Mr. Schue is in the middle of the room now almost begging someone else to sing, "Anyone please does anyone else have a song?" He scans the room but to say that everyone is still shell shocked from Rachel's performance is an understatement. Finn is mumbling to himself, Puck is leaning back in his chair his eyes glazed over, Quinn is bright red and looks like she might pass out, Kurt and Mercedes are sitting there phones in hand but frozen like they should be spreading this gossip but don't know quite what to say or who to send it too.

Santana knows she has to put a stop to this little obsession, crush or whatever you'd call it. Hopefully with only Rachel knowing what she is saying. She unhooks her pinkie from Brittany's and stands up, "I have a song Mr. Schue." He turns to face her and she can see the relief on his face. Stepping forward she almost laughs knowing that that thankfulness won't last long. "Please Santana the floor is yours," he smiles going back to lean against the piano.

Santana stands down in front of the rest of the glee kids, a little closer to Rachel then she usually would but then turns her back to them all, "I hadn't really planned this so I don't have music," she runs her hand through her long black hair. "I guess I'll just wing it," she says turning slightly to her right where she can see Rachel straighten up in her chair, then Santana flips her hair in front of her face enough to block it from most of the room but making sure to meet Rachel's eyes without anyone else noticing. She almost growls the words to the song out wanting to make sure that Rachel FEELS exactly what she is trying to convey.

See it from the outside
Running toward the wall
Seeing from your blinds eye
But you don't know me at all
I've been here
Too many times before
And your tears don't mean a thing
I only come when you scream
I told you

Mr Schue leans forward as if he is trying to figure out the song that Santana is singing. Santana looks down then back to see Rachel blushing knowing full well she knows the song and understands what is being said.

Just don't follow me home
You're just too perfect for my hands to hold
If you choose to stay
You'll throw it all away
And I just want to take your innocence

Schue is still not sure of the name of the song but looking around the room at the faces of the kids, most white with jaws on the floor and listening to the lyrics he is sure this song also isn't appropriate to be singing to a group of teenagers.

Santana's voice deepens and becomes a bit more aggressive as she spins to face her teammates, eyes still down but body positioning tense almost daring them to ask why?

This is what you wanted
Did I make your dreams come true
Sitting in a corner
Wondering what you got into
You ache for this
You don't understand
That your tears don't mean a thing
And I only come when you scream
I told you

"Santana stop!" Schue practically throws himself off the piano he has been leaning on. Santana stops, chest heaving from the energy that she has thrown into the song. Dark lust filled eyes land on Rachel one last time before she storms back to her seat. Mr. Schue watches her as she makes like nothing happened, as if it were natural for them to be singing those songs in Glee.

Once again awkward silence fills the choir room. Even Brittany is staring at her as Santana flips her hair back to pull it into its familiar high ponytail before glaring around the room, "WHAT!"

This seems to snap everyone out of their comas as they grab for papers, phones, jackets anything around them to pretend that they are no longing looking at her fearing that she might attack them at any moment.

Brittany leans forward into her, "San are you okay?" Santana drops her scowl replacing it with the smile reserved just for Brittany before linking their pinkies again, "Of course B, just wanted to get something off my chest."

Though everyone wants to know what it was, no one asks. Mr. Schue shakes his head for the hundredth time, words seem to escape him so instead he throws his hands in the air, "I don't know what is going on here today and I really, really don't want to nor do I want to see how much worse it can get so why don't we call it a day and everyone go home."

Rachel stands, "Do you have a song assignment for us for next week?" He drops his head to the piano, "I think that it would be best for my sanity and my job if I pick the songs next week, don't you Rachel?" Rachel shrugs and heads back to pack up her bag as everyone else peels themselves from their chairs shuffling quietly out the door.

Santana stands pulling Brittany with her, "Brit I have to grab something from my locker, why don't you meet me at my car." Brittany nods and follows the rest of the kids out the door leaving Rachel and Santana alone in the room.

"What the hell was that Berry?" Rachel jumps and spins around as Santana is now only about half a foot away from her looking less than pleased. She stutters on her reply, "I I wa wa was merely" "I know what you were merely trying to say Rachel but what the hell did you hope to get out of singing that song in front of the entire glee club?"

"Well I know or I have heard that you are with Brittany but I can't help but still sort of kind of." Santana cuts her off again, "I, who told you I was with Brittany, not that that is your or anyone else's business, and though we may have a little fun together sometimes we are not technically together." She takes a deep breath almost forgetting where she is going with this, "I told you before that I was sorry for taking advantage of you in the shower room I really regret putting you in that position and would truly take it back it I could."

