screamed. Pai appeared in the room. He took one look at the lovestruck look on Kisshu's face and grabbed him by the shirt collar.

"Kisshu, really?" he muttered, teleporting out. Ichigo sighed in relief, but didn't uncurl from her position. Finally, she stiffly grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it into her red hair until it was a grayish lather. She ducked under the water, rubbing her hair until the soap was rinsed out. She surfaced and gasped, taking in air.

She unfurled her wings, allowing them to soak up the moisture. She was surprised that her wings were still white, along with her cat ears and tail. At the mention of cat ears, she remembered one of Kisshu's first nick names for her. "Nekomi-ni-chan," she muttered. "And now he just calls me Koneko-chan." She sighed , recalling many battles and taunting sessions she had undergone with Kisshu. Him stealing her first kiss, pinning her down at the park, him and her wrestling for dominance over the necklace at Zakuro's fashion show... and still others. Him planning to get her away from the others to take her down or take her with him. He had done that more than once before, Ichigo realized.

He had done that when she was sick, when Mint, Pudding, and Lettuce were taken captive in that other dimension, when she and the Mew's first used their Power Extensions, and when she was fighting him for the necklace. He had tried to get Aoyama-kun more than a few times, since he just couldn't get over his jealousy that she liked him. A rush of feelings welled up inside of her with such force it shocked her. She couldn't place some of them, although she recognized a few that she felt for Aoyama-kun.

She thought of her boyfriend, probably worried sick about her, and then realized that his name didn't give her the same rush it used to. Ichigo blinked, trying to figure out when the change had happened. Aoyama-kun was the boy she's first gone on a date with, but Kisshu had been the one to steal her first kiss. Wait, why am I thinking of Kisshu all of a sudden? she wondered. Sure, he stole my first kiss, but... No, Aoyama-kun is the one I like! I like him, not Kisshu... right? She was so confused now. Why didn't Aoyama-kun give her the same rush he used to? It didn't make any sense.

Ichigo sighed, trying to suppress her confusing psyche. "Geez, can't a girl just live a normal life?" she grumbled, rubbing the conditioner in her hair. She grabbed a comb and started pulling it through her hair, easing out the tangles with ease thanks to the conditioner. She sighed again, allowing the soothing warm water to sooth her emotions. It's so hard, being me. But, I guess it's better me than any one else, considering my situation. She groaned and let her face drop to her arms. But why me? She wanted to know.

Ichigo sank down low in the water, allowing the water to flow over her hair and wash out the conditioner. Then, she sat up, pushing her hair out of her face. She grabbed a bar of soap and moved her wing so that it was slightly in front of her. She gently rubbed the soap on the feathers, watching the dirt that had somehow accumulated on it slowly turn white again. She stood and grabbed the shower head, then sprayed the water over her white wing. It felt strange to her, having never quite experienced water running over her wings.

Once that one was clean, she moved onto the other one. She couldn't reach the feathers that met her back, but they weren't all that dirty anyway. By the time she was finished washing her wings, the bar of soap was gone. She rinsed the soap from her wings, running her fingers through them to make sure that no suds remained. When she was satisfied, she searched for the shampoo again. She rubbed it in the fur on her ears and tail, being gentle when she remembered how sensitive her ears were. She rinsed the soap out of her fur with the shower head and let out a mew. Then, she got up and drained the tub, and lastly shut off the water.

Ichigo stepped out of the tub, grabbing for a towel. She wrapped it around her then pulled her wings in front of her. She grabbed a hand towel and slowly rubbed it along the feathers, then decided she knew a better solution. She searched the cabinets for a hair drier and, after a few minutes of searching, finally found one. She hooked it up and turned it on, letting the warm air caress her wings. It took a while, but in the end she managed to dry the white feathers. She next turned to her hair, which took much less time to dry. Soon, it was flowing over her pale skinned shoulders.

She took into account how long her hair had gotten while she had been with the aliens. It was down past her shoulders by about an inch. She grinned as she realized how nice the long hair felt. Sure, the shampoo and conditioner from the hotel were not the best quality, but it really did a number on her greasy hair considering that the last time she showered was over two months ago.

Ichigo reached for a robe and pulled it on after removing the towel. She had already dried from the amount of time it took to dry her wings and hair. Realizing a problem, she searched for something sharp. She found a pair of scissors in a cabinet(who knew what they were there for. Just the thought made her shudder) and grinned. She laid the robe on the toilet seat and took the scissors. Then, she snipped a long slit down the back, then another, right next to each other. She carefully pulled her wings in and closed her eyes, pulling the robe on. She slowly extended them, then opened her eyes. She rubbed the steam of the mirror and gasped at her reflection.

