Okay True Believers, Here is the Exciting Conclusion to my Total Drama/ Spectacular Spider-Man Fic. Enjoy! Total Drama is owned by Fresh inc. Spider-Man is owned by Marvel.

(Special Effects Department)

Mysterio is holding Chris McLean inside the Department, and Taped onto a Wall.

"Dude, What are you gonna do to me?" asked Chris.

"Simple, We're gonna reenact that Famous Scene that ruined my Life." said Mysterio as he was setting up an Explosive.

"Um dude, I'm stuck on this wall, How is that reenacting?" asked Chris.

"Oh.., This is my Director's Cut instead of my Life being Ruined, It will be Yours!" said Mysterio as he finished preparing the Explosive Device.

Just then, Spider-Man breaks into the Room, and Knocks out Mysterio, only to reveal that it was a Robot.

"Again?, You know the Robot bit is kinda getting old." said Spider-Man.

Just then, His Spider Sense went off, and dodges a Falling Sandbag, but is then hit from behind by Mysterio.
Mysterio then wields a Scimitar to finish Spider-Man off, but Spider-Man shoots a Web to knock it out of Mysterio's Hand.

"Why do you try, and fight The Master of all Magic?" asked Mysterio.

"Listen Mysterio, I allready know that you aren't a Magician so cut the Banter, and tell me what you want with Chris." responded Spider-Man.

"Simple, Chris McLean ruined my Life in the Movie Business, Now I'm gonna ruin his!" retorted Mysterio as he started to activate his Device.

Spider-Man sees the Device, and tries to quickly de-activate it, but Mysterio then stops him. Mysterio then uses his Magic to bring a Piece of a Wall to crush him, But Spider-Man decides to stand there as it then turns out to be a Hologram rather than a Real Piece of the Wall.

"Okay then, Remember how you beat him Last Time Spidey, You can do this again." said Spider-Man as he Blinsfolds himself with some Webbing.

"Dude! What at you doing? Get me out of here!" yelled Chris as he struggled to get out.

"Hold on there Chris, I'll be with you in a Moment." replied Spider-Man as he uses his Spider Sense to help maneuver himself through any of Mysterio's Effects.

Spider-Man dodges a falling Sand Bag that was coming at him, and then goes through a Hologram of a Serpent-like Creature Mysterio summoned to attack him. Spider-Man then hits a Drop Kick onto Mysterio as Spider-Man then rips the Web Blindfold off of him.

"Allright Mysterio, This Story's Over!" said Spider-Man as he stood over Mysterio.

"Sorry, But it seems you forgot the twist Ending." said Mysterio as he then points to the Explosive that has now begun to Count Down.

"You only have a Minute left until this whole Place blows sky high!" said Mysterio as it explodes revealing that this was another Robot.

"Okay, I'm not sure how well I am at disarming this thing, So it looks like I'm gonna have to escape." said Spider-Man.

"Duuuddee! What about me!" whined Chris.

"Oh calm down, I was in an internal Monologue." replied Spider-Man as he uses his Strentgh to pull Chris off of the Wall, though he is still tied up.

Spider-Man then Web Swings his way through the Building as then a Giant Robotic Fist comes at him, and Chris. Thankfully, Spider-Man ducks at the Last Second.

"That was close, Another second, and that would have Mashed us like a Potato." said Spider-Man.

"Ya think!, and I'm pretty sure Mysterio locked the whole place up, How are we gonna get out of here?" asked Chris.

"Same way I came in." replied Spider-Man as he was heading towards a Window.

"No way dude! I might get a cut on my Face!, Do you know how much more this Face Costs!" yelled Chris.

"Don't know, but I think it will Cost less if you it gets blown Sky High." replied Spider-Man.

Spider-Man, and Chris then blast through the Window, and land safely on the ground afew Seconds before the Department Explodes.

"Wow, You Hollywood Types go all out!" said Spider-Man as he watches the Building Burn.

Mysterio meanwhile begins to high tail it out of the Studios, when he accidentally bumps into Chef, and the Cast.

"Hey watch here ya going you impacile." said Mysterio, Unknowing that he woul look up to see the Powerful Man.

"Excuse me?" said a stern Chef as Mysterio got up.

Chef then hits Mysterio in the gut, Knocking the Master of Illusions out cold.

"Geoff, DJ, Restrain Fish Bowl Head until the Cops come. Rest of you follow me." ordered Chef.

"Okay." said DJ, and Geoff as the two picked up Mysterio, and restrained him as the others ran towards where the Blast happened.

"Chris man, You okay?" asked Chef as he, Robbie, and the Cast helped out Chris, and Spider-Man.

"Yeah, I'm good." replied Chris.

"Did you guys by any chance see a Guy in a Green Outfit wearing a Fish Bowl on his head by any chance?" asked Spider-Man.

"Yeah, Chef here KO'd the Mook." said Duncan.

"Really, I mean I'm an actual Superhero, and this guy beat me to the Punch." quipped Spider-Man.

"I was a 4 Time Gold Fist in Boxing when I was in the Military." boasted Chef.

"Well, As long as you guys have him down for a Nap, I guess my work here is done, Later." said Spider-Man as he Web Swung his way out of the Scene.

(Ten Minutes Later)

Quentin is being put in a Squad Car as afew Fire Trucks are able to quell the Fires.

"Hey Beck, Call me when you get out of Prison." said Chris.

"What?" asked a confused Quentin.

"Dude, Those Effects were wicked! If you can do that stuff to Superheroes, Imagine what you could do to these Losers." said Chris as he pointed to the Cast.

"Well okay then, Thank you." said Beck as the Police Car drives off with him in it.

Peter then appears after secretly changing outfits near an alley.

"Hey guys, Did everything go okay?" asked Peter as he met up with the Cast.

"Dude, Where were ya?" asked Geoff.

"Yeah, Spider-Man was here, and Chef took out Mysterio." added Harold.

"Oh, I left to try, and call the Cops since I know Mysterio would do something odd like destroy the Phone Lines." said Peter, Covering his tracks.

"How would you know that?" asked Gwen.

"I've seen this happen before." said Peter.

(Afew Hours Later)

Peter, and Robbie finish up the Interviews, and Photos when Peter talks with the Cast.

"Um, Could you guys Autograph afew Photos for my Aunt, and friends for me?" asked Peter.

"Sure." replied Geoff as he, and the other Cast Members signed afew Photos. Just then, Owen gives Peter a Disc.

"Here you go, I think this is pretty important to you." said Owen as he put the Disc onto Peter's Hand.

"Oh, Um... Thanks." replied Peter.

"No problem, You would do the same if it was me." said Owen.

(An Hour Later)

Peter, and Robbie had left the Studio, and were back at the Motel. Robbie left the Room for alittle bit to grab a Bite to eat.

"I wonder why Owen gave me this." wondered Peter as he put it into a DVD Player.

Just then, the Video plays, Showing Peter changing into his Spider-Man Attire.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't know there was a Camera in the Room!" said a startled Peter.

The Screen then changes to feature Owen.

"Hi Pete, or Spider-Man." announced Owen. "

Listen, Don't worry about this Nasty Old Tape. I took it from the Camera, and made sure that none of this Info got anyone else." continued Owen.

"Wow, Owen did that for me?" asked Peter to himself.

"Anyway, I thought it wouldn't be right if someone put this Live without you giving the Ok so Do what you see fit, Oh, and if you have a Facenovel, Favor me I'm OwenEatsalot92." finished as the CD ended.

Peter then grabs the Disc, and puts it in his Case.

"I can't believe he did that for me, Glad he won TDI." said Peter Smiling.

Okay, That's the end of my Crossover. Gotta admit, I did good here despite this being my First Time. Anyway, I hope TDI Charlie Brown likes this Fic as a whole. Other than that: REVIEW!