Rachel scoffs, "Really you can honestly say that it meant nothing to you?" Santana meets Rachel now angry eyes, "I never said that I am simply trying to apologize for practically, well I guess it wasn't practically, molesting you while you were in an emotional and delicate state."

"Santana Lopez when did you get so soft?"

Santana stiffens at that and is ready to fight when Rachel continues, "I was there too, I could have said no at anytime. I could have pushed you away when you kissed me, when you traced kisses down my neck. I didn't want to stop you, I don't regret one moment of it. Actually I never want you to stop any of it!"

"I know Rachel but this," she motions between them, "This can and will never work. A week ago we hated each other I made your life hell. You know my reputation and I know your dreams I don't know what you could possible want from me or what I could offer you"

Rachel becomes a little bolder taking the Latina's hands in her own, "Do you like me?" Santana avoids her eyes, "I don't know, most of the time you drive me absolutely insane but last week I saw a different side of you, a less crazy side," she looks up and smirks, "doesn't hurt that you have a smoking body and those sounds you make drive me absolutely wild. But would we work as more than occasional fuck buddies? We're not even friends Rachel."

Rachel thinks for a minute, "We may not be friends Santana but do you know that in the entire time I've know you that this past week has been the only time that you have ever called me Rachel. That has to mean something doesn't it? We have also been holding hands for over 5 minutes now and you haven't threatened to rip my throat out or break my nose." Santana laughs, genuinely laughs, "Maybe I am getting soft?"

"Santana I am not asking for a relationship but I know how you looked at me, how you made me feel." "So I was right this is just about a booty call hey Berry? Didn't get enough last time thought you'd like to scream my name over and over again? Who would have thought what a little nympho you could be Rach." Rachel blushes, "Vulgar but accurate, though I believe you might have been thinking about it too and me screaming your name since I seem to have forgotten that part." Santana huffs while Rachel continues, "The way you sang that song reminded me of the way you growled into my ear when I came and if Mr. Schue hadn't stopped you I think I would have jumped you right in front of the whole class."

Both girls laugh, "I'm sure Schue and the rest of them would have died of heart failure if you had." Rachel becomes shy again not meeting Santana's eyes, "I want you to be my first Santana."

Santana raises Rachel's chin to lock their eyes searching for answers, whispering "Why me Rae?" Rachel smiles, "Last week I was broken and you were the one there to put me back together." She presses her finger to Santana's lips before she can interrupt. "I want things too much, I always have that's why I didn't see that Jesse just wanted me to spy on New Directions, Finn wanted me for my voice, Puck wanted me so he could be a good Jew and while I know that you wanted me, like really wanted me," she grins, "and I was more than willing to let you take everything right there, but when I told you that I had never done it before you stopped and made it about me."

Santana laughs, "Well I didn't think our future Broadway superstar would want to remember her first time in a locker room with the school bitch! You deserve better."

Rachel leans forward pressing her lips to Santana's in a short but sweet kiss. "You're not a bitch, yes you can be a lot scary most of the time but I felt safe in your arms and at that moment I trusted you more than I have ever trusted anyone other than my fathers." Santana scoffs, "You trust me?"

"You could have taken the thing I value most, well as much as my voice, but you didn't you held me strong and let me lose control in your arms without judging without asking for anything in return, that is why I know you are the one that should be my first Santana. I know that you can handle it, that you are probably the only one that can handle me!"

Santana searches her eyes again, "It hurts the first time." "I know," Rachel leans in a bit as Santana continues "I still won't talk to you in the hallway." "I know." "I'll still call you names and get pissed off at you in Glee." "I know."

They are now resting their foreheads together. "I don't do relationships." "So you've said" "I don't want you getting attached and following me around." "Never planned to," Rachel retorts. "I don't do cuddling," Santana grins. Rachel pauses before donning Santana's own famous smirk, "Well then I guess I'll have to make sure to wear you out so that you won't be able to leave!"

Santana has to admit she might actually enjoy this new more aggressive side of Rachel, "Why don't you let me think about it," Santana picks up her bag, "I have to drive Brittany home so I'll see you tomorrow."

Before she gets to the door she hears Rachel taunt, "Well my dads are out of town for the weekend so why don't you think about it at my place around 8 tomorrow night. Maybe we'll see if I can be a little more vocal for you this time!"

Yep Santana was really starting to like this Rachel Berry!

The End