For one thing, her wings were snow white. They were beautiful, practically radiating their own light. They were contrasting with the white robe, which was about as white as a cloud on it's own. She ruffled her feathers, staring at the wings that she could only dare call hers. Then, she turned her attention to her face and stared. She couldn't believe that this face was really hers. After looking at her reflection before jumping in the bathtub, she was convinced that she had a tan. But, now it revealed that that brownish color had really been dirt and grime. Her face was so pale... but it was pretty. It brought out her hair and eyes more than it usually did. She blinked at her reflection and, had the reflection not blinked back, would have believed that this person staring back at her was nothing other than a shadow, a painting of a finer beauty that was always out of reach for normal girls.

That's what brought her attention to her cat ears. Even they were clean to the point that they practically sparkled. Ichigo smiled at her reflection and flicked her tail, whose bell she had removed before she got in the tub. She grabbed it and tied the ribbon back on, then flicked her tail. The bell jangled and she smiled in contentment. "This is much better," Ichigo decided. "I may be the captive of some psychotic freaks, but at least I'm clean." She found an extra toothbrush under the cabinet and some toothpaste, then quickly brushed her teeth.

"Man, if you haven't brushed your teeth in a long time a good brushing actually hurts," she muttered. "I've gotta convince them to let me take this with me, because if I can't take a regular brush then this is my next choice."

She left her clothes there in a dirty heap. They were tattered anyway. She pushed the towel rack away from the door and turned off the light. She unlocked the door and hesitated. The bathroom might be the only place that she was really safe. She sighed, getting over herself.

"I'm not letting them chase me into hiding," she vowed, pulling open the door. She walked into the darkened room, hands searching the walls for light switches. She found one and flicked it up, flooding the room with light. The first thing she noticed was that there were a few bags from Wal Mart on the bed. She blinked, looking around. She saw the receipt and retrieved it. There was a note on the back.

"Ichigo, here are some new clothes. Your other ones were so dirty and destroyed, so I figured that you might want some new ones. That also goes for undergarments. Kisshu." The last part of the message was written sloppily, so Ichigo knew he had been snickering while writing it. She felt her face get hot and cursed herself for blushing.

"That was nice," she found herself murmuring. Her eyes widened. "Since when do I like Kisshu?" she hissed, going through the bags. She found a package of underwear and a few bra's, which made her face get red all over again. What creeped her out was that they were exactly the same size she needed. She shuddered, wondering how they had come up with that. Next, she found a few T-shirts and shorts, as well as two skirts and a dress. She sighed, realizing that they had prepared to keep her for a long time.

"They certainly aren't going to let me go without a fight. Wait a minute. Where did they get the money for this?" she asked no one. She seized the receipt again and gasped. "That's a credit card. Oh, you're kidding me! He stole it." Like he stole me. She shook the thought from her mind and chose a blue T-shirt and a pair of turquoise shorts, and some underwear and a bra. She got dressed in the bathroom, taking the scissors again and slicing two slits in the back of the shirt. She had to cut a hole near the top of the shorts for her tail.

When she was finished dressing, she looked at the bed longingly. She put the bags on the ground near the bed and got under the covers, feeling refreshed. She lay on her stomach at first, then rolled onto her side and clutched an extra pillow. She pressed it to her chest and sighed. After a few more minutes, she sank into a quiet, dreamless sleep. She smiled and sighed, then her breathing evened out.

Kisshu watched his kitten from above, since she couldn't sleep on her back. He smiled sadly at her. "Koneko-chan," he murmured, then teleported out to go to sleep himself.

"Okay, so what did you think of that?" Breezyfeather asks. Ichigo sighs contentedly on the couch, where she is taking a nap. Breezyfeather glares at her and then grins, looking at Pai and Tart.

"You guys didn't really talk much in that chapter. Mostly just Ichigo then," she says. Pai nods while Tart floats upside down in the air, staring at Pudding. He grins and she smiles back.

"Can I go play with Pudding?" he asks innocently, sitting up. Pai nods and Tart floats over to Pudding, smiling.

"I had a request saying to do a schoolyard romance for them. I'm getting to that," Breezyfeather says, watching the two youngest of the teams talk, then go over to the door.

"That would be cute," Lettuce agrees, smiling. Breezyfeather grins and turns back to the computer.

(When is this plane landing? I keep asking. I've been on this thing for three hours, put the plane back on the ground for goodness's sake! I'm loosing battery on this laptop, darn it!)