Title: Reunion - Mending

Author: odd_stick

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and such are owned by Hasbro and friends.

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/Character(s): Ironhide/Ratchet/Wheeljack, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sam Witwicky, William Lennox (Bayverse)

Prompt: Ironhide/Ratchet/Wheeljack, Bayverse, Rating doesn't matter, moar smut, prompt – show-offs for synaltern

Summary: AU after 2009 movie. The one they thought lost finds his way back to them.

Warnings: AU, established relationships, tactile, sparksmex

A/N: I barely touched on the prompt and this fic totally took on a life of its own. synaltern, if this doesn't satisfy, I beg your forgiveness. D:

I based Wheeljack's alt. mode on his Alternity toy ( http : / / tfwiki . net / wiki / Image : BTWheeljack_toy . jpg )…mostly because I don't like the look of the newer Lancia models. XP Wheeljack is shorter than the other two because a Mustang is not nearly as big as a Topkick or Hummer.

Hrm, this could fit into the same 'verse as one of my other IronhidexRatchet fics, "Distraction" (found on my LJ). Feel free to read it as a continuation to that and/or as its own entity.

The concept of Trines existing outside of the Seeker model has already been done, but I don't know who used it first. Just know that in that regard, I was inspired/influenced by others! ^_^

And in case you couldn't tell, I'm still a bit miffed about the Autobots only getting a hangar to live in according to the 2009 film. (They probably do have other places to hang out/recharge/etc., but it's not mentioned in the movie.) So here, the mechs found their own ways around that. X3

It started out as a fuzzy tingling sensation in both their sparks. It was a gradual build and went largely unnoticed until they eventually found a bit of spare time just for themselves. When they reached the peak of overload, they both jumped when a barely discernable, but ecstatic call echoed from the seemingly cold and dark corner of their Bond. That link had long been thought dead and they both struggled with their surprise and joy. In a fit of passion they overloaded again, purposefully dragging their found Third along for the ride.

After rebooting and taking a precious moment to revel in the revived Bond, the two NEST members relayed the wonderful news to their Prime. Expressing his own happiness across their comm. links, he assured them that he would be debriefing their human allies as soon as possible.

A few nights later, the Autobot engineer made planet fall. The NEST soldiers and civilians were understandably excited to finally meet the infamous mech, but none of them would have been able to predict Ratchet and Ironhide's reactions. As soon as the new mech had finished scanning his chosen alt. mode, Ratchet stormed forward and slammed his fist into the heavily armored face. "You just had to show off didn't you?" the CMO yelled, his armor flared and body tense as his memory core replayed the horrific Decepticon attack that came without warning and their Bonded's last ditch attempt to save the few surviving Neutrals and his Mates. Ironhide and Ratchet had both been devastated at what they thought had been the deactivation of their Trine Mate.

Sam, watching the scene from the safety of Bumblebee's side, found his attention immediately drawn to the strange protrusions on the either side of the mech's head. Multicolored lights danced and pulsed as he replied, "I missed you too, Ratch'." The medic growled as the slightly shorter mech wrapped him in a bear hug – a strange and human action to see from such a new arrival to Earth, but Sam had the feeling that such a physical expression of affection came easily to the white and blue mech.

The dark form of Ironhide melted out of the inky night around the group of humans and Cybertronians. The weapons specialist's brisk pace swallowed the distance between them, and both of the smaller mechs grunted as he wrapped his arms around them. He didn't say anything out loud, but those that knew him well could see that he was speaking.

After a too short moment, the three untangled themselves from the embrace, but their fingers and sensors still clambered for soft, reassuring contact. Optimus smiled as he watched the spark warming reunion, and he reluctantly shepherded the entire ensemble back to the base.

The reunited Trine drove close together, the Mustang happily sandwiched between the two bulkier vehicles. Optimus chuckled when he offered to give the bemused Lennox a ride back since his transportation had apparently forgotten him in all the excitement. The seasoned soldier climbed into the semi's cab with a crooked smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll be sure to give 'Hide hell for this later," Will said as he relaxed into the driver's seat. "I'm well aware of how overwhelming it can be to when you're finally reunited with those you care about. Even if I'd wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to pry myself from my wife's side after Mission City."

Driving with the rest of the group at a more sedate pace, Optimus replied, "I'm sure he will appreciate your understanding."

"So, has the new guy figured out an English name yet?"

"Oh, yes. He is Wheeljack."

