Gosh people, encourage me here!

Chapter two: Kaboom!

"We're back! And we are already off to Mars!" Chris yelled to the viewers, behind him were the contest people strapped to their chairs with Chef driving .

Reggie's face turned green a bit, "I think I'm rocket sick..." He groaned. Kitten grabbed a paper brown bag and gave to Reggie, then he hurled in it. Kitten had a 'yuck' and/or 'ew' face.

Then a bump made everyone jump! And that rhymes! "Welcome to Mars! Where we will stay for 4 chapters!"Chris said with excitement. Everyone got up and went outside, Kitten whispered something in Chef's ear.

"How do we breath in space? Well that's because-" then the camera turned to Bonnie humming a tune from the 80's. "Wow!" Marisol yelled poking a sliver steel table with a red button, "That's the table we stole- I mean borrowed from jeopardy."Chris explained.

"Doesn't look like it." Trinity muttered. "It is OURS is it not?" Chris yelled at her, she crossed her arms staring crossly at Chris. "Now! I will ask questions that doesn't involve space."Chris said aloud.

"What?" Rina, Lina, and Sejo yelled in shock together. "We have two teams! Team Green Alien and Team Red Rocket." Then Chris shoved everyone on two sides. One side had Bonnie, Sejo, Marisol, Terran, Trinity, and Reggie. The other side had the others.

"You are team Green."Chris pointed at Marisol and her side. "And you are team Red."

He pointed at Io's and his side.

"Pick one of your of worthless mates and get this movin!" Chef growled at everyone. Then Sejo and Lina came up to stand, both looked nervous. Chris read a little card and looked at the two.

"What is rain?"Chris asked dramatically, Lina's table buzzed first. "Water!"She brusted out. "Tsk tsk tsk, it is actually H2o."Sejo said to her. "Actually, it's the same thing... So new one!"Then Chris pulled out a new card.

"What is the bottom of a plant?"Chris asked. "Root!"Lina and Sejo said together, a couple questions later (That Lina and Sejo keep on getting right) stopped and swiched to Trinity and Io.

"Now, what is Oregon's state animal?" Io's table buzzed. "A beaver!"He said. "Correct! Team Green Alien, go vote someone off." Chris said looking at them. "It was only one wrong answer!" Mark growled.

"So what? It's been a hour, and I ran out of cards."Chris sighed, then he went back to the rocket. "You people have a hour of play time!" Chef yelled at them. Then everyone went off on their own.

(If the writing like this, you're in the toilet record thing)

Bonnie: Hey! I found the toilet record thing! Anyways, Lina and Sejo are like SO soul mates. And that Faith girl, heh, she was polishing her nails. HER NAILS!

Sejo: It feels like me and Lina are soul mates... Nah, can't be possible! I mean her sister is her soul mate, right?

Rina: ... I have nothing to say about this sort of problem...

Freia was sitting on a rock daydreaming in the red dirt, to the others it felt like she was sparkling. Faith was jealous of her and stomped to the rocket.

Faith: NOBODY IS TAKING MY FAME! That Freia girl is gone...

"What do you mean the rating went down hill!"Chris voice echoed. "Well we haven't post a episode for over a week."Chef said slowly. "That's true." Chris said drinking his coffee.

Chris stared at Kitten, "I blame you."He said. Kitten growled at him and moved on, "What's her problem?"Chris asked Chef. He shrugged and went to the kitchen. "I'm alone, again."Chris sighed.

"Who will get voted off? Will Bonnie stop humming? Will my coffee ever be hot? Find out next time on Total Drama Planet Trivia!"

Sorry for the short chapter again, my bro deleted it. Same to the Mystery Total Drama, It will be up soon though! So tell me Team Green Alien! (Io, Lina, Rina, Freia, Mark, and Faith) Who you going to vote off? And would you people rather wait for long chapters or wait quicker by short chapters?