Disclaimer: I do not own the Metroid franchise.

Now, while I get to work on that, you read my story.


It's hot. So hot. The twin suns mercilessly beating down on my already burnt skin. Sweat pouring like

a fountain. No water. Many have died of heat stroke (usually the Phrygisians) while being forced to

work by the Slavers. Slavers. I would spit at their name, but not only would I be taken away to have

my tongue removed, I can't because I don't have any saliva left. It's so damn hot.

I'm probably getting ahead of myself. Well, time for introductions. You know who I am. Wait, you

don't? Seriously? Great. I've sunken so low that people don't recognize me anymore. Alright, my

name is Samus Aran, or as the Slavers refers to me as, "Girl." I'm lucky, in a way. I'm one of the only

slaves who can actually remember their real names.

Anyway, did I say it's hot? Yeah? Sorry, the heat is getting to me. I'm forgetting things quite easily

nowadays. I don't even know what planet this is. The Slavers just called it "Paradise." What a twisted

use of such a word! Once again, I'd spit, but I can't. Anyway, this "Paradise" is a slave camp. One that

covers a whole planet. Colonized by about five-thousand different species. Four thousand, nine-

hundred and ninety-nine of them slaves. One of them the Slavers. Bah. Slavers. Vile beings. Most

obsessed with money, fame, or causing pain and fear. Few with real goals. They don't even

remember the original name for their species. Just Slavers.

In essence, a Slaver is ugly. But I think you can bear a description. After all, you don't have to see

them close up. Your average Slaver is about two feet tall, greenish-yellow skinned with a face

shaped like a hook. Thin, curved, with a sharp end. Like a beak. Actually, I think that may be what it

is. I can't tell. Two large red eyes on either side of the head. No pupils. You can't tell if they're

looking at you or not. That just makes it harder to talk to fellow slaves. They have no neck to speak

of, broad shoulders, musclier arms, human-like hands with dark blue nails, and from the chest down,

a worm-like body. I've only seen them like that twice. Every other time, they are in large mechanical

suits that cover everything from the shoulders down. They are now about eight feet tall, and very

menacing. These guys are the only ones, with certain exceptions, to ever defeat me. But they did it


It all started about four years ago, just after I had wiped the universe clean of the X-parasites, when

I was sent by the Galactic Federation to inspect the sudden disappearances of the citizens of planet

Angoth, a small rocky world, much like planet Earths Utah, or so I've read. Over the past several

months, many people had disappeared, and no-one was speaking to police or the Galactic

Federation about it. Not my type of job, and I told them that, but they payed a lot of credits. More

than most of my missions put together.

How could I refuse?

So, I donned my famous Chozo Power Armour, checking for problems, took to my ship (Adam was

under maintenance, so I got a GF ship to contend with) and headed straight to Angoth.

After my arrival, I asked around, payed several people, and walked around in circles for almost two

Days looking for answers. No violence, as they were civilians, but even I have my limits.

Around sunrise the next day, after one man wouldn't answer my questions, I slammed him against

the wall, demanding him to tell me something, anything.

He squealed like a little girl.

He told me that a large group of sickly green coloured aliens in metal suits had been invading every

few days and taking people, threatening to wipe out the entire planet if they didn't comply. They

looked like they had the fire-power. So they captured at least five hundred people, and left,

returning every three to four days to "re-stock" as they called it.

I waited until these green guys showed up again, but not before making a few calls. My plan was simple:

A squadron of Galactic Federation Ace Fighters had been pulling a whole fleet of Pirates towards my

location. Once they spot a planet ready for raiding, they'll ignore the Aces and land, around about

the same time as the green aliens, I hoped. They would hopefully destroy each other, leaving me

with almost no work on my part, and minimum civilian casualties.

Oh, how wrong I was.

The Slavers, as I now know them, arrived about two hours before the Pirates did. Knowing how

tough the Pirates could be, these guys would be pushovers in comparison. Well, let's just say I put up

a good fight, but they bested me. And by bested me, I mean they destroyed my Power Armour

beyond repair, captured me, and their civilian quota as well, and left. All in the space of about ten

minutes. When the Pirates showed up, all they found was an entire unguarded planet for them to

pick clean.

From what I've heard, Angoth is nothing more than a barren wasteland now.

After a day's trip, we arrived at an unknown destination. Seriously unknown, my data files had never

heard of this planet before. We landed, they shoved us out into the main grounds, and the Slavers

began ruling our lives. I tried to escape, I really did, but without my Power Armour I wouldn't stand

five seconds against a whole planet of these green guys if I couldn't beat fifty of them in ten minutes

with my Power Armour.

After stripping me, spraying me with high pressure cold water (How I wish I could have some of that

now), cleaning me (knowing when to stop; I now know that the entire species hates the concept of

mating for some reason, and repopulate via cloning, so I was safe) and putting me in a uniform, I was

a slave. I looked around, seeing the broken faces of so many species, far more than just the

multitude on Angoth, it finally hit me. I was trapped. And I was alone.

I've done my share of crying. I'm all cried out. But back then, I wasn't hardened. Well I was, but not

as hard as I am now. Anyway, I bawled my eyes out. I'm also quite happy that I get an individual cell,

because some of the guys were turned on by that. But I forgive them. I mean, this place, this

Paradise...can do unspeakable things to you. One man I haven't forgiven was Erol, but you'll learn of

him later.

So, for two years I chiselled away at the hard stone, trying not to draw attention to myself. At least,

because I'm female, the Slavers don't beat me, but that doesn't stop other Slaves from trying. And

failing. Slavers find slave fights entertaining, and even join in sometimes. This is the only time you

may touch a Slaver. Otherwise, off you go to Buktog, the torture specialist.

Then, life got interesting when I was introduced to the human gang.

You see, in Paradise, the Slavers encourage the different species to separate. So humans with

humans, Angothians with Angothians, and so forth. The human gang consists of seven members, the

leader being the only other female slave besides me. Her name is Lilith, and for some reason, the

Slavers acknowledge that fact. Go figure. Anyway, for two years, she studied me, watched me, which

I found quite unnerving. After two years, though, she actually came up to me. And spoke to me. In

clear view of the Slavers.

"So, wanna join the group?" the woman said in a surprisingly deep, and disturbingly cheery voice.

I was stunned. Someone had spoken to me besides the PA. That hasn't happened in two years!

While I was being stunned, she poke me. "Hello? Mission control, do you read me?" she asked.

"Uhh…yes, I read you?" I hesitantly replied. This was…strange, and very dangerous. Why weren't the Slavers

yelling at her? "Good, good." She started. "Hi, my name is Lilith, and as per Slaver request, you

have been asked to join the human gang. So, wanna join, bright eyes?" Ah, that'd be why there was

a lack of Slaver screams. Well, I have nothing better to do, so I made my decision. "Alright, Lilith. I'm Samus, and I'd like to join." I said. "Excellent."

She replied.

"Well, let's get you over to meet the rest of the gang. Hey guys!" Lilith shouted in their direction.

She ran over, almost tripping over the N'crong and Hirivon gangs on the way, waving at me to get

me to follow. Well, I thought, that was easy. Things would get much more interesting now.

I didn't know how interesting it would get until I was introduced to the gang…

AU: Well, that was the first chapter of my second story. Please rate, review, and be constructive. Don't be nice about it, but don't swear at me or say anything cruel. Thanks!

Chris The Cat