A/N: I know that it's been a while since I've updated but I'm finally back with a new chapter… I miss Luke Perry like crazy… I always have and always will be a total Brenda/Dylan fan… That will never change no matter what… Enjoy!

R.I.P. Luke Perry… You will always be missed and always be loved!

Disclaimer: I don't own Beverly Hills 90210!

Word Count: 1,539 Words


Jack McKay pulled into the Walsh's driveway and shut off his car. He wanted to see and talk to Jim Walsh before he went and saw Brenda. He had some things that he needed and even wanted to say to not only Brenda's father but her mother. He really wasn't sure what was up with Cindy Walsh and he really didn't care, but he did care that she was hurting Brenda and there was no way in hell he was going to let that slide. He was just happy that his son and Brenda were finally right where they should be and no longer having to pretend that they weren't together. He would never be able to repay Jim for catching onto what Kelly Taylor was doing or trying to do to his only son.

He climbed out of his car and smiled at Jim who was standing on the front porch. "Good morning, Jim."

Jim smiled at Jack. "Good morning, Jack. How are you doing today?"

Jack grinned. "I'm doing great, Jim. How are you doing? I wanted to stop by before I made my way to where I'm going."

Jim nodded. "I'll head over with you because I want to see my daughter. How is she really doing, Jack?"

Jack sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "She could be doing better than she is, Jim, but she's doing alright. Donna's dad is keeping a close eye on Brenda and making sure that she doesn't do anything that she shouldn't. Dylan is with her and you know there is no way in hell he's going to let anything happen to her if he can help it."

Jim chuckled. "That boy is completely gone on my daughter. When they first got together, I wasn't sure what to think, but I have to admit that they are made for one another. When Brenda first came to me and told me that she was in love with Dylan my first thought was to stop her from seeing him. It only took me looking at them together once to realize that Dylan was just as in love with her as she was with him. When I saw what Kelly was trying to do, I had to act because I wasn't about to let her come between them when I wouldn't let my own wife come between them."

He took in a deep breath and let it out. "I was honestly surprised that they didn't come to me and tell me they were engaged before they graduated high school. I'm expecting it any day now though. I wasn't surprised to hear from a friend back in Minnesota that Brenda is pregnant. I haven't said anything to her because if I know my daughter like I'm damn sure I do then she wants to tell me in person."

Jack nodded. "She's pregnant with triplets, Jim. John Martin has her on bed rest right now because of an issue that cropped up. As long as she does what she is supposed to she'll be just fine."

Jim shook his head. "She's going to be a hand full for Dylan and everyone else. Brenda has never been good at being stuck on bed rest when she is sick or injured. Let me grab some things that may help keep her occupied while being stuck on bed rest. I'm not going to tell Cindy anything because lately she's been ranting about anything and everything when it comes to Brenda. I'm pretty sure Cindy doesn't even realize there is a P.I. following her. I hired one after something Brenda let slip a while back. I also wanted to make sure that Cindy wasn't causing problems for Brenda and Dylan."

Jack scowled. "I really don't know what is wrong with your wife, Jim, but I know I'm not going to let her hurt Brenda anymore than she already has. I've kept my mouth shut, but I'm not going to any longer because Brenda doesn't deserve the shit Cindy is putting her through."

Jim snorted. "I've went off on Cindy several times in the last couple days. I'm tired of her acting like everything she does or says is right because more often than not she's in the wrong. Come on in and we'll grab some things for Brenda and then go see her. I really can't wait to see how she looks with being pregnant. I have a feeling that she glows with it because I have no doubt that she already loves those babies."

Jack smiled softly as he followed Jim into the house. He knew that Cindy would probably hear anything he talked to Jim about, but he was done with trying to spare her feelings on anything to do with Brenda and Dylan. "From the picture Felice Martin sent me Dylan loves the babies already too. His was sat on the couch beside Brenda with his arms wrapped around her and his hand spread across her stomach. If I'm not mistaken the smile on his face is the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. Brenda and Dylan are going to be wonderful parents. They're going to make sure that their babies know just how much they are loved from the start. They'll finish their college degrees even with being parents."

Jim smirked. "I'm sure between you, Felice, John, and me that we can handle the babies when Brenda starts back at school after they're born. I have no doubt that Brenda will get her degree because she'll want to better herself because of the babies. Dylan will get his degree because he'll want to show the babies that an education is important. I'm just glad that Brenda was able to talk Dylan into going to college. There for a while I was sure she wasn't going to be able to talk him into it."

Jack shrugged. "Brenda used logic against him, and he agreed with whatever it was she told him. I don't think I really want to know what she did or said to get him to agree."

Jim snorted and then laughed as he led the way to where he boxed up some of Brenda's things. He packed them up and put them in a room only he could get into because he didn't trust his wife to not destroy them. He handed one box to Jack and then grabbed the other himself. Once they were back in the hallway, he put the box down and locked the door back up. He led the way back downstairs and ignored Cindy who was standing at the foot of the stairs with wide eyes. He knew with the way she had paled that she had heard everything he and Jack had been talking about. "Knowing Brenda, it is probably best that we don't know what she said to him to convince him to go to college, Jack. I love my daughter, but even I know that when it comes to her encouraging Dylan that it is best to just like the end result."

Jack threw his head back and laughed. Once he calmed down, he nodded before he turned his head to look at Cindy. "I'd advise you to leave Brenda alone, but I know that you won't listen. I'm only going to tell you once that if you cause problems with Brenda that you'll learn just why people are scared of me. You have done enough shit to your daughter and she doesn't need you or it in her life any longer. Brenda is more of a woman than you could ever hope to be, Cindy. I don't know why you did what you have, but I can promise you that it stops here and now. Brenda wants nothing to do with you and Brandon is close to wanting nothing to do with you too. Just because you can't keep your fucking legs closed doesn't mean that Brenda or Dylan can't. Those two haven't looked at anyone else since they locked eyes when you guys first moved here. You daughter is the woman she is because Jim raised her. I'd hate to see how she would have turned out had you raised her more than you did."

Jack turned his head to look at Jim once more. "Do you want to ride with me or follow me?"

Jim shook his head. "I'll follow behind you. Let me grab my keys and we can head out."

Jack nodded and watched as Jim grabbed his keys, wallet, and jacket. Once he was sure Jim had everything he wanted he led the way out of the Walsh house and to his car. He put the box he had in his hands in the trunk and waited on Jim to place his box beside it before he closed the trunk. He went around and climbed in his car and then backed out of the driveway so that Jim could follow him. Once he was sure the other man was following him, he led the way through the streets and to the Martin's house. He really couldn't wait to see the look on Jim's face when he saw Brenda for the first time in months.

A/N 2: *snorts* This chapter didn't go the way I was expecting... lol... I hope you all enjoyed it... Click the button and let me know what you think... Next up: Jim gets to see and talk to Brenda!