The three Autobots were the first back to the base and each expressed their gratitude when they found that their Prime had called ahead to postpone Wheeljack's interview with security and intelligence until morning. Ratchet and Ironhide led their Third to an out of the way hangar that they had unofficially claimed as their own. The building served as storage space, but with some creative shifting and stacking, they had managed to carve out a private den that they could escape to when the need for quiet space and privacy drew them from the shared Autobot's hangar.

As soon as they were in deep within the safety of their sanctuary, Ironhide reached for his Mates and led them to the makeshift berth. He guided them down, hands already petting and teasing whatever sensitive parts he could reach. He and Ratchet neatly maneuvered the smaller mech so that he was positioned between them, giving each of them easy access to his frame. Their legs were tangled, but the arrangement was comfortable and familiar. Ironhide pulled Wheeljack back so that his back rested against the black chassis, giving the Weapons Specialist easy access to his neck column, shoulders, and sensitive head fins.

An ecstatic chirr escaped the Mustang as Ironhide mouthed the delicate external components to his audial sensors. Meanwhile, Ratchet took advantage of the distraction, scooting closer so he could easily run his hands over the new armor. Fingers traced transformation seams and teased what he could reach of the sensitive protoform through the gaps. Two sets of hands explored Wheeljack, recalling forgotten sweet spots as they went.

The engineer writhed between them, the sensations burning deliciously along his sensor net. It had been so long since he had been with his Trine. Their touches and mere presence overwhelmed him with indescribable joy. A static filled keen escaped his vocoder as Ironhide wormed his fingers deep under the armor on his side, fingers boldly stroking the wires and cables beneath.

Ratchet's engine revved loudly at the wanton noise and he bent forward. The engineer had retracted his mask as soon as they had entered the hangar, so the chartreuse mech had no barriers to bypass as he met the slack lips. Wheeljack moaned at the contact, tilting his helm to deepen the kiss.

Still nipping and licking at the Mustang's neck and shoulders, Ironhide felt like he could have overloaded just from the sight of his Mates together again after so many eons. Wheeljack was visibly drowning in the sensations he'd done without for so long, and Ironhide saw no real reason to continue forestalling the inevitable. They had plenty of time to draw these things out later. "Ratch'," he murmured.

The medic reluctantly pulled away, a glare in his optics until Wheeljack took his revenge by fondling the ambulance's wheel wells. "Y-yeah?" he breathed while trying to hold Ironhide's gaze.

The weapons specialist didn't take the time to explain, merely let his thoughts flow through their Bond. A wicked grin spread across his face when his Mates gasped simultaneously. "Open up lovers," he said even as he commanded his own chassis to split and reveal his spark chamber.

Varying shades of blue light banished the darkness from their sanctuary as the three mechs exposed the physical embodiment of their life force and souls. A quiet clicking rose from the tangle of mechs, causing the larger two to huddle in closer around the third. Wheeljack wrapped his arms around their necks, nuzzling in as close as he could get to both of them at once. "I…I missed you both…so much."

"Missed you too," Ratchet whispered, voice strained, "We thought you were dead. Gone on to join the Well of Allsparks."

Ironhide ran his powerful, gentle hands over their plating. "We wanted to join you, but now I'm glad we didn't." A rumble of laughter escaped him. "Woulda been real upset if we'd gotten there only to find out too late that you were still alive."

Wheeljack managed a small laugh, his grief already being burned away by the truth that his Trine was still alive and well. He had been alone for so long, unwilling to let their memories go and he knew that they had suffered on their end too. "Please, remind me," the engineer requested.

::Of course:: they replied over the Bond as they came together, as close as they physically could. Their sparks pulsed in unison and reached out to one another in all senses of the word. They Knew each other, experienced their memories from Before the Trine and After. Felt the horrible loss of their Mate/Mates. Relived the recent discovery and realization that their Lost One/Ones had been found, and that was all that really mattered. Their broken Trine was whole again; happy, healthy, and so deeply in Love.

When they finally fell out of each other, their systems were happily buzzing. They needed no words; everything was as it should be. And so they rearranged themselves in a comfortable pile on the berth, taking comfort in their renewed Bond and how whole they all finally felt again.

A/N: The story/explanation behind why Ironhide and Ratchet thought Wheeljack was dead and vice versa is that his spark came very close to extinguishing. By the time he was healthy enough to feel the Bond again, great distance coupled with the two of them temporarily blocking his third of the Bond led him to believe that they were lost in the battle. FYI – 'Hide and Ratch blocked off their side as a coping mechanism, but eventually opened it again which is how 'Jack felt/found them after getting close enough to sense the Bond.