A/N okay i found this in my files from a long time ago. Its half finished so i thought i might as well put it here. The more dasey in the world the better right?


Obnoxiously loud music came from Derek's room. Casey stood on her bed and banged on the wall for him to turn it down, when he didn't, she turned up her own music.

She grinned and danced around her new room as she set up her things. This room was a lot bigger than the one she had to share with Lizzie but the wall colour was so gross she'd have to paint it soon. She wondered if Emily wouldn't mind stopping at the hardware store at the mall tomorrow.

Derek barged into her room and said loudly, "Can you please turn down your terrible chick music?"

"Only when you turn down your music!" Casey shouted back.

"Can you both turn down your music?" Lizzie shouted from the doorway.

"SMEREK!" They heard a little voice shout from down the hall.

"Now look what you did! You woke up Marti!" Derek shouted.

"You mean you did!" Casey shouted back.

Derek glared at her than went to comfort Marti.

"Can you please be quiet? I was asleep too." Lizzie said.

Casey turned off her music and crawled into bed. It was louder than she was used to at night, she could hear Edwin walking above her in the attic and Derek talking to Marti. She didn't know how she was going to stay here for another day let alone for the rest of her high school career.

The last thing she thought before she fell asleep was that Derek Venturi was the most annoying guy in the history of the world.

A/N this is just the prologue. Im sure it doesn't make sense but the next chapter is coming. And just so you know, this is the last seen of the very first episode the one about the bedroom. I just expanded. Toodles and